选择效率世代指数,generation index of selection efficiency
1)generation index of selection efficiency选择效率世代指数

1.Research on Dynamics of Selection Limit and the Generation Index of Selection Efficiency选择极限的动力学及选择效率世代指数研究
2.In selecting those characters by selection index, the efficiency of selection is dir-ectly proportional to the number of charactrs selected.利用选择指数进行选择,选择效率有随参加选择性状数的增加而提高的趋势。
3.Study on the Index Choosing and Method of Urbanization Evaluation Based on ANP and DEA;城市化相对效率评价指标选择及评价方法研究
4.Particularity of Government Efficiency and Its Indexes for Measure;政府效率的特殊性及其测度指标的选择
5.Input/output Indication Choice for DEA Efficiency Evaluation to Commercial Banks商业银行DEA效率评价投入产出指标选择研究
6.The Research of Chinese Commercial Banks Dynamic Efficiency--Criterions Choosing Based on Factor Analysis and factors analysing by panel data;商业银行的动态效率评价——基于主成分分析的指标选择和面板数据因素分析
7.Mill Chase Quality Parameters and Efficiency Goal with Clothing Choice造纸厂选择网毯来达到质量参数和效率
8.Non-efficiency of CMS and Choice on Way of Refinance;少数股权控股的非效率性及再融资方式选择
9.At the sometime the choice of reagent and equipment parameter to the influence of treatment effect is pointed out.同时指出药剂、备参数的选择对处理效果的影响。
10.Analysis of bank credidt industry selection based on venture-efficiency composite index;基于风险效益综合指数的银行信贷行业选择
11.Analysis of the Selection and Efficiency of Pointer and Array in C Language;C语言中指针与数组的选用及效率剖析
12.Fixed or flexible?--Getting the exchange rate right in the 1990s;固定还是浮动?——20世纪90年代以来国际汇率制度的选择
13.A Positive Study on Replacement of ISEB by Rate of Profit to Tax on Funds;资金利税率取代经济效益综合指数的实证研究
14.Culture selection needs the leading of advanced world outlook. History research reflects distinct age spirit.文化选择 ,需要先进的世界观的指导 ,历史研究 ,体现鲜明的时代精神。
15.Wenchuan,Sichuan Aba Teacher s College Department Preparalory Course;效率优先 兼顾公平的制度选择是社会主义本质论的时代内容
16.Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Performance:A Panel Data Study,1990~2005汇率制度选择和宏观经济绩效——基于面板数据的分析:1990~2005
17.trade-weighted effective exchange rate index贸易加权有效汇率指数
18.applying restricted index to select brix on the field and to restrict stalk weight per clump can obtain the best selection effects;应用约束指数对田间锤度进行选择,而对丛蔗茎重进行约束,可望获得理想的选择效果.

Selection efficient选择效率
3)Selection efficiency选择效率
1.Satisfactory selection efficiency and background suppression level are achieved.6蒙特卡罗模拟,作为一种唯象的研究,对于LHCPP对撞中来自H→r+r-,Drell-Yan,以及tt和W+W-过程的eμ事例,用一具有多个输出网点的前馈式神经元网络进行鉴别,对各物理过程均获得了满意的选择效率和本底压低水平。
2.To study the selection efficiency for 5 traits selected in the swine breeding plan by LE,LD and DR marker in MAS and GAS in 5 discrete generations,respectively,3 closed nucleus base populations were designed: 100,200,300 sows,and 10 boars each population,where the pigs were unrelated.结果表明,利用DR标记在各种情况下都比利用LD和LE标记获得的选择效率高;5个性状中,MAS对低遗传力、限性性状NBA的选择效率最高;当性状的QTL方差占遗传方差基本相同时,中等遗传力性状FCR的选择效率比高遗传力性状BF的更高;当性状的遗传力差异不大时,QTL方差占遗传方差比例大的性状FCR的选择效率比QTL方差占遗传方差比例小的性状ADG的更高。
4)choice efficiency选择效率
1.Internal production efficiency in firm is determined by external consumers′ choice efficiency.有效率的生产效率,是由厂商外部消费者的选择效率的高低来决定的。
2.It proves that the brand declines choice cost and improves choice efficiency that decides production efficiency of the enterprise.本文通过对选择爆炸式增长的描述,抽象出一般选择过程模型,并深入分析这一过程中所发生的成本及构成,证明品牌正是通过降低消费者的选择成本提高了选择效率,而企业外部顾客的选择效率决定了处于过剩阶段企业的内部价值的实现和内部效率的高低。
5)index selection指数选择
1.These include theoretical researches and applications of marker-assisted backcrossing, index selection, and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) in animal and plant breeding.:本文系统地介绍了近年来有关标记辅助选择改良数量性状的研究进展 ,主要包括标记辅助回交、指数选择与最佳线性无偏预测的理论和应用研究概况。
6)selection index选择指数
1.Regression and comprehensive selection index analysis were used to study the yield structure of strong heterosis in hybrid wheat according to the result of yield grouping.利用Nair单性状水平分组法将36个杂交组合分为4组,按产量分组结果对强优势杂交组合的产量结构进行回归和综合选择指数分析。
2.By the weight of characters,the index of low nitrogen stress and value at low nitrogen stress,the method for calculating selection index of low nitrogen stress was set up.利用性状的重要性程度、低氮胁迫指数与性状表现,建立了甘蔗低氮胁迫选择指数计算方法。
3.The selection index was been made dependent on breeding goats,which needn t determine the economic value of traits selected.本文利用育种目标制订综合选择指数 ,无须确定性状的经济加权值 ,将该法应用于“荣昌猪瘦肉型品系选育”中 ,其综合选择指数为 :I =- 0 1 5 2 6X1(背膘厚 ) +0 0 0 84X2 (日增重 ) +1 4 4 40 7X3 (体长指数 ) ,间接选择瘦肉率 (Y)。

配置效率和生产效率  在经济学上,经济发展的动力,或者说效率的来源,分为两类:一类是配置效率,二是生产效率。所谓配置效率,是指给定资源和技术的条件下,怎么样使资源从边际生产率低的地方流向边际生产率高的地方,从而使得资源和利用更合理、社会总价值达到最大;而生产效率是指如何通过技术进步提高每一种资源的生产率,也就是把社会的生产可行性边界向外移。