先天性角化不良,Dyskeratosis congenita
1)Dyskeratosis congenita先天性角化不良
1.Dyskeratosis congenita is a rare multi system disease mainly involving mesoblast and ectoderm.先天性角化不良是一种罕见的多系统疾病 ,主要累及中胚层和外胚层 ,约 80 %以上的患者发生骨髓衰竭 ,并于早期死亡。
2)Congenital hypoplasia先天性发育不良
3)congenital malabsorption先天性吸收不良
4)congenital acetabulum displasia先天性髋臼发育不良
1.Acetabular reconstruction of total hip replacement in congenital acetabulum displasia of adult;成人先天性髋臼发育不良全髋置换术中髋臼重建

1.Primary Zweymuller Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty for Adult Congenital Acetabular Dysplasia;Zweymueller螺旋臼在成人先天性髋臼发育不良外科治疗中应用的初步探讨
2.Total hip replacement for 20 adults with acetabular dysplasia complicated by severe osteoarthritis or femoral neck fracture先天性髋臼发育不良伴严重骨性关节炎或股骨颈骨折全髋置换20例
3.Modified rotational acetabular osteotomy for the treatment of adult acetabular dysplasia改良髋臼旋转截骨术治疗髋臼发育不良
4.Total HIP Arthroplasty for Treatment of Developmental Dysplasia of the HIP;人工全髋置换术治疗先天性髋关节发育不良
5.The Observation on Improved Pemberton Arthroplasty Cure the Developmental Dislocation of Hip on the Development of the Acetabulum;改良Pemberton髋臼成形术治疗发育性髋关节脱位髋臼发育变化观察
6.Total Hip Replacement for Dysplasia of Hip Following Osteoarthritis in Adults;全髋关节置换治疗成人髋臼发育不良并骨性关节炎
7.The progress of osteotomy on adult acetabular dysplasia成人髋臼发育不良截骨治疗研究进展
8.Exploration of procedures for treatment of acetabular dysplasia in 289 cases289例髋臼发育不良治疗方法探讨
9.Total hip prosthesis with small incision treating 8 patients with acetabulum hypoplasia小切口全髋关节置换术治疗8例髋臼发育不良
10.Total Hip Arthroplasty for Treatment of Acetabular Dysplasia;人工全髋置换术治疗成人髋臼发育不良
11.Clinical observation of rotational osteotomy along the acetabulum for the treatment of acetabulum dysplasia secondary to arthritis沿髋臼旋转截骨术治疗髋臼发育不良并继发关节炎效果观察
12.Analysis of 32 cases with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) rteateol by vatavy hip-bone dismen berment应用髋臼旋转截骨术治疗髋臼发育不良32例分析
13.Acetabulum and Femoral Head Plasty Combinetion with TONG-LUO-SHENG-GU Capsule Treat Adults DDH a Clinic Study;髋臼股骨头成形术结合通络生骨胶囊治疗成人髋臼发育不良
14.Clinical Study on Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy for the Treatment of Adult Acetabular Dysplasia;Bernese髋臼周围截骨术治疗成人髋臼发育不良的临床研究
15.The mechanism of the acetabulum and femoral head plasty treating adults DDH;髋臼股骨头成形术治疗成人髋臼发育不良的机制分析
16.Correlation between the acetabular component loosing rate of bone-cement total hip replacement and the severity of the development dysplasia of the hip髋关节发育不良的严重程度与骨水泥型全髋关节置换术后髋臼假体松动的相关性
17.A Modified Acetabuloplasty Procedure for Redislocated Cases of CDH after Operative Treatment--(Report of 6 Cases)改良髋臼成形术治疗先天性髋关节脱位术后再脱位(附6例报告)
18.Diagnosis and Treatment of Acetabular Dysplasia and Clinical Report;髋臼发育不良的诊断与治疗及临床随访报告

Congenital hypoplasia先天性发育不良
3)congenital malabsorption先天性吸收不良
4)congenital acetabulum displasia先天性髋臼发育不良
1.Acetabular reconstruction of total hip replacement in congenital acetabulum displasia of adult;成人先天性髋臼发育不良全髋置换术中髋臼重建
5)Congenital malrotation of intestine先天性肠旋转不良
6)muscular dystrophy/congenital肌营养不良/先天性

先天性骨化性纤维发育不良综合征先天性骨化性纤维发育不良综合征 为常染色体显性遗传,90%的患者是新突变而来,已知父母年老是一个因素。表现:特殊的纤维发育不良,导致骨化可在胎儿期或晚至25岁时显现,多数起自儿童早期。■趾短,常有并趾,但拇指短较少见。纤维组织发育不良,肿胀,有时伴有发热疼痛,发生在腱膜、筋膜、肌腱中,导致肌肉及纤维组织骨化,最明显在颈、背部,肢体近端