本土文化资源,native cultural resource
1)native cultural resource本土文化资源
1.The transform of culture in the late Ming time is an important native cultural resource of the May 5th New Culture Movement.晚明时期的文化变动是五四新文化运动重要的本土文化资源

1.Local Universities Need to Strengthen their Efforts to Preserve and Make a Better Use of Local Cultures;地方高校与本土文化资源的保护与开发
2.Art Design and the Modern Development of Native Cultural Resources in West China;艺术设计与西部本土文化资源的现代开发
3.Modernity Shift of the Native Cultural Resources in Graphic Design图形设计中本土文化资源的现代性转换
4.Contemporary Poetry: Humanity Resources and Localization Resources;当代诗歌:人文性资源与本土化策略
5.Attention Should be Paid to Utilization of Local Culture and Social Resources in Art Education艺术教育中应重视本土文化和社会资源的利用
6.A Study on Liuzhou Local Culture as Chinese School-based Curriculum Resources Development and Practice;柳州本土文化作为语文校本课程资源开发的研究与实践
7.Research on the Exploitation and Utilization of the Local Longnan Culture as a Chinese Language School-based Curriculum Resource;陇南本土文化作为语文校本课程资源的开发与利用研究
8.Local Culture and School-based Curriculum --The study and practice on the value of the local culture of the east of Gansu used as resources for school-based curriculum development;本土文化与校本课程——陇东本土文化作为校本课程资源开发的价值探讨
9.Local Culture of Gaolan Was Developed as School-based Curriculum Resources about Research of Value and Practice;皋兰本土文化作为校本课程资源开发的价值研究和实践尝试
10.The Study & Practice on the Value of the Local Culture of the East of Gansu Used as Resources for School-based Curriculum Development;陇东本土文化作为校本课程资源开发的价值研究和实践尝试
12.Student-based Strategy of Development of Local and Community Resources of Moral Education;本土社区德育资源开发的生本化策略
13.Rational Pursuing:Education Localization and Its Native Resources;合理性追求:教育本土化与其本土资源论纲
14.The distinction construction and the native soil cultural resource exploition of Shen Cong-wen;沈从文的文化区隔构筑与乡土文化资源发掘
15.The Application of Integration of Graphics and Information System in Land Resources Field;图文一体化在国土资源行业中的应用
16.Preliminary study of the transforming urban resources to capital--with a consideration of Xi an soil resource transformation;城市资源转化为资本的初步研究——兼对西安市土地资源转化的思考
17.On the Capitalization Transform of the Tourism of Inner Mongolia Cultural Resources论内蒙古文化资源的旅游产业资本化转化
18.Research on the Localization of Human Resource Management of Japanese Enterprise in China日本在华企业人力资源本土化问题研究

localized human resources本土化人力资源
1.The growth of human resources can be categorized as the standardized human resources and the localized human resources.人力资源的生长状况存在标准化人力资源和本土化人力资源的类别分化,二者生长过程不同,影响因素的作用方式和程度亦不同。
3)human resources localization人力资源本土化
1.In the process of human resources localization on transnational hotel, the major question lies in the lack of s.跨国酒店集团人力资源本土化过程中存在的主要问题在于高级人才缺乏、过高的员工流失率和文化差异导致的管理摩擦。
4)native resources本土资源
1.Modernization and Native Resources of Law;法律现代化与法律本土资源
2.The analysis of native resources is one of the topical points in the contemporary research on China’s laws.本土资源是当代中国法学研究的热点问题之一,特别是对环境法这样的舶来品而言,本土资源研究显得尤为重要。
3.Only of we emphasize the localizarior of national education and search for the answer in native resources can we form the chines new auswell as the world view educatio唯有在强调民族性的教育本土化及其本土资源中寻求答案,才能形成教育的中国观和世界观。
5)Local Resource本土资源
6)local resources本土资源
1.The "localization" of governing the country by law in China has made China economics law focus on the local resources.但当前对经济法本土资源的研究却是令人担忧和反思的。
2.There still exist disputes on such issues as modern enlightenment and how to treat local resources.对于"现代性启蒙"以及如何对待"本土资源"的问题上还存在着争论。
3.this article makes analysis of the function of the local resources of China and Japan in the process of their modernizations, seeks the affinity that possibly exists in the Japanese cultural tradition with modern capitalist morality and the possible causes of the success of modernization so as to provide some reference for the modernization of China.本文试从中日两国文化心理主干、社会结构、价值取向等方面 ,分析中日两国现代化进程中其本土资源所起的作用 ,寻找日本文化传统中与现代资本主义精神可能存在的某些亲和关系及其现代化成功的可能性原因 ,以期为中国的现代化进程提供一些借鉴。

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。