宣泄功能,catharsis function
1)catharsis function宣泄功能
1.Part one deals with the educational function of artistic justice; Part two talks about the cognitive function of artistic justice; Part three discusses the catharsis function artistic justice; Part four discusses the conciliatory function of artistic justice.第三章论述了艺术正义宣泄功能
2)instinctive catharsis本能宣泄
1.By means of literature and so on,it analyzed the theoretical foundation of recognizing the function of "instinctive catharsis" of port in the field of research on aggressive behavior and revealed existing logical errors and research insufficiency.通过文献资料等研究方法,阐述攻击性行为研究领域中对体育"本能宣泄"功能认识的理论基础,揭示其存在的逻辑错误和研究不足。
3)publicity function宣传功能
4)propagandistic and instructive function宣教功能
1." His exploration had not only intensified the propagandistic and instructive function of articles,but also accumulated experience for popular expression in ter.秋白的探索不仅强化了文章作品的宣教功能 ,而且在技法、语言等方面为文学通俗化的表达积累了成功的经验。
5)the function of dispersing疏泄功能

1.Experimental Study of Electroacupuncture on the Effect of Gan in Charge of Dispersion in Depression Model Rats;电针对抑郁模型大鼠肝主疏泄功能影响的实验研究
2.A Theoretic and Experimental Study of Liver Controlling Dredging Have Regulating Function on Body;肝主疏泄调节人体功能的理论与实验研究
3.The Empirical Study of the Liver Failing to Maintain the Normal Llow of Qi to Effect Small Intestinal Absorption Function肝失疏泄对小肠吸收功能影响的实验研究
4.It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion.肾功能障碍时,磺胺药排泄延缓,应慎用。
5.dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions.荒淫的,只研究排泄物和分泌物的功能。
6.The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products.肾脏的功能是排泄代谢废物。
7.If I have no other qualities I can succeed with love alone.即使才疏智短,也能以爱心获得成功;
8.Kidney Function and Leukoaraiosis Correlation Study肾功能与脑白质疏松症的相关性研究
9.Super-hydrophobic surface:From preparation methods to functional application超疏水表面:从制备方法到功能应用
10.The relationship between Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment脑白质疏松与认知功能障碍关系分析
11.Conversely, when bile fails to be excreted normally, the liver function will be affected, too.相反,当胆汁排泄异常时,肝的功能也会受影响。
12.This feature protects against any spillage during start-up operation.在开始运作期间这个功能避免任何泄漏或溢出。
13.The Clinical Study on ShengQingXieZHuoTang(SQXZT) in the Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure;升清泄浊汤治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的临床研究
14.Preoperative assessment of liver functional reserve by the retention rate of indocyanine green at fifteen minutes and effective hepatic blood flow吲哚青绿排泄实验评估肝储备功能的临床研究
15.Effect of Magnetism-medicine bag navel therapy on immunological function of mice with splenasthenic diarrhea磁药脐疗袋对脾虚泄泻小鼠免疫功能的影响
16.Light and heavy, big and small, spares and dense, all have balanced functions within a painting.轻与重,大和小,疏与密,都有平衡画面的功能。
17.The Research on Therapy of Smoothing the Liver-Qi and Clearing Heat in Treating Hyperthyroidism;疏肝清热法治疗甲状腺功能亢进症的临床研究
18.Protective Effect Liver Function by the Treatment of Distant Liver and Clearing Away Heat-Removing Damp in Obstructive Jaundice;疏肝清热利湿法对阻黄肝功能及相关因子影响

instinctive catharsis本能宣泄
1.By means of literature and so on,it analyzed the theoretical foundation of recognizing the function of "instinctive catharsis" of port in the field of research on aggressive behavior and revealed existing logical errors and research insufficiency.通过文献资料等研究方法,阐述攻击性行为研究领域中对体育"本能宣泄"功能认识的理论基础,揭示其存在的逻辑错误和研究不足。
3)publicity function宣传功能
4)propagandistic and instructive function宣教功能
1." His exploration had not only intensified the propagandistic and instructive function of articles,but also accumulated experience for popular expression in ter.秋白的探索不仅强化了文章作品的宣教功能 ,而且在技法、语言等方面为文学通俗化的表达积累了成功的经验。
5)the function of dispersing疏泄功能
1.Therefore, tragedies, on the one hand, offer outlet for catharsis of peoples emotion and purification of the soul, and on the other hand, touch off peoples strong sense of life-force.故悲剧一方面能宣泄人的情绪,净化人的心灵,另一方面能触发人强烈的生命力感。
2.As a popular cultural product,its recreational function has been demonstrated by psychological effect such as catharsis,substitution and compensation.通过宣泄、代入、补偿等心理效应,体现了它作为通俗文化产品应有的娱乐功能。

宣泄宣泄catharsis  宣泄(catharsis)亦称4‘精神疏泄,,、,’,自理净化”。源自希腊语,意指净化、清洗。(l)精神分析的一种技术,指引导患者把被压抑于潜意识中的郁结无保留地倾诉出来,借以缓解内心的紧张和焦虑,促使其精神疾患得以康复。接受布洛伊尔(B reucr,J.)的治疗的安O·娜把它称为“打烟囱法”,意指将积郁于内心的烦恼与情绪纠葛倾诉出来,病情即可获得好转,由此把宣泄视为治疗过程中的重要效应。但随着移情理论的发展和对解释的重视,宣泄在精神分析治疗中的作用不再被强调。(2)心理咨询与心理治疗中的一种重要方法,指让来访者身心放松,自由倾诉,消除郁闷,缓解紧张,求得安慰。 (张明撰牟丈博审)