低碘,Iodine deficiency
1)Iodine deficiency低碘
1.Conclusion: Iodine deficiency could enhance the.目的 :研究低碘大鼠脾脏淋巴细胞的超微结构。
2.[Objective] The mechanism of learning and memory impairment in rat induced by fluoride and iodine deficiency and correlation of fluoride and iodine were studied, to provide the important and scientific basis for the specific prevention of fluorosis and iodine deficiency.[目的]研究高氟、低碘导致学习记忆障碍的相关机制及氟碘相互作用的关系,为制定针对性的预防措施,减少氟中毒、低碘病的流行提供重要的理论依据。
3.Objective To explore the effects of selenium and/or iodine deficiency on chondrocyte apoptosis in articular cartilage in rats.目的研究低硒和/或低碘对子三代大鼠软骨细胞凋亡的影响。

1.Experimental Study on Effects of Potassium Iodate and Potassium Iodide on the Antioxidative Capability of Brain of Iodine Deficiency Rats;碘化钾、碘酸钾对低碘大鼠脑组织抗氧化能力影响的实验研究
2.About 50% of population drink water with low level of iodine ( <10μg/L ) .约有50%的人口饮用低碘水(<10微克/升)。
3.Experimental Study on Effects of Potassium Iodate and Potassium Iodide in Different Dosage on Male Reproductive System of Iodine Deficiency Rat;低碘大鼠补充不同剂量碘酸钾和碘化钾对雄性生殖系统影响的实验研究
4.Effects of Fluoride and Iodine Deficiency on the Growth and Cerebral Functions in the Filial Generation of Rats;高氟低碘对子代大鼠生长发育及脑组织的影响
5.Effects of Selenium and/or Iodine Deficiency on Chondrocyte Apoptosis in Rats低硒和/或低碘对子三代大鼠关节软骨细胞凋亡的影响
7.Effects of Low-Iodine Diet on the Expression of Homeobox Gene Nkxs and Cell Apoptosis in Rat Cerebral Tissue;低碘膳食对大鼠脑组织中同源盒基因Nkxs表达及细胞凋亡的影响
8.Study on DNA Damage Induced by High Fluoride and Low Iodine in Aged Rats;高氟低碘对老年大鼠不同脏器细胞DNA损伤的研究
9.The Impact of Low Iodine Pregnant Rats Supplied Thyroid Hormones on the Expression of NKXs of Future Generations Cerebral Tissues低碘孕鼠补充甲状腺激素对仔鼠脑组织中NKXs表达的影响
10.The Effects of Supplying Thyroid Hormones to Low-iodine Pregnant Rats on Brain Development and Intelligence in the Neonatal Rats低碘孕鼠补充甲状腺激素对子代脑发育及智力的影响
11.Expression of AP-1 and TGF-β1 in kidney of iodine deficient rats and its significanceAP-1和TGF-β1在低碘大鼠肾脏组织中的表达及意义
12.High-Fluoride and Low-Iodine Induce Histopathological Changes and DNA Damage in the Brain of Offspring Rats高氟低碘对Wistar大鼠大脑组织病理学及DNA损伤的影响
13.Effects of Low-iodine Diet on the Expression of Homeobox Gene NKX-2.2 in Rat Cerebrum Tissue低碘膳食对大鼠脑组织中同源盒基因NKX-2.2表达的影响
14.Effect of Prolonged Selenium and Iodine Deficiency on Morphology and PCNA/TTF-1 Expression in Thyroid Gland of F3 Developing Rat;长期低硒、低碘对仔代发育期大鼠甲状腺形态结构及PCNA、TTF-1表达的影响
15.Effects of Prolonged Selenium, Iodine Deficiency on Activities of Antioxidase Systems and Concentrations of Encephalic Monoamine Neurotransmitters of F3, F4 Developing Rats;长期低硒低碘对仔三、四代发育期大鼠抗氧化酶及脑中单胺类神经递质的影响
16.Study on the Effects of BMP-2 and IGF-1 on Osteoblasts from Normal and Iodine Deficient Rats;骨形态发生蛋白-2和胰岛素样生长因子-1对正常和低碘大鼠成骨细胞作用的研究
17.Iodine-assisted Synthesis of Silicon Nitride, Aluminum Nitride at Low Temperature碘辅助低温合成氮化硅、氮化铝纳米材料
18.Lithium carbonate plus ~(131)I for treatment of low iodine uptake in hyperthyroidism碳酸锂配合~(131)I治疗低摄碘率甲状腺功能亢进

iodine-deficient forage低碘饲料
1.Methods:We fed 4 week-old Wistar rats with iodine-deficient forage and deionized water for 3 months and studied the relative indexes of thyroid.方法:给予4周龄Wistar大鼠低碘饲料和去离子水喂养3个月,全面观察甲状腺各项相关指标的变化。
3)low pressure iodine lamp低压碘灯
1.In this paper,a set of high data rate UV communication experiment system is designed by using a low pressure iodine lamp as transmitter.通过对低压汞灯发光机制的研究,解释了该缺点产生的根本原因,在此基础上设计并研制出一套用低压碘灯为通信光源的高速紫外光通信实验系统。
5)Areas with lowiodine低碘地区

碘吡多 ,碘异酞醇,碘帕醇药物名称:碘帕醇英文名:Iopamidol别名: 碘必乐;碘吡多 ,碘异酞醇,碘帕醇外文名:Iopamidol , Niopam药理作用: 本品系非离子型X线造影剂,含碘量高,具有很好的显影作用,对血管壁及神经组织毒性低,性质稳定,不良反应较少,适应范围广。 适应症: 适用与各种血管造影、CT增强扫描、泌尿道造影以及蛛网膜下腔应用的脊髓造影、脑池造影等。 用量用法: 1.心血管造影:用碘帕醇370,1-1.2ml/kg。 2.CT增强扫描:用碘帕醇300-370,0.5-2ml/kg。 3.其他造影检查:视检查部位及病人年龄等不同而定。 注意事项: 1.可有眩晕、恶心、呕吐、荨麻疹、胸闷等,一般较轻。偶有支气管痉挛、过敏性休克等严重反应。 2.有碘过敏史、过敏体质,心、肝、肾功能不全,甲状腺功能亢进、年老及婴幼儿、孕妇等慎用或禁用。 3.使用前应做碘过敏试验。 4.对有高危因素,但又必须检查者,应做好抢救准备。 规格: 注射剂:碘帕醇100:100mgI/ml;碘帕醇200;200mgI/ml;碘帕醇300:300mgI/ml;碘帕醇370:370mgI/ml。 类别:X线造影剂