Rothmund-Thomson综合症,Rothmund Thomson syndrome
1)Rothmund Thomson syndromeRothmund-Thomson综合症
2)Rothmund-Thomson syndromeRothmund-Thomson综合征
1.Rothmund-Thomson syndrome;Rothmund-Thomson综合征
3)acetic-acid syndrome醋综合症
4)Cyclops syndromeCyclops综合症
1.Objective To investigate the occurrence of Cyclops syndrome after anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconstruction with semitendinosus and gracilis tendon.目的:研究采用自体半腱肌腱和股薄肌腱重建前交叉韧带(ACL)后膝关节内Cyclops综合症的发生情况。
5)Brugada syndromeBrugada综合症
1.The results showed that the ECG waveforms under Brugada syndrome present ST-segment elevation with a pronounced J wave .这与临床医学上的报道基本符合,本研究为用计算机仿真建模研究Brugada综合症打下了基础。
6)syndrome xX综合症

1.Potential pharmacological treatment of fragile X syndrome during adulthood成年脆性X综合症的潜在药物治疗(英文)
2.Turner's syndrome【医】(由于X染色体的单体性所引起的)特纳氏综合症
3.The Expression and Meaning of Liver x Receptor in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome Patients肝x受体在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症患者的表达及意义
4.carpal tunnel syndrome1. 【医】腕管综合症
5.A combination of symptoms, including fever, lymphadenopathy, blood abnormalities, and susceptibility to opportunistic infections.The complex was first considered to be a precursor to AIDS, but it is now thought of as a milder form of the disease.综合症状综合症状,包括发烧、皮质淋巴
6.Research progress of Leigh syndrome and Leigh likeness syndromeLeigh综合症和Leigh样综合症研究进展
7.Of or relating to Down syndrome.唐氏综合症,蒙古症唐氏综合症或与之有关的
8.closed head syndrome闭合形颅脑损伤综合症
9.episodic dyscontrol syndrome发作性控制不良综合症
10.myeloproliferative syndromes.骨髓增生的综合症状
11.fetal alcohol syndromeph.1. 胎儿醇中毒综合症
12.respiratory distress syndrome of newborn新生儿呼吸窘迫综合症
13.sudden unexplained death syndrome不明原因瘁死综合症
14.All-round (overall) reform of education in rural areas农村教育综合症改革
15.aphthosis Neumanni纽曼氏口疮病[综合症]
16.Hong Kong Down Syndrome Associatio香港唐氏综合症协会
17.premenstrual syndromeph.1. 【医】(月)经(期)前综合症
18.Andysis of chemical test questions about"3+x"comprehensive science in 2000~3003;2000~2003年“3+X”理科综合化学试题分析

Rothmund-Thomson syndromeRothmund-Thomson综合征
1.Rothmund-Thomson syndrome;Rothmund-Thomson综合征
3)acetic-acid syndrome醋综合症
4)Cyclops syndromeCyclops综合症
1.Objective To investigate the occurrence of Cyclops syndrome after anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconstruction with semitendinosus and gracilis tendon.目的:研究采用自体半腱肌腱和股薄肌腱重建前交叉韧带(ACL)后膝关节内Cyclops综合症的发生情况。
5)Brugada syndromeBrugada综合症
1.The results showed that the ECG waveforms under Brugada syndrome present ST-segment elevation with a pronounced J wave .这与临床医学上的报道基本符合,本研究为用计算机仿真建模研究Brugada综合症打下了基础。
6)syndrome xX综合症
