厚而清,Hou(honest and sincere) and Qing(fresh and refined)
1)Hou(honest and sincere) and Qing(fresh and refined)厚而清
1."Hou(honest and sincere) and Qing(fresh and refined)" is a kind of generalized artistic criterion.刘熙载“厚而清”的艺术理念,既是浙、常词学旨趣的整合,也是“李杜”诗歌艺术的整合,更是陶潜情结的转移印证。
2)solemnity and stirring and profoundity悲壮而厚
1.The thesis is about to discuss how the feature of solemnity and stirring and profoundity had come into being in Gaoshi s poem of frontier fortress from the art of form, namely, the use of image, direct expression, narrating and commenting, plain and blazing language.本文从艺术形式方面探讨高适边塞诗“悲壮而厚”之成因,即从意象的运用,直抒胸臆的表达方式,夹叙夹议的手法,朴实而炽热的语言四方面进行分析。

1.The Reason of "Solemnity and Stirring and Profoundity" in Gao Shi s Poem --Discuss From the Art of Form;高适诗“悲壮而厚”之成因——从艺术形式方面探析
2.From near, then far, comes the solemn, tragic sound of a flute.由远而近传来悲壮的笛声。
3."Adults have long, powerful arms; short, stocky legs; an extremely thick, strong chest; and a protruding abdomen. "成体臂部长而有力,腿短而粗壮,胸部极厚且强壮,腹部突出。
4.A hero fights for freedom, a beautiful, solemn and stirring epic.一个为自由而战的英雄,一段凄美悲壮的诗史。
5.Zi Jun Is a Heroic, Solemn and Stirring Figure of the Times-- A Trail Analysis of the Image of Zijun in "Mourning;子君是一个勇敢而悲壮的时代女性——试析《伤逝》中的子君形象
6.a lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤
7.You lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
8."Idle young, needy old"少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲
9.speak in a buskined language以悲壮激昂的语言讲话
10.The real piety and benevolence of the simple old man invested him with a temporary dignity and authority, as he spoke.那忠厚的老者那种虔诚态度和慈悲心肠,顿时使他显得庄重而威严。
11.A Solemn and Stirring Epic of Power and Grandeur--Appraising The Sad Melody of Shui Xi一部气势磅礴的悲壮史诗——评《水西悲歌》
12.The Tragically Heroic Spirit of Chu A Trial Comment on Chu Culture′s Tragic Characteristic;悲壮的楚魂——试论楚文化的悲剧性特征
13."It's an inspiring story worthy of study; nonetheless, it's still a tragic military defeat. "这是一个值得学习的激动人心的故事,然而,这的确是一次悲壮的军事上的失败。
14.The feet are fairly large, strong, with thick pads, rounded and compact. There may be some feathering between the toes.足部相当巨大,强壮,有厚实而紧揍的圆型胼胝。足部趾间可有羽状附毛。
15.A lenient act.宽大,慈悲慈悲宽厚的行为
16.A buskin worn by actors of classical tragedy.厚底靴古典悲剧中演员所穿的厚底靴
17.A large part of Su Shi's works contains a moving and tragic style which is of a school, and of a hero in dire straits.苏词大部分作品蕴籍出来的风格是悲壮,一种儒士的悲壮,一种近乎末路英雄的悲壮。
18.Miserable Destiny of the Zhuang Women--Interpretation of Feminine Culture Study of Zhuang s Somber Sentimental Songs;壮族妇女的悲苦命运——壮族抒情悲歌的女性文化学解读

solemnity and stirring and profoundity悲壮而厚
1.The thesis is about to discuss how the feature of solemnity and stirring and profoundity had come into being in Gaoshi s poem of frontier fortress from the art of form, namely, the use of image, direct expression, narrating and commenting, plain and blazing language.本文从艺术形式方面探讨高适边塞诗“悲壮而厚”之成因,即从意象的运用,直抒胸臆的表达方式,夹叙夹议的手法,朴实而炽热的语言四方面进行分析。
3)thickness of cleaning up silt清淤厚度
1.But during processing,thickness of cleaning up silt and displacement relates to sedimentation of roadbed and stabilization of road,which are paid more attention.在埋藏浅、厚度薄的软基病害路段修建高等级公路,往往采用换土垫层法进行处理,但处理过程中清淤厚度和换填层的厚度直接关系到路基沉降、路堤稳定,一直引起各方关注。
4)Bright and clear明亮而清晰
5)clear and distinct清晰而明了

福园菌必清 ,菌必清药物名称:菌必清英文名:JUNBIQING别名: 福园菌必清 ,菌必清 成分: 蛇床子、白藓皮、大风子、土槿皮等 性状: 本品为棕色液体,气略芳香。 特点: 英雄本色 独领风骚 优质高效 用途广泛福园菌必清有广谱高效的抗菌作用;有杀菌、抑菌、抗炎、止痒多种作用;祖国医学认为大多数皮肤病患者皆因风、湿、热病机所致,遵循中医异病同治的原理,因此,对大多数疑难皮肤病获得了意想不到的效果。 药理作用: 清热燥湿解毒,以绝虫之源,兼有杀虫止痒、护肤润肤、清热诸作用,防风疏散皮肤邪毒。 适应症: 灰指(趾)甲、体股癣、手足癣;湿疹、银屑病、各种皮炎、烧烫伤、褥疮、阴道炎、外阴瘙痒及外科感染 用量用法: 外用,每日三次,喷或涂于患处。注意事项 到目前为止未发现不良反应,酒精过敏者慎用,不可眼睛用药。 规格: 40ML/瓶 类别:皮肤病用药