大学生艺术团,academician art group
1)academician art group大学生艺术团
1.Management and development of academician art group;大学生艺术团的现状和管理策略

1.On the Organization of University Art Groups;对普通高校大学生艺术团建设的几点思考
2.The Construction and the Management of the College Students’Artistic Associations普通高校大学生艺术团建设与管理刍议
3.Brief analyze on the construction of University art community in College art education浅谈高校艺术教育中大学生艺术社团的建设
4.College Students Art Association s Role in Campus Culture;大学生艺术社团在校园文化中的作用
5.Students Artistic Practice and Its Enhancement of Their Psychological Quality;论艺术实践活动对大学生心理素质的提升——以汕头大学学生艺术团出国交流演出为例
6.Thoughts on the construction of college students art ensemble in private universities;对民办高校学生艺术社团建设的思考
7.A Delegation of St. Petersburg visited our school.俄罗斯圣彼得堡艺术学校师生代表团回访巴蜀。
8.New Approach of Ideological and Political Work in Non-art University;非艺术院校艺术类大学生思想政治工作新思路
9.How to foster undergraduate accomplishment through science, art?如何通过科学、艺术培养大学生素养?
10.Artic Education in the Medical University and College Students Mental Health;医学院校艺术教育与大学生心理健康
11.A Survey of English Learning Strategies Employed by Non-English Majors of Art Academies艺术类院校大学生英语学习策略研究
12.An Exploration of University Academic Groups:Developing the Students Innovative Ability of Science and Technology;高校学术社团培养大学生科技创新能力的探索
13.A Brief Study on Mental Adjustment of the Undergraduates from Arts Colleges;艺术院校大学毕业生心理调适的研究
14.The Human Accomplishment Significance for the Undergraduate of Art Major;人文素养对艺术类大学生发展的意义
15.Reflections on Moral Education for Art-Majors;艺术专业大学生思想政治教育的思考
16.Importance of Art Education to Quality-training of University-students;艺术教育对大学生素质培养的重要性
17.Effect of Rhythmic Gymnastic Exercise on Female University Students Physique;艺术体操锻炼对女大学生体质的影响
18.Art education: a Dilemma to Students of Polytechnic University in China;艺术教育:让理工科大学生走出尴尬

art students艺术类大学生
1.This thesis deals with the cultivation of art students interest in English from the perspective of psychology,pedagogy and linguistics.艺术类大学生的认知水平、个性特征等有其自身特点,文章从心理学、教育学和语言学等角度就如何培养他们的英语学习兴趣进行探讨。
3)Artistic freshman艺术类大学新生
4)college art students艺术类大学生
1.The college art students collectivism value had to be faced with the challenge in the rapid pace of society.在社会高速发展的今天,艺术类大学生的集体主义观念面临严峻的挑战。
5)art college students艺术类大学生
1.The Features of Art College Students’Love viewpoints and Education Policies艺术类大学生恋爱观特点及教育对策
2.Based on the questionnaires,this study made a general investigation and analysis of ideology and moral qualities of art college students on ideological and political qualities,ideals and beliefs,and moral quality.在问卷调查的基础上,从思想政治、理想信念和道德素养三个方面对艺术类大学生思想道德素质状况进行了较为全面的调查与分析结果显示,艺术专业大学生思想道德素质的总体状况是健康向上和积极进取的,同时,值得重视的是,随着我国社会的经济成分、组织形式、就业状况、利益关系和分配方式日益多样化的态势也给一部分艺术专业大学生思想道德发展带来了不少负面影响,为此,我们应大力加强理想信念教育和爱国主义教育,进一步充实法制、诚信与合作意识教育的内容,积极建构和努力推进心理健康教育的新模式。
6)non-Art majors非艺术类大学生
1.However, few studies have been done on Art major students, and few comparative studies about LLS used between art majors and non-Art majors have been made.因此,笔者选取了艺术类大学生和非艺术类大学生为主要的研究对象,通过问卷调查和科学的计量统计,探求艺术类专业大学生和非艺术类专业大学生在英语学习策略运用中存在的差异点和相似点,希望能为今后中国艺术类专业大学生和非艺术类专业大学生的英语教学工作提供有益的启示。
