中国诗歌,Chinese poetry
1)Chinese poetry中国诗歌
1.The Three Phases of the Chinese Poetry in the 20~(th) Century;论20世纪中国诗歌的三个发展阶段
2.On the time and life theme of Chinese poetry;试论中国诗歌的时间生命主题
3.The paper points out that Chinese poetry have carried forward the traditional poetry "vertically",and adapted European and American poetry "horizontally",which created the poetic role of Chinese modern poetry under the context of Globalization.中国诗歌在其发展过程中实现了对传统诗歌"纵的继承"和对欧美诗歌"横的移植",由此成就了中国新诗在全球化语境中的诗歌角色。

1.A Comparison Between Chinese Poem and Japanese Poem;中国诗歌“意境”与日本诗歌“姿”的比较
2.Creation Poetry in a Non-poetic Era--On Poetry in China during the 1990s;在非诗的时代展开诗歌——论90年代的中国诗歌
3.Eliot s Idea of "Religious Poetry" and Chinese Contemporary Poetry;艾略特的“宗教诗歌”观念与当代中国诗歌
4.On the Classification of Chinese Poetry --Querying the division of poetry into two;论中国诗歌的分类——对诗歌两分法的质疑
5.The Relative Movement of "Poetry" and "Music"--An Other Explanation of Chinese Poetry s History;“诗”与“乐”的相对运动——中国诗歌史别解
6.Chinese Culture in Modern American Poetry;中国古典诗歌对美国现代诗歌的影响
7.On the Imagist Poetry s "Misreading" of Classical Chinese Poetry;论意象派诗歌对中国古典诗歌的“误读”
8.The influences of Chinese classical poems on Japanese poetry;中国古典诗歌对日本古代诗歌的影响
9.Image:Imagist Poetry and Classical Chinese Poetry;意象:欧美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌
10.On the Influence of Chinese Classic Poetry and Poetics upon Imagist Poetry中国古典诗歌及诗论对英美意象派诗歌之影响
11.The Inheritance of Image Art in Chinese Poerty中国现代诗歌对中国古代诗歌意象艺术的传承
12.The Influence of Chinese Poetry Translation upon Modern American Poetry;中国古典诗歌翻译对美国现代诗歌的影响
13.The Impact of Chinese Classic Poetry on Imagist Poetry;中国古典诗歌对美国意象派诗歌的影响
14.Comparing the Images in Ancient Chinese Poems and those of the British and American Imagist Poems;略论中国古典诗歌与英美意象派诗歌中的意象
15.Poetry of Chinese Ethnic Minority Group: From the Perspective of Sanskrit Poetics;梵语诗学视野中的中国少数民族诗歌
16.Translated Poetry Transmits the Influence of Foreign Poetry to Modern Chinese Poetry论译诗是外国诗歌影响中国新诗的中介
17.Poems Proclaim Their Will Songs Their Tune--On Chinese Folk Songs;诗言其志 歌咏其声——浅谈中国民歌
18.He Qifang s Early Poem and China s Classical Poem Image Tradition;何其芳早期诗歌与中国古典诗歌意象传统

Chinese poems中国诗歌
1.Long and Eternal Hometown Dream——The nostalge Chinese poems;悠悠千古家园梦——中国诗歌中的乡愁情结
2.In addition,The philosophy of collection of poems and linguistic characteristics of ancient Chinese poems have hindered the development of long epics in Book of Lyrics.由《诗经》中有无史诗引出为何无长篇史诗的关键问题,《诗经》没有长篇史诗的原因较复杂,影响它的因素很多,特别是周人单一神教、人神分离的宗教思想,具有明确政治目的的采诗制度以及中国诗歌重抒情、言简意赅的特点影响了长篇史诗的形成。
3)China Poetry Association中国诗歌会
1.China Poetry Association is a revolutionary poetry group in 1930s with the realization of poem popularization as their doctrine.中国诗歌会是三十年代的一个大众化诗歌团体,诗歌大众化是他们的创作宗旨。
4)history of Chinese poem中国诗歌史
5)Chinese classical poetry中国古典诗歌
1.To foreign lands:A historical mission in the study of Chinese classical poetry;从域内走向海外:中国古典诗歌研究的历史使命
2.A good understanding of them is helpful to precisely grasp the aesthetic processes of Chinese classical poetry and to analyse and appreciate them better.认识和理解审美移情和审美距离,对于准确地把握中国古典诗歌的审美情感过程,对于分析和鉴赏中国古典诗歌,不无裨益。
3.Chinese classical poetry is one of the creation sources of Robert Bly,the leader of American Deep Image Movement.中国古典诗歌是美国"深层意象"派领袖罗伯特·勃莱的创作源泉之一。
6)classical Chinese poetry中国古典诗歌
1.Translation and Acceptance of Classical Chinese poetry in America;中国古典诗歌在美国的译介与接受
2.On Translatability and Its Limitation of Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗歌的可译性及其局限
3.Cognitive Context and Classical Chinese Poetry Translation;中国古典诗歌英译中的认知语境研究

中国诗歌会  现代诗歌团体。1932年9月成立于上海,发起人穆木天、杨骚、森堡(任钧)、蒲风(黄浦芳)等。中国诗歌会的任务是:"研究诗歌理论,制作诗歌作品,介绍和努力于诗歌的大众化"。(《中国诗歌会的成立》)中国诗歌会除上海总会外,北平、广州、青岛以及日本的东京等地也都建立了分会。1933年2月,创办机关刊物《新诗歌》旬刊(后改为半月刊、月刊),各分会也大多办有刊物,涌现出王亚平、温流等一批青年诗人。中国诗歌会诗人创作的共同特色是:坚持革命现实主义的创作方法,紧紧"捉住现实",以诗歌为武器,向帝国主义、封建主义进行坚决斗争;在艺术形式上,大力提倡和实践诗歌大众化,"要使我们的诗歌成为大众歌调"(《新诗歌·发刊诗》)。他们企求"藉着普遍的歌、谣、时调诸类的形态,接受它们普及、通俗朗读、讽诵的长处,引渡到未来的诗歌"(《我们的话》)。《新诗歌》还出版过"歌谣专号",刊登大量采用民歌、民谣、小调、鼓词、儿歌形式写作的新诗。中国诗歌会建设新诗的主张和行动,得到鲁迅、郭沫若、茅盾等的关心和支持。1935年,当"国防诗歌"被作为"国防文学"的一部门提出来的时候,中国诗歌会的同仁们热情投身到抗日救亡运动的洪流,并在1937年出版了"国防诗歌丛书"。抗日战争前夕,该团体停止了活动。