性晚熟,delayed puberty
1)delayed puberty性晚熟
1.This review briefly introduced the relationships between mutations of DAX1,KAL1,FGFR1,PROP1,PROKR2/PROK2 genes and delayed puberty in mammals.作者简要介绍了DAX1、KAL1、FGFR1、PROP1、PROKR2/PROK2基因突变与哺乳动物性晚熟的关系。
2.Mutations of the genes encoding gonadotrophins and their receptors may cause delayed puberty.编码促性腺激素及其受体基因的突变可能引起哺乳动物性晚熟

1.Advances on Related Genes with Delayed Puberty in Mammals哺乳动物性晚熟相关基因的研究进展
2.Advances on Five Related Genes with Delayed Puberty in Mammals哺乳动物性晚熟5个相关基因的研究进展
3.a slow [fast, quick] grower晚 [早] 熟植物
4.Selective Breeding of Large-fruit-grain,Late-maturing,High-quality Pomegranate Clone ZX03-1大粒晚熟石榴优良无性系ZX03-1选育
5.The shortcoming of9365 is the high plant, late maturation and the resistance to stripe rust controlled by recessive genes.其缺点是植株偏高、熟偏晚、性受隐性基因控制。
6.Effect of Exogenous Acetaldehyde on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Medium-Term and Late Maturity Peaches During Storage外源乙醛对中熟和晚熟桃果实采后活性氧代谢的影响
7.Formation Mechanism of a Late-Ripening Bud Mutant of Navel Orange (Citrus Sinensis Osbeck);脐橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)晚熟芽变性状形成机理研究
8.Studies on Adaptability of Spring Soybean Varieties in Middle-Late-Maturity Soybean Area of Northern China北方春大豆中晚熟区域品种适应性的研究
9.Active Oxygen Metabolism and Activity of Anti-oxidant Enzymes of Pericarp Tissues in Late Longan Cultivars晚熟龙眼果实挂树期果皮活性氧代谢及抗氧化酶活性
10.Correlation and Path Analysis between Yield and Main Agronomic Characters of Late-maturing Maize Hybrids in Jilin Province吉林省晚熟玉米杂交种主要农艺性状与产量的相关和通径分析
11.Transfer Genic Male Sterile Gene of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage to Flowering Chinese Cabbage"80 days"白菜细胞核雄性不育基因向晚熟菜心品种“80天菜心”的转育
12.Respiration Rate, Cell Membrane Permeability and Some Quality Traits of the Fruit of Late Longan Cultivars in the Tree晚熟龙眼挂树期果实呼吸强度、细胞膜透性及若干品质变化
13.Correlation and Path Analysis between Yield and Main Agronomic Traits of Mid-late Mature Maize Hybrids in Jilin Province吉林省中晚熟玉米杂交种主要农艺性状与产量的相关和通径分析
14.Analysis of Yield Stability of New Late-ripening Winter Wheat Varieties from Eastern Gansu Province by AMMI Model利用AMMI模型分析甘肃陇东晚熟冬小麦新品种产量稳定性
15.Evaluation of Prematurity and Late-maturity Phleum Pratense L. Germplasm Resourses in Alpine Pastoral Regions;高寒牧区猫尾草早熟、晚熟种质资源的评价
16.On the “Early - bom while Late - mature”and “Late - born while Precocious” in Civilization: A Comparison and Reflection about Chinese and British Civilization Characteristics文明的“早生晚熟”和“晚生早熟”——中、英两国文明特征的比较与反思
17.She really hopes to have a sound sleep after going to a doctor tomorrow night.她真希望看过医生后明天晚上能熟睡。
18.She slept soundly of nights without a dream.她晚上经常睡得很熟,不作梦。

1.Breeding of New Late-ripening Peach Cultivar Jinqiuhongmi ;晚熟桃新品种——金秋红蜜的选育研究
2.Report on Breeding of A New Late-ripening,High Quality Peach Variety Meishuai;优质晚熟桃新品种美帅的选育
3.A New Late-ripening and Good Quality Peach Variety Meishuai ;优质晚熟桃新品种‘美帅’
1.Via 2 years study on prematurity and late-maturity of introducted and domesticated Phleum pratense L.)早熟、晚熟材料的研究,结果表明: 1。
1.Discuss on Existence Question and Breeding of Late-maturing Corn Hybrids;晚熟玉米杂交种存在的问题及选育的探讨
2.Selective Breeding of Large-fruit-grain,Late-maturing,High-quality Pomegranate Clone ZX03-1大粒晚熟石榴优良无性系ZX03-1选育
3.‘Subai 1’ is a new late-maturing white loquat cultivar,selected from the resource of white loquat in Dongting region.5%,甜酸适口,汁多,品质上等,耐贮性好;晚熟,成熟期在6月上中旬。
5)late maturity晚熟
1.Breeding and Selection of a Variety of Late-maturing Peach "Qiuhongmi";晚熟桃优良新品种“秋红蜜”的选育报告

晚熟晚熟postcocity 与早熟相反。女性在形态上晚熟的有一般男性特征,男性晚熟的有高度男性特征。