最大团,maximum clique
1)maximum clique最大团
1.A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper,the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。
2.Moreover,we also estimate the bound value of maximum clique number in the claw free graph.在此基础上给出了有关线图的一个充分必要条件和关于无爪图最大团的一个估
3.The order and the number of the maximum clique of graph C n(a 1,a 2,.求出了循环图 Cn( a1 ,a2 ,… ,ak)在转移序列满足一定条件时的最大团的阶及其个数。

1.Study on Maximum Clique and Maximum Weighted Independent Set Problem Based on Q0-1 Programming;Q0-1规划模型下最大团、最大加权独立集问题的研究
2.This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph.这个问题是寻找无权图的最大团问题的推广 .
3.Bivariate Entropy Function Method and Homotopy Method for Maximum Clique Problem;最大团问题的二元熵函数法及同伦方法
4.It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。
5.The Kings, one of San Antonio's largest gangs, recently started accepting young women.圣安东尼奥最大的团伙之一金氏集团最近开始接纳年轻女性。
6.The circus has the greatest show on earth.这马戏团有全世界最伟大表演。
7.- That outfit in the desert.- Our biggest contributors.-沙漠里的那团队 -对,我们最大的赞助商
8.The group grew and eventually became the American Red Cross.这个团体最后壮大成为“美国红十字会”。
9.The largest group of quality wineries in South Africa.这是南非最大的顶级葡萄酒庄集团。
10.Pontine nucleus(PN) is the most important relayed nucleus between cerebrum and cerebellum.桥核是大、小脑之间最重要的中继核团。
11.The Sudanese government sent the biggest delegation.苏丹政府此次派去的代表团规模最大。
12.Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three best children's chorales.科罗拉多童声合唱团是世界最著名的三大合唱团之一。
13.In Boston, the two biggest female gangs are every bit as ruthless as the boys.在波士顿,两个最大的女性团伙不折不扣地和男性团伙一样残忍。
14.In 2004, BHP Billiton, the largest mining group in the world, posted turnover of US$9.6 billion.必和必拓集团是世界最大的矿业集团,2004年的营业额是96亿美元。
15.who shall have done the most or the best work for brotherhood between nations...奖给为促进民族团结友好尽到最大努力或做出最大贡献的人……
16.It is say san francisco have the largest chinese community than anywhere else In the u.s .据说旧金山的华人团体是全美国最大的。
17.It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before.这是一个有史以来最大规模的团队协作的世界。
18.The best musicians are invited to join the Oxford University orchestra.最好的演奏者将被邀请加入牛津大学交响乐团。

maximal clique最大团
1.In this article,we introduce maximal connected subgraphs、maximal clique and perfect match of graph theory in biology especially in the study of protein structure research applications.本文介绍了最大连通子图、最大团和完美匹配等图论知识在生物学尤其在研究蛋白质结构研究方面的应用。
3)maximum clique problem最大团
1.Bivariate Entropy Function Method and Homotopy Method for Maximum Clique Problem;最大团问题的二元熵函数法及同伦方法
2.The maximum clique problem (MCP) is a classical problem in combinatorial optimization.最大团问题(Maximum clique problem,MCP)是图论中经典的组合优化问题。
1.Mutual information combined with clique analysis method is introduced to identify differentially co-expressed disease-related genes at the level of biological modules from gene expression data.为了挖掘基因表达数据中的差异共表达致病基因模块,提出了基于互信息和最大团相结合的方法。
5)maximum weight clique最大权团
1.The algorithm converts surface matching problem into maximum weight clique searching problem in graph theory, and the optimal point correspondence set is represented by the maximum weight clique.提出一种将曲面匹配问题转化为图论中的最大权团搜索问题、将最优的点对应关系用最大权团表示的曲面粗匹配算法,该算法分为点匹配、点对应图构造和最大权团生成等3个阶段。
2.Then the maximum weight clique of this graph has the .首先将中药配方优化问题转化为求无向图的最大权团问题:选取6种具有抑制大肠杆菌生长功效的中药作为图的顶点,分别做抑菌试验,将它们的抑菌圈直径作为顶点的权。
3.Given an undirected graph with weights on the vertices,the maximum weight clique problem is to find a subset of mutually adjacent vertices(i.给定顶点赋权的无向图 ,图的最大权团问题是寻找每个顶点都相邻的顶点子集 (团 )具有最大权 。
6)maximum clique problem最大团问题
1.Studies on the Entropic Regularization Method for the Maximum Clique Problem;最大团问题的熵正则化方法研究
2.Research on ACO for Solving the Maximum Clique Problem;最大团问题的蚁群算法研究
3.For the objective to decrease the DNA volume of the maximum clique problem which is a famous NP-complete problem,the pruning strategy is introduced into the DNA supercomputing and a new DNA algorithm is proposed.将图灵机中的剪枝算法设计技术应用于最大团问题的DNA计算中,提出一种最大团问题的新DNA计算机算法。
