艺术概论,an introduction to art
1)an introduction to art艺术概论

1.Themes in the two basic subjects:An Introduction to Arts and An Introduction to Aesthetics;《艺术概论》和《美学概论》:两门大学基础课教学的若干主题
2.Exploiting on the Fertile Soil of the Art Science--Comment on the new work Art Conspectus by Li Shu-rong and Ge Li-ying在艺术科学的沃土上开拓——评李树榕、葛丽英新著《艺术概论
3.From Imitation to Esthetical Art:Development of Artistic Conception in the Early Stage;从模仿到“美的艺术”——简论早期艺术概念的发展
4.Play and Art:On Gadamer s Concept of Play;游戏与艺术——伽达默尔“游戏”概念论析
5.The Art of Language in Teaching of Introduction of Mao Zedong s Thought;《毛泽东思想概论》教学语言艺术浅探
6.Ideological Content and Artistic Quality in Teaching Deng Xiao-ping Theory;《邓小平理论概论》教学的思想性和艺术性
7.To present or conceptualize the meaning of by means of art or criticism.诠释,体现以艺术或评论的方式表达或使概念化
8.The Research of the Traditional Chinese Opera Movie s Concept, Category, Stages and the Breakthrough of the Traditional Thinking Mode;论戏曲电影的概念、分类、分期与艺术思维突破
9.Exploration of Science and Art About Video Application In "Conspectus"Course;“概论”课视频运用的科学性与艺术性探索
10.A Human-oriented Teaching Model--"An Introduction to Art" as an example;以人本理念构建《艺术学概论》新型教学模式
11.“Lyrische Sprache”und“epische Heroik” -über Kunstwert und Gedankentiefe von Die Ruber;“诗的语言”与“史的气概”———论《强盗》的艺术性与思想性
12.The Rise of the Concept of "Technology in Art" and Its Status in the Literary Theory of Bahejin;“艺术中的技术”概念的提出及其在巴赫金文论中的地位
13.Practice and "the Arts of Working with Concepts"--A Brief Essay on Engels Epistemology of Natural Sciences;实践与“运用概念的艺术”——略论恩格斯的自然科学认识论思想
14.The Art Exhibition of the "Century Gate"in Cheng Du“世纪之门”艺术展——试图概括艺术二十年?
15.A good concept art design is best method that economizes the design labor cost.概念概念艺术设计是整个项目的灵魂。
16.On the Essay Aesthetics of LIU Xi-zai;论刘熙载《艺概·文概》中的散文思想
17.A review of theoretical study for voice performing arts in New China From controversial positions of"native vs.foreign" to "three approaches of singing";从“土洋之争”到“三种唱法”——新中国的声乐表演艺术理论研究概述
18.The Concept of Yue and the Theory on Artistic Essence in the Book of Rites;“唯乐不可以为伪”——浅析《乐记》中“乐”的概念及其艺术本质论

Introduction to Art艺术学概论
1.A Human-oriented Teaching Model——"An Introduction to Art" as an example;以人本理念构建《艺术学概论》新型教学模式
3)An Outline of the New Dancing Art《新舞蹈艺术概论》
4)Introduction to Film Art电影艺术概论
5)The Concept of Mass Art论大众艺术概念
6)quyi gɑilun《曲艺概论》
