密码解读,code reading
1)code reading密码解读

1.Reading of Intertextuality and Narrative Code of Blok's Nightingale Park勃洛克长诗《夜莺园》的互文性和叙事密码解读
2.The key to such a system.密码的解读这种系统的解释
3.Interact with us to unveil your internal world.快与我们互动,解读您内心的密码。
4.Such a procedure coded for a computer.程式为计算机解读密码的程序
5.Profound cultural code--Analysis of Lao She s humor art;深刻的文化密码——老舍幽默艺术解读
6.Decode the Culture of Naxi Nationality--Female Sheepskin Cape解读纳西民族文化的密码——女性羊皮披肩
7.Weeping for the Darkness of Man s Heart--Deciphering the Codes of Intertextuality in Lord of the Flies;“为人心的黑暗而哭泣”——解读《蝇王》中的互文性密码
8.Method of Trisection: Interpretation of Chinese Culture?;三分法:解读中国文化的密码?——再与庞朴先生商榷
9.A Cipher Code in the Computension of the Fate of Hsi-feng--Ana Alysis to "First complies, then commands, then is discarded;解读王熙凤命运的密码——“一从二令三人木”探析
10.The two clues to Deng Xiaoping s principle of letting the minority be prosperous first;解读邓小平少数先富论中的两个“免疫密码”
11.Research on Historical Secrect Code for Breaking Reality--On "History in Crack"by ZHU Hong;探寻解读现实的历史密码——读朱鸿的《夹缝中的历史》
12.cryptanalysis:The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems.密码分析:对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解.
13.The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems.密码分析对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解
14.password cracking口令破解,密码破解
15.A Scheme of Encryption and Decryption of Public Key Cryptosystems一种公开密钥密码体制加密、解密方案
16.A Successful Combination of Tradiation and Post-Modernism:The Success of The Da Vinci Code传统与后现代的巧妙融合——《达·芬奇密码》的成功解读
17.Epitome of Folk Custom:Decode Li Nationality in Qing Dynasty;民族风俗的精彩缩影——解读《清代黎族风俗图》的密码
18.Decoding Life--On Women s circumstances in Chi Li s novels in the 1990s;解读生命的密码—试论20世纪90年代池莉小说中的女性境遇

reading frame displacement解读密码位移;解读移码
3)Read encryption读密码
5)language decoding语码解读
6)genetic code triplet reading frame遗传密码三联体解读码组

密码错读分子式:CAS号:性质: 这是生物化学中蛋白质生物合成方面的概念。指一种与原密码子所代表的氨基酸相异的另一个氨基酸被掺入到正在合成的肽链中,从而造成读码出错。