中国古典艺术,Chinese classical art
1)Chinese classical art中国古典艺术
1.Chinese classical art adores nature and stresses the rhyme of the "qi" and the radiance of "qi" and seeks simplicity and change and neutralization.中国古典艺术崇尚自然 ,讲究气韵神采 ,追求简易、变化和中和之美 ,表现艺术家主体精神和不屈的生命意志。
2.As one of aesthetic styles,sublimity shows unique pattern in Chinese classical art,and has experienced the embryonic,formative,developmental and falling stages.崇高作为美学风格之一,在中国古典艺术中有着独特的表现形态,经历了萌芽、形成、发展和式微四个阶段。

1.The Status of Romantic Charm in Chinese Classical Art Aesthetics;神韵在中国古典艺术美学中的地位(2)
2.On the Translation of the Audio-visual Beauty in the Language of Classical Chinese Artistic Essays;中国古典艺术散文语言视听美的英译
3.On the Literal Translation in Translating Images in Classical Chinese Artistic Essays;中国古典艺术散文中意象的翻译原则——直译
4.On Formal Beauty of Chinese Classical Arts;论中国古典艺术的形式美——以书、画、诗为例
5.Influence and Infiltration of Chinese Classical Operas on Classical Novels;论中国古典戏曲艺术对古典小说的渗透与影响
6.On Analysis of the Philosophical Origin of the Art In Chinese Classical Gardens;试析中国古典园林艺术中的哲学源流
7.Characteristics and Influential Factors of the Classical Chinese Flower Arrangement Art;中国古典插花艺术的特点及影响因素
8.Art of Aestheticism:The Aesthetic Mainstream in Chinese Classic Poetry;唯美的艺术:中国古典诗歌的审美主流
9.On the Art of Creation of Situations in Chinese Classical Fictions;妙处不传:中国古典小说的造境艺术
10.Discovery and Reassessment: An Analysis of the Art of Chinese Classical Narrative Poetry;发现与重估:中国古典叙事诗艺术论析
11.classical French tragedy法国的古典悲剧艺术.
12.The Art of Poetry and the “Depicting after the Objects”: About the Tradition of Artistic Description in the Classic Chinese Poetry;诗艺与“体物”——关于中国古典诗歌的写真艺术传统
13.Space in Chinese Architecture in Light of Chinese Classical Gardens;从中国古典园林看空间的中国建筑艺术
14.On the Aesthetical Thoughts of the Book of Changes Embodied in Chinese Classical Gardens;论中国古典园林艺术中的《周易》美学思想
15.The Transformation of Chinese Classical Poetic Art in Beijing School Fiction;中国古典诗词艺术在“京派”小说创作中的转化
16.On the Function of Chinese Opera-house in Chinese Traditional Opera;论戏楼在中国古典戏曲艺术发展中的作用
17.Unification Of Image And Totem Among Artistic Images In Chinese Classical Poems;论中国古典诗歌艺术形象中意象与物象的统一
18.An Investigation of the Artistic Features of China s Classical Gardens and Their Tourism Development;论中国古典园林的艺术特征及其旅游开发

The inheritance of chinese classical garden art中国古典园林艺术继承
3)Chinese classical garden art中国古典园林艺术
1.Chinese classical garden art with a style of its own, which goes back to ancient times, has the deep influence on the landscape art of the world.中国古典园林艺术源远流长,艺术风格独树一帜,对世界造园艺术有着深刻的影响。
4)classical Chinese artistic essays中国古典艺术散文
1.The study on the translation of the audio-visual beauty in the language of classical Chinese artistic essays is very important in translation studies of essays.中国古典艺术散文语言视听美的英译是散文英译研究的重要课题。
2.Due to the great obstacles caused by time,space,different languages and cultures,the translation of classical Chinese artistic essays remains a difficult job.中国古典艺术散文是一种个性的、智慧的、精微的表现艺术,高度的表现性和审美性是其重要特征。
5)Chinese classical poetry art song中国古典诗词艺术歌曲
1.Chinese Classical Theory of Literature and Art(CCTLA) is the ancients summary of theories and experience about literature and art.中国古典文艺学是古人对文学艺术创作的理论和经验的总结 ,数千年来 ,一直指导文学和艺术创作的开展 ,在世界文艺史上写下了辉煌灿烂的一页。
