
1.The style of his paintings is vast and gloomy.他的画风沉郁苍莽。
2.a mushy film, book, etc沉郁伤感的影片、 小说等.
3.To stray away into these forests drear,/alone, without a peer迷失在这沉郁的林中/孤独,无伴
4.Gloomy and desolate,but gorgeous--on the <thinking> by Mao Zedong;沉郁苍凉一华章——读毛泽东《七律·有所思》
5.A Dim and Gloomy Atmosphere--Impressions on poems by Li He;沉郁幽冷的气氛——谈李贺诗歌的意象
6.Heavy Sadness,Light and Primitive Simplicity --Discussion on the Art Style of Lu You′s Poems;沉郁悲怆 简淡古朴——陆游诗艺术风格论
7.be in the mopes郁郁不乐,意气消沉
8.and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.现在的他总是沉默寡言、郁郁寡欢。
9.His eyes were more meditative, and his expression was more sad.他的两眼更加郁郁沉思,表情更为凄楚。
10.The disease of brooding was beginning to claim him as a victim.他已经开始成为郁郁沉思这一毛病的牺牲品。
11.She was out of spirits; she had grown very silent; it seemed as if she had something on her mind.她郁郁寡欢,沉默不语,看样子像有什么心事似的。
12.Yu Dafu and Sato Haruo:A Comparison between To Perish and Melancholy of Countryside;从《沉沦》与《田园的忧郁》看郁达夫与佐藤春夫
13.Suggestive or expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness.忧心忡忡的,郁郁寡欢的让人联想起或表达忧郁的沉思的
14.and night came on with black and dismal looks.接着夜晚带着阴沉忧郁的脸色降临了。
15.A period of depression or unhappy listlessness.忧郁期没精打采的日子,消沉的日子
16.A profound melancholy seized him.他突然产生了一种深沉的忧郁情绪。
17.He relapsed into a moody silence.他又重新陷于忧郁的沉默中。
18.Dense gloom overcame him like a cowl沉重的阴郁象烟囱幅一样笼置着他。

1.The pomes, gloomy in feelings and styles, profound in comment, reaches a unity of form and content, and have made a great contribution to the ancient Chinese poems .王安石的咏史怀古诗善于抓住历史与现实的必然联系,多方面展现宋代的社会生活和诗人的胸襟抱负、人格理想,其议论精警,风格沉郁,达到了内容与形式的完美统一,对中国古代咏史怀古诗的发展做出了杰出的贡献。
2.The topic of this thesis to study is just main styles of Wei Zhuang’s poems,namely“fresh”and“gloomy”.本文即就韦诗的主体风格“清丽”和“沉郁”作一研究。
3)depressed meditation沉郁雄浑
1.Thus his unique artistic style——depressed meditation takes shape,which adds a magnificent paint to the ancient Chinese poetry.唐代伟大的现实主义诗人杜甫在写景抒情方面,即通过雄浑壮阔的景物描写来抒写诗人凄凉的身世、悲苦的心境以及诗人忧国忧民的思想情感,从而形成了杜甫诗歌独特的艺术风格———沉郁雄浑,为我国悠久灿烂的古诗歌增添了壮丽的一笔。
4)depression and sentimentality沉郁感伤
5)cold and gloomy冷峻沉郁
6)strong and imperturbable雄放沉郁
