音乐理解,musical understanding
1)musical understanding音乐理解
1.This paper focused on the diversity and discrepancy of musical understanding from these asects:the materials of music, the indirect nature of musical reflection, the patterns of musical express and the different subjects of musical esthetic appreciation.从音乐的物质材料、音乐反映的间接性、音乐作品的体现方式、音乐审美主体的差异几方面着重论述音乐理解的多解性和差异性。

1.Reasons of Diversity & Uncertainty of Musical Understanding;音乐理解多解性与不确定性存在的原因
2.Of course, the understanding of music and communication with people is the foundation of this very band.当然,对音乐理解的相互沟通是这支乐队存在的基础。
3.Understanding music,producing music-new thought of harmony teaching;为理解音乐 为创作音乐——对和声教学的新思考
4.That should help you a lot to understand music.那样对你理解音乐很有益处。?
5.but they do have a good understanding of it.可对音乐却有很好的理解。
6.Everyone understands music from his experience.每个人都根据自己的经历去理解音乐。
7.music adapted to the understanding and taste of the majority.适合多数人的理解力和口味的音乐。
8.Music--Another Way of Understanding Haruki Murakami理解村上春树的另一种方法——音乐
9.Music,Time and Human Being s Existence:A Modem Interpretation of Confucian “Realization by Music” (“Cheng Yu Yue”);音乐、时间与人的存在——对儒家“成于乐”的现代理解
10.Musical Interpretation Self descriptive in that the programme should interpret the music.音乐演绎个人对选用音乐的理解通过动作编排来体现讲究和谐。
11.She doesn't understand that listening to music helps me study!她一点也不理解,听音乐是能够帮助我学习的!
12.The Conservatory s Composition Theory Specialty before 1949:A Historical Retrospect;解放前上海音乐学院理论作曲专业的历史回顾
13.The Education of Plural Culture and Music for Text Understanding;作为理解课程文本的多元文化音乐教育
14.The Relationship between Music and the Citizen Quality Education--A new view to the value of Music Has No Sorrow or Joy;音乐与公民素质的培养——理解《声无哀乐论》当代价值的一个视角
15.Understanding and Dialogue:The Reflection on World Music Education from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics;理解与对话——哲学解释学视野中的世界民族音乐教育
16.Music without Sound is the Best Music Interpretation of Tao Yuan - ming s Being Unable to Understand Music;“无乐之乐,乐之至也”——陶渊明“性不解音”解读
17.Writing Music History:Negotiation between Art and History-Deep Review of Dahlhaus s Grundlagen der Musikgeschichte;音乐史写作:艺术与历史的调解——对达尔豪斯《音乐史学原理》的深度书评
18.Ethical Spirit of Music--New Musical Aesthetic Perspective;音乐的伦理精神——音乐审美的新视角

the perception of music音乐的理解力
3)Understanding African Music理解非洲音乐
4)music analyzing音乐解析
5)paradigms for interpreting music curriculum音乐理解课程范式
6)The understanding and performance of music音乐的理解与表现
