沧源崖画,Cangyuan rock paintings
1)Cangyuan rock paintings沧源崖画
1.Having traced back to all the relevant research in the last twenty years and focused on the ethnic origin,painting years and images of Cangyuan rock paintings,the author summarizes the research and achievements of this study and expects to reveal its future orientation.以20多年来国内公开出版和发表的学术论著为线索,着重从沧源崖画的综合性研究、族属研究、年代研究、图像研究等方面,对学术界关于云南沧源崖画的研究作了综述,以期展示云南沧源崖画研究的成果和明确今后的研究方向。

1.The rock paintings in Cangyuan are the treasure of the Yunnan minority culture.沧源崖画是云南少数民族文化艺术遗产中的瑰宝。
2.Exploration of Cultural Resources and Creation of Cultural Brand--Taking Huashan Frescos along Zuo River as the Example;文化资源的发掘与文化品牌的打造——以左江地区的花山崖壁画为例
3.The sea releases its deep groan. Crushing tides wash both shores. Standing under a blood soaked flag, I will blow my horn for the last time.沧海一声笑,滔滔两崖潮。在铁血掩映的大旗边,我吹起最后的号角。
4.Little would one think that such a valuable cliff painting could be found here.没想到在这里发现了价值很高的崖画。
5.The Vicissitude behind Delight : the Spirit in Watteau s Works;欢愉背后的沧桑──华托画中的精神
6.The source of Lancangjiang (Mekong) River澜沧江(湄公河)正源及其源头的再确定
7.In normal times, the moisture in the rock mass that cannot evaporate will certainly be detrimental to the frescoes in the grottoes.平时,崖体内水分不能蒸发,也势必危害洞中壁画。
8.Tourist Commodity Design Based on Guangxi Huashan Frescos Element;基于广西花山崖壁画元素的旅游商品设计
9.Discussion on the Times of Painting on the Rocks in Prehistory at Jiangjunya;将军崖史前岩画遗址的断代及相关问题的讨论
10.The Glorious Scenery of the National Heroes;英雄民族的壮丽画卷——读长篇小说《雪落黄崖》
11.The Values of the Mural Paintings on the Clicks of Huashan Mounts;花山崖壁画的文化价值、历史价值与旅游价值
12.Survey of Four Ancient Cliff Pictures in Yunnan and Comparsion of Their Historic Culture;云南四个崖画点的考察与历史文化比较
13.Art Characteristic Inspection of Gao Jiaya Stone Carving and Mural in Courtyard of Family Wang王家大院高家崖石雕壁画美学特征研究
14.Film Comic of Hayoo Miyazaki’s Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea宫崎骏新动画片《悬崖上的金鱼公主》剖析
15.A New Research on an Ancient Map of the Jiangjun Cliff Rock Paintings-Also on the Meaning of Celestial Phenomena of the Junshan Rock Paintings in Yueyang City;将军崖岩画古天象图新探——兼论岳阳君山岩画的星象意义
16.The rock caves and precipice body in the north district of Mogao Grottoes have been all destroyed seriously after going through millennium vicissitudes.莫高窟在历经千年沧桑之后,其石窟北区崖体都遭到了严重的风化破坏。
17.Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。

the Cangyuan rock paintings沧源岩画
1.A preliminary analysis of “three awarenesses”embedded in the Cangyuan rock paintings;浅析沧源岩画包含的三大思想意识
3)Cliff picture崖画
4)painting by Zuo Jiangya左江崖画
5)cliff pictures崖壁画
1.The cliff pictures along the Zuojiang River Basin in Guangxi should be considered in the times dating back to the years between the warring states (457-221 B.关于广西左江流域崖壁画的年代问题 ,应定为“上到战国 ,下到东汉”。
6)Cangyuan in western Yunnan滇西沧源
