哈迪-温伯格平衡,Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(HWE)
1)Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(HWE)哈迪-温伯格平衡
1.As the most important principle in population genetics,Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(HWE) is a rule to check whether observed genotypic frequencies and allele frequencies between parents and their off-spring are in equilibrium in a population.哈迪-温伯格平衡定律(Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,HWE)是群体遗传学中最重要的原理,是群体有性繁殖上下代之间基因频率与基因型频率是否保持平衡的检验尺度。

1.Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium testing and estimating of allele frequency哈迪-温伯格平衡检验及其基因频率的估计
2.The analysis results by GENEPOP software showed that the hypothesis of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium was rejected.群体遗传学分析结果表明,取样种群由于杂合子不足造成种群偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡
3.Segregation Analysis of Body Mass Index in Chinese and Hardy-Weinberg Disequilibrium Mapping for Quantitative Trait Locus;中国人群中体重指数的分离分析及数量性状位点的哈迪—温伯格不平衡定位
4.More on Hardy-Weinberg Law of Stability of Gene Frequency;关于基因频率稳定性的哈迪—温伯格定律的进一步探讨
5.balance temperature平衡温度 -井温仪的
6.Hardypick drifting machine哈迪皮克型平巷电钻机组
7.Dick and Jane Harper are an ordinary married couple.迪克和珍?哈波是对平凡夫妻。
8.ectric resistance self-balancing pyromter电阻自动平衡高温计
9.Harburg and his colleagues used a questionnaire to determine how the spouses responded to behaviour that they perceived as unfair.哈伯格及其同事通过问卷调查来测定受访夫妇对他们所认为的“不公平”行为如何反应。
10.A Study of the Philosophical Thoughts of Boharlin s Balance Theory(Third);布哈林平衡论的哲学思想研究(下)
11.A Study of the Philosophical Thoughts of Boharlin s Balance Theory(Middle);布哈林平衡论的哲学思想研究(中)
12.The Research of the Philosophical Thoughts of Boharlin s Theory of Balance;布哈林平衡论的哲学思想研究(上)
13.A Comment on the Materialist Dialectics Thoughts in Вухарин s Balance Theory;布哈林平衡论的唯物辩证法思想述评
14.Discussion of equilibrium relations for chemical reactions in perfect gases at constant temperature and volume等温、等容化学反应平衡时平衡关系的讨论
15.GW: It starts with the developers, and managers, too.温伯格:始于开发人员,也始于管理者。
16.Hartlib, Samuel哈特立伯(1600?普鲁士 埃尔宾~1662.3.12,英格兰 伦敦)
17.Noah taught in Glastonbury, Hartford and West Hartford.挪亚就开始在格拉斯顿伯里、哈特福德、西哈特福德等地教书。
18.Rubeus Hagrid: Harry! Harry! Happy birthday. You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet.鲁伯·格:哈利,哈利。生日快乐。你没事吧?怎么都不吭声呢?

Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium哈迪-温伯格不平衡
1.Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium(HWD)measures that do not depend on marker allele frequencies have been proposed using dense markers to fine map a quantitative trait lo- cus(QTL).使用紧密相邻的标记位点且与标记基因频率无关的哈迪-温伯格不平衡(HWD)指数被用来对数量性状位点(QTL)进行精细定位。
3)Hardy-Weinberg Law哈迪-温伯格定律
4)hardy weinberg's law哈迪 温伯格定律
5)denavit hartenberg coordinate system迪纳维特 哈坦伯格坐标系
6)Hagar Shipley哈格·希伯利

塞纳伯迪,P.M.  印度奥里萨语作家。出生在奥里萨邦北部的巴拉索尔港,从小失去父母,跟随叔父在家乡的港口谋生。他只上过三、四年学,通过自学通晓四、五种印度语言和英语。他倡导民族文化,开设印刷厂,创办报刊,从事印度史诗的翻译,创作小说、诗歌、散文。他的小说以纯朴、善良的织工、理发师和农民为主人公,揭露贪官污吏。反映现实生活的长篇小说《六亩八分地》揭露高利贷者的贪婪和凶残,对贫苦农民寄予同情。长篇历史小说《勒恰玛》描写18世纪马拉塔人对孟加拉和奥里萨地区的劫掠。此外还有小说《舅舅》和《赎罪》。他的短篇小说也反映了现实生活,揭露了社会的黑暗。