性发育启动,puberty onset
1)puberty onset性发育启动
1.Eleven genes within a QTL segment regulating mouse puberty onset on chromosome X were investigated to construct and optimize the method.文章以小鼠X染色体上影响性发育启动的QTL区段为例,选择11个目的基因进行了技术构建及优化,确定了该技术的检测灵敏度为102拷贝,通用引物与上游嵌合特异引物的比例以1:1为佳,并且验证了该技术的重复性和准确性。
2)repeating attack rejection转发启动抗扰性
3)elicitation education启发教育
1.This paper analyses the necessity and problems of the elicitation education of the entrants to take part in the CCP.文章从人才培养、党的建设和大学生思想教育的角度,分析了对大学生进行入党启发教育的必要性,分析了存在的问题,并依据大学生的思想实际和党章的基本要求,设计了大学生入党启发教育的内容体系和工作体系,对大学生新生入党启发教育进行了积极的探索。
4)heuristic education启发式教育
1.We should grasp the four important aspects in English teaching (interest education, goal education, heuristic education and method education) so as to improve the quality of English teaching.我们要牢牢抓住英语教学的四个侧重点:兴趣教育,目的教育,启发式教育和方法教育,来搞好英语教学。
2.As a sort of educational thoughts and practice,the thoughts of heuristic education have a long history in China.作为一种教育思想和实践,我国的启发式教育思想源远流长。

1.On Historical Origin of the Thoughts of Chinese Heuristic Education试析中国启发式教育思想的历史渊源
2.Establishment of Student Orientation and Change of Eliciting Education;学生主体地位的确立与启发式教育的创新
3.On Heuristic and Affective Teaching;谈教育教学中的“启发式”与“感发式”
4.On Heuristic Method of PE Teaching;论体育教学中的“启发式”教学模式
5.The "Inspire type teaching" in the athletics teaching;“启发式教学”在体育教学中的探讨
6.The analysis of elicitation method in teaching PE;浅谈“启发式”教学在体育教学中的应用
7.Application of Enlightenment Teaching in Physical Education;“启发式”教学在体育教学中的应用
8.From "Persuation"to"Eliciation":Two Writing Styles of Pedagogy Research;从“说服”到“启发”:教育学研究的两种范式
9.The Application of Elicitation Teaching Method in P. E. Class;启发式教学在体育课中的应用与探讨
10.The Application of "Heuristic" Teaching Mode in Athletics Teaching;浅析“启发式”教学模式在体育教学中的应用
11.On the application of scientific research and heuristic model of teaching in higher education科研与启发式教学模式在高等教育中的应用
12.Raising Teaching Quality of P.E Class With the Heuristic Method of Teaching;用启发式教学提高职教体育课的教学质量
13.Application of the Heuristic Teaching Method in the Art Education of National Secondary Normal School;民族中师美术教育中的启发式教学方法的应用
14.An Application of "Inspiring Type" Method at the Institute of Higher Education in the Athletics Teaching;浅析“启发式”教学在高校体育教学中的运用
16.Exploration on the Heuristic Teaching in Post Education of Power Station启发式教学在电站专业任职教育中的探索
17.Russian Current Developmental Mode of Graduate Education and Enlightenment;俄罗斯现行的研究生教育发展模式及启示
18.The Comparison and Inspiration of Foreign Adult Education Development Model;中外成人高等教育发展模式比较及启示

repeating attack rejection转发启动抗扰性
3)elicitation education启发教育
1.This paper analyses the necessity and problems of the elicitation education of the entrants to take part in the CCP.文章从人才培养、党的建设和大学生思想教育的角度,分析了对大学生进行入党启发教育的必要性,分析了存在的问题,并依据大学生的思想实际和党章的基本要求,设计了大学生入党启发教育的内容体系和工作体系,对大学生新生入党启发教育进行了积极的探索。
4)heuristic education启发式教育
1.We should grasp the four important aspects in English teaching (interest education, goal education, heuristic education and method education) so as to improve the quality of English teaching.我们要牢牢抓住英语教学的四个侧重点:兴趣教育,目的教育,启发式教育和方法教育,来搞好英语教学。
2.As a sort of educational thoughts and practice,the thoughts of heuristic education have a long history in China.作为一种教育思想和实践,我国的启发式教育思想源远流长。
5)firing start首发启动
1.Measures for firing start of self energy barrel revolving weapon has been analyzed.分析了内能源转管武器的首发启动方式,提出用微电机实现首发启动,并以此扩展在低射频下的变射频方式。
6)fermentation starting发酵启动
1.After the methane tank has been built, all links of the fermentation starting are the keys of producing the quality gas early.沼气池建成后,发酵启动的各个环节是早产气、产好气的关键。

性发育    性发育  sexplasia  是指生殖器官和第2性征的发育。是青春期发育的主要表现。女性的性发育包括性腺、性器官发育、月经初潮,第2性征的发育。进入青春期后,女孩的下丘脑——垂体——卵巢轴的功能很快发育。在下丘脑分泌的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的刺激下,垂体分泌的促卵泡素(FSH)及促黄体素(LH)增加,促使卵巢迅速增大、发育;分泌雌激素的量增加。在雌激素的作用下,内、外生殖器官发育,并逐渐成熟。子宫体明显增大、子宫颈相对变短。阴道变长变宽,黏液腺发育,有分泌物排出,并