手足裂畸形,Split hand/split foot malformation
1)Split hand/split foot malformation手足裂畸形
1.Objective Split hand/split foot malformation (SHFM) is a congenital limb developmental disorder, which impairs the fine activities of hand/foot in the affected individuals seriously.目的手足裂畸形(split-hand/split-foot malformation,SHFM)是一种严重影响患者精细活动的先天性肢端畸形。

1.Mapping and Analysis of Disease Gene for Two Chinese Pedigree with Hand and Foot Malformation两个中国人手足裂畸形家系致病位点的定位和分析
2.Surgical correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to the repairment of congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂术后继发重度上颌骨发育不足畸形的手术矫治
3.Postaxial polydactyly of both hands and feet:a case report双手双足轴后性多指(趾)畸形1例报告
4.deformed thalidomide babies; his poor distorted limbs; an ill-shapen vase; a limp caused by a malformed foot; misshapen old fingers.畸形的镇定剂婴儿;他四肢畸形;难看的花瓶;因足部畸形而一跛一跛地走;苍老变形的手指。
5.Clinical evaluation of cleft lip nasal deformity with frontal alar cartilage suspension鼻翼额部悬吊术修复唇裂鼻畸形的手术探讨
6.Emergency surgical treatment for arteriovenous malformation with intracranial hemorrhage脑动静脉畸形破裂出血的急诊手术治疗
7.Surgical treatment of thoracic hemivertebra and diastematomyelia胸椎半椎体畸形合并脊髓纵裂的手术治疗
8.A foot so deformed.畸形足这样变形的脚
9.a deformity in which the space between the third and fourth toes extends up into the foot.第三第四脚趾裂缝畸形。
10.The Research of Secondary Unilateral Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity Classification and Surgical Methods单侧唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形分类及手术方法的研究
11.Simultaneous bimaxillary orthognathic surgery and bone grafting for correction of secondary severe bimaxillary deformities in cleft patients双颌手术同期植骨矫治唇腭裂术后严重双颌畸形
12.Having more than the normal number of digits.多指(或趾)畸形的有超过正常数目的足趾或手指的
13.A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits多指(或趾)畸形的人(或动物)有超过正常数目足趾或手指的人或动物
14.cleft palate ;deformed condition in which the roof of a person's mouth is split at birth唇裂(出生时唇板裂开的畸形).
15.Study about the Effects of Different Cleft Malformation on Speech in Patients with Cleft Palate;腭裂畸形程度对腭裂语音影响的研究
16.The operation remedied his twisted foot手术矫正了他畸形的脚。
17.Simultaneous Synthesis Operation of the Secondary Deformities of Cleft Li;单侧唇裂继发畸形的综合修复整形术
18.It was demonstrated by computed tomography, which showed hemoperitoneum and fat-fluid levels in the peritoneum.于手术前高度怀疑后腹腔畸形瘤破裂至腹腔,而在手术中及术后病理检查确定诊断。

Hand-foot deformity手足畸形
4)talipomanus and talipes手足畸型
1.We describe a seven-generation large family with talipomanus and talipes, 175 individuals in this family were involved.发现一个连续遗传 7代的手足畸型大家系 ,共计 175人 ,有 32人发病 ,男性 18人 ,女性 14人 ,可疑男性 1人 ,患者表型复杂轻重不一 ,但双手均对称屈曲畸形 ,垂直踞骨导致足内翻或外翻。
5)foot deformities足畸形
6)foot deformity足畸形

手足不仁手足不仁 手足不仁   证名。手足不知痛痒,不觉寒热的症象。出《素问·本病论》。由邪气壅盛,正气为邪气闭状,郁而不发,荣卫血气虚少,不能通行所致。《金匮要略心典·腹满寒疝宿食病脉证治》:“手足不仁,或身疼痛,阳痹于外也,此为寒邪兼伤表里,故当表里并治。”可见于中风后遗症、痹证等疾患。