1.The Fable Features of Calvino s Short Fiction Black Sheep;卡尔维诺小说《黑羊》的寓言特点
2.A Banner of Early Qin Fables;先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜——庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同
3.Heavenly Inspiration and Grace ——on the fables in Zhuangzi;神来灵气 文彩天成——简论《庄子》寓言

1.A composer of fables.寓言寓言的创作者
2.used in or characteristic of or containing allegory.用在寓言中或具有寓言的特征或包含寓言的。
3.interpret as an allegory.使……寓言化或以寓言的形式表述。
4.This fable was written after the manner of Aesop.这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。
5.The Fable of September:"Afterword-like Writing"andMythology in the Form of Fable《九月寓言》:“代后记”与神话的寓言
6.On the History of the Development of Chinese Fables--Preface to the "New Interpretation of Selective Fables in all Dynasties"中国寓言发展史述略——《新译历代寓言选》前言
7.Relating to or characteristic of the animal fables of Aesop.伊索寓言式的有关伊索的动物寓言的,以伊索的动物寓言为特征的
8.A moral fable, especially one having animals or inanimate objects as characters.寓言道德寓言,尤指以动物或无生命物体作为角色的寓言
9.The Difference in Implied Meaning of Pre-Qin Fables and Aesop s Fables and Their Language Function;先秦寓言与伊索寓言的寓意构筑差异及言语功用
10.A Banner of Early Qin Fables;先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜——庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同
11.An Allegory Lost in Its Own Allegorical Possibilities;失去寓意的寓言——卡夫卡《一道圣旨》解读
12.The fable is given on the next page.这篇寓言登在下一页上。
13.Children delight in fables儿童都喜爱寓言故事。
14.a land famous in fable以寓言故事闻名的国家.
15.Children delinght in fables.儿童都爱听寓言故事。
16.A Greek fable teaches us,希腊寓言教导我们:
17.subtle, multivalent allegory.精妙、意义丰富的寓言
18.The stories are called Aesop's Fables.这些故事叫伊索寓言

1.An Allegory of the Aesthetic Approach to Human Civilization——Review on the Case of Work on Prometheus Myth in Work on Myth;人类文明审美化道路之寓言——以《神话研究》中普罗米修斯“神话创作”为例的述评
2.An Allegory of Man and Nature——An Ecological Aesthetic Analysis of Patrick White s Novel "The Tree of Man";人与自然关系的寓言——帕特里克·怀特小说《人树》的生态审美
1.A Simple Analysis on Effect of the Fables in Zhuangzi on Conserving the Archival Doucument;略析庄子寓言对保存档案文献的作用
2.By employing Fauconnier s Conceptual Integration Theory,this paper aims to analyze the process of how the readers understand and master the truth when they are reading the fables.寓言是将某种道理蕴涵其中的故事。
1.Through the myth of Chinese Americans, heroic epic and parable of the society, Kingston s writings combine Chinese traditional culture with their actual life in America and create their own cultural tradition so that they will be treated as a member of the country.汤亭亭的《女勇士》、《中国佬》、《孙行者》三部小说分别从华裔神话、英雄史诗与族群寓言三个方面表达了作者对于文化身份的诉求:将中国传统文化与华裔的实际生活相结合,创造出华裔自己的文化,要求真正成为美国多元文化社会中的一分子。
2.No matter what they are,fables as types of literature or allegories as forms of language,they have an inherent relation with metaphor,and it is proved by a large number of parables in the Pre-Qin Dynasty.其最为常见的表现形式就是大量而又广泛地运用“寓言”,无论是作为文学体裁的“寓言”还是作为语言形式的“寓言”,都与隐喻具有不可分割的内在联系。
3.These novel texts presented the fresh and clear parable appearance ,The role function of the family members have an unprecedented exertion.这批新家族 小说文本呈现了鲜明的寓言状态,这种寓言状态反映在家族内部的个体身上,家族成员的角色功能得到空前的 发挥。
5)fable style寓言体
6)"90% fable"寓言十九
1.For the idea of "90% fable" and "70% repetition"of Zhuangzi,it s an important hint to the theory of ideological and political education course of "05 new schemes".庄子"寓言十九重言十七"的思想,对于"05新方案"的思想政治理论课教学具有重要启示。
