艺术审美活动,artistic esthetic activity
1)artistic esthetic activity艺术审美活动

1.Narration: the Special Medium of the Aesthetic Activities of Novel Arts;叙事:小说艺术审美活动的特殊媒介
2.On the difference between literati artistic activities and folk aesthetic inclination;论文人艺术活动和民间艺术审美倾向的差异
3.Developing the Course of the Art of Flower Arranging Improving the Student s Aesthetic Quality;开展插花艺术活动课,提高学生的审美素质
4.On Artistic Works and Artists in Aestheticizing Everyday Life论日常生活审美化中的艺术品与艺术家
5.From Life Artistry to Aestheticization of Everyday Life;从“人生艺术化”到“日常生活审美化”
6.Art Creation Is an Empathy Activity;艺术创造是一种移情活动——对立普斯的审美移情说的一点补充
7."Art for Art s Sake": An Expanding Movement of Aesthetic Modernity;“为艺术而艺术”:一场审美现代性的扩容运动
8.How Contemporary Cartoons Affect Children s Aesthetic Appreciation;当下动画艺术的兴盛与儿童审美心理
9.Art Is a Life Style--On the Artistic Effects of Aestheticism in Daily Life艺术是一种生活风格——谈日常生活审美化的艺术学效应
10.China s Modern Art-democracy for the Perspective of "Aesthetic Trend in Daily Life";从“日常生活审美化”看中国当代艺术民主化状况
11.Research on Value of Artistic Design in the Context of“the Aestheticization of Everyday Life”“日常生活审美化”语境下的艺术设计价值探讨
12.Study of "Aesthetic Trend of Daily Life" in Design and Art Field设计艺术学视野中的“日常生活审美化”研究
13.He regards basketball as an ac-tivity of artistic creation. Then the audience's competition watching changes into an aesthetic appreciation.他把篮球当成了一项艺术创造活动来完成,令球迷的观看变成了审美欣赏。
14.Art Images,Aesthetic Images and Scientific Images:The Theory and Experimentation of Differences and Similarities between Mental Images of Creative Activities;艺术意象·审美意象·科学意象——创造活动心理图像异同的理论与实证构想
15.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义
16.Animation of Traditional Folk Art in the Aesthetic Characteristics of浅谈动画创作中民间传统艺术的审美特征
17.How to Change Daily Life into Art--On the Two Kinds of Practice in Daily Life Aestheticism;日常生活如何成为艺术——论日常生活审美化的两种实践
18.Aesthetic Commonness between Music Art and Costume Art论音乐艺术与服装艺术的审美共性

aesthetic and artistic activities审美与艺术活动
3)Art and aesthetics艺术审美
1.In the various fields of art and aesthetics the prosperous Tang had its own creativity, which not only concluded artistic and aesthetic theory but also influenced later aesthetic thought.相反,它是隋唐前期审美文化和美学思想空前兴盛与繁荣的阶段,在艺术审美的许多领域里,盛唐都具有它的创见性,既实现了对其时代艺术审美的理论自觉,又产生出对其以后美学思想的开启作用。
4)Artistic aesthetics艺术审美
5)aesthetic art审美艺术
1.Achievements have been made on research topics ranging from interpreting the themes and subject matters to probing aesthetic art.目前对台湾新世代创作的研究已形成一定规模,从题材主题解读到审美艺术探讨都出现了许多有价值的成果,这种多元化的研究方式向读者呈现了较为完整的台湾新世代文学的总体风貌。
2.The aesthetic art of ideological and political education belongs to its methodology s category.思想政治教育审美艺术属于思想政治教育方法论范畴,思想政治教育是一项艺术性要求很高的工作,在按照科学化和现代化的要求进行思想政治教育创新的前提和基础上,思想政治教育方法的创新也正朝着艺术化的方向发展,不断地探索新途径和新模式。
6)art aesthetic艺术审美
1.The Tibet traditional music possessed its own music features and cultural character,and its structural shapes was related closely to the religion philosophy,human been thoughts,art aesthetic as well as social life.西藏传统音乐有其自身的音乐特征与文化特征,西藏传统音乐的结构形态与宗教哲学、人文思想、艺术审美以及社会生活密切相联。
2.By literature,expert interviews and other methods,the paper discusses art aesthetic features and art evaluation of sport aerobics.采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,论述了竞技健美操的艺术审美特征和艺术评判特点;设计出的艺术评判记录方法,能为貌似主观的健美操艺术评判提供可操作、可量化的客观评判依据。

科技活动与审美意识的双向作用科技活动与审美意识的双向作用interaction between scientific and technological activities and aesthetical consciousness  科技活动与审美意识的双向作用如te花etion between seientific and technologicalaetivities and aesthetical eonsciousness)学生从事的科技活动与他们的审美意识的交互影响。学校科技活动主要是指学生学习和运用科学知识,手脑并用进行的小发明、小创造、小设计、小制作、小论文等为中心的各种活动。所谓审美意识,主要指作为社会心理现象的审美观念、审美趣味、审美理想等。审美观念是对审美对象的一种看法和观点,审美趣味是对审美对象一种倾向性的情感性的评价,审美理想是对审美最高境界(相对的)的一种向往和追求。学生在科技活动中创造的“五小”产品融入了他们的审美意识,即他们总是按照一定的审美观念、审美趣味和审美理想去进行创造活动的。同时,学生在科技活动中受到了美的熏陶,领略到了自由创造的欢愉,又大大地提高了他们的审美意识,使他们的审美观念更加明确,审美趣味更加高尚纯洁,审美理想更加远大。一可见,审美意识是学生从事科技活动的内在推动力,学生从事科技活动又丰富和提高了学生的审美意识水平。 (张大均撰画巫置}审)