深层价值,innermost value
1)innermost value深层价值
1.The news text,to certain acceptors,could pose three levels of values:one is the superficial value which aims to satisfy acceptors for latest event information;the second one is the inner value which provides acceptors with sentiment experiences;the third is the innermost value which gives acceptors symbolic information.新闻文本对于一定的接受主体来说 ,可以实现三个层次的价值 :一是表层价值 ,它的核心在于实现对接受主体对最新事态信息的需求 ;二是内层价值 ,它的核心在于满足接受主体对蕴涵于文本之中的情态信息的体验 ;三是深层价值 ,它的核心在于满足接受主体对文本象征信息、意态信息的理知需

1.Research on the Profound Value and Guidance Significance of the Motor Skills Formation in the Sports Curriculum;论体育课程中运动技能形成的深层价值及指导意义
2.The Value Meaning of Scientific Development View;科学发展观的深层价值意蕴——走出胚胎发育隐喻的误区
3.Multiple gaming and value behind the physical education ideology--Expatiation on the profound value of the Fitness Education Theory by Mr. LIN Xiao-feng真义体育思想谱系背后的多重博弈及价值——林笑峰先生《健身教育论》深层价值阐释
4.Value and Value Evaluation: Deep Reflections on the Relationship between Subject and Object;价值与价值评价:主客体关系的深层思考
5.Value and value orientations:the profound relationship and stipulation of subjectivity and objectivity;价值和价值观:主客体的深层关系及规定
6.Ordinary World:Multiple Conflicts and In-depth Configuration of Value Orientation;《平凡的世界》:多重冲突与价值取向的深层构型
7.Value Orientation Is the Deep Structure of the Performance Evaluation System of Local Governments;价值取向是地方政府绩效评估的深层结构
8.On Significance of Deep Integration of Modern IT into Curriculum论现代信息技术与课程深层次整合的价值
9.Branding yourself means you're projecting your professional strengths and deep values.为自己树立品牌意味着展示你的专业实力和深层次价值。
10.Research on Forest Recreation Value and Deep Development of Ecotourism for the Forest Parks on the North Slope of Qin Ling Mountains;秦岭北坡森林公园游憩价值及深层生态旅游开发
11.Apparel Industrial International Competitiveness--Global Value Chain Perspective;服装产业国际竞争力——基于全球价值链的深层透视
12.The Re-evaluation of Value and the Significant Transformation of The Instruction of Moral Education Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools in the Early Republic of China;价值重估与民国初年中小学德育课程教学的深层变革
13.The Further Comprehension and The Latest Development of Marxist Labor Theory of Value;马克思主义劳动价值理论的深层认识及其新发展
14.Profound Analysis on the Establishment of Credibility Society-With Institution Arrangement and value Construction as Two Dimensions;诚信社会建构的深层检视——制度安排与价值建构的两个维度
15.A philosophical analysis of the sustainable development;价值反思及其视角转向——对可持续发展思想的深层解读
16.Review of VE Theory and Practice in China and Some Deep Thinking about its Depression;对我国价值工程理论与实践的回顾和影响降低的深层原因分析
17.Value Chain Analysis: Influence of Multinational Corporations on the Economy of Developing Countries;价值链分析:跨国公司对发展中东道国经济影响的深层透视
18.To Apply on VE in Deep Soft Roadbed Disposing Scheme of the Meihe Expressway Preject Based on the AHP Method基于AHP的价值工程在梅河高速公路深层软基处理方案中的应用

value level价值层次
3)superficial value表层价值
1.The news text,to certain acceptors,could pose three levels of values:one is the superficial value which aims to satisfy acceptors for latest event information;the second one is the inner value which provides acceptors with sentiment experiences;the third is the innermost value which gives acceptors symbolic information.新闻文本对于一定的接受主体来说 ,可以实现三个层次的价值 :一是表层价值 ,它的核心在于实现对接受主体对最新事态信息的需求 ;二是内层价值 ,它的核心在于满足接受主体对蕴涵于文本之中的情态信息的体验 ;三是深层价值 ,它的核心在于满足接受主体对文本象征信息、意态信息的理知需
4)value aspect价值层面
5)the level of value价值层
6)hierarchy of value价值层级

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分