价值主张,value proposition
1)value proposition价值主张
1.Business models may be expressed by value proposition, value supporting and value maintaining.商务模式是由价值主张、价值支撑和价值保持来表征的,价值主张的形成和提出是最具有创意的阶段。
2.Based on customer value network model proposed under the Internet circumstance,the competitive dimensions of value proposition are analysized.基于所构建的网络环境下客户价值的度量模型,分析了客户价值主张的竞争维度,提出运用市场商机算法可以量化企业的客户价值主张

1.Complementary of Concepts between Different Schools within Same Values同一价值主张下不同流派之间的观念互补
2.To Study on Application and Quantification of Value Proposition for Customers under Internet Circumstance网络环境下客户价值主张的量化方法及应用
3.Value proposition creating process for commercial fitness building club;我国商业体育健身俱乐部价值主张实现过程研究
4.His opinion isn't worth a rap.他的主张毫无价值。
5.Stand for developing the production and labor contents of Marx's labor theory of value.主张拓宽马克思劳动价值论的生产劳动内容。
6.Lao-zi Natural Law Thoughts and Its Modern Value;老子自然法思想的基本主张及其现代价值
7.The Internal Tension of Western Democracy: Between Instrumental Rationality and Value Rationality;西方民主的内在张力:工具理性与价值理性之间
8.Talk about Berlin s Liberalism and Plural Doctrine of Value Inherent Tension;论以赛亚·伯林的自由主义与价值多元主义的内在张力
9.The Tention of Moral Idealism and Moral Utilitarianism;理想主义与功利主义的张力——论道德的目的、动力、价值
10.balance A against B; compare the value of one plan,argument,etc with that of another将此一计划、主张等与彼一计划、主张等作价值上的比较权衡二者之利弊
11.Yet have we really pressed the case for the vindication of reason and civilized values?然而我们是否真的为了维护理智和文明的价值而坚持了这一主张?
12.The corollary of this concept is that the consumption of merit bads should be discouraged.这个概念的推论是主张对“有价值的坏商品”的消费应加以限制。
13.Their strong consumer proposition has created a virtuous cycle for value formats.他们强烈的顾客定位主张已经为价值模式创造了良性循环。
14.On Theoretical Features and Value of Zhang Wentian s Exploration to Capitalist Econmy of China;论张闻天对中国资本主义经济探索的理论价值和特色
15.Exaggeration and Lose:Modernity Interpretation of the Tension between Individualism and Social Value Ideal现代性境遇中个人主义与社会价值理想张力的哲学反思
16.Yang Xian - hua Philosophical Concern on the Theory of Labor - Value;哲学对劳动价值理论研究的关注——兼与张华夏教授的价值主客观二重性的讨论
17.Contemporary liberals mostly contend that the right of basic political freedom contained in democratic systems can not be replaced by other values.当代自由主义者多主张民主制度所蕴涵的基本政治自由权是不能被其他价值所取代。
18.A scholar of Old English, Tolkien argued that Beowulf should be read for its literary merits.身为古英语的学者,托尔金主张「贝奥武夫」有其文学价值,因此值得一读。

totoal value position全价值主张
3)value tension价值张力
1.Further more,among these three elements there are three basic tensions-value tension,power tension and contractual tension.这三种基本要素内部又分别存在着三种根本的张力———价值张力、权力张力和契约张力。
4)main value chains价值主链
1.about the extension and regroup for coal enterprise main value chains.本文分析了煤炭企业价值主链的现状和存在的主要问题,提出了煤炭企业价值主链重组与延伸的方式和方法。
5)value subject价值主体
1.From philosophical and journalistic theory we can see that besides transmission subject and acceptant subject,news value still has a third value subject-society,which is an independent one not belonging to the previou.关于新闻价值主体的构成与认定这一问题,学界一直以来对此存在一个理论缺陷,即完全忽略了把社会共同体作为新闻价值的主体的可能性和必要性,这一直影响着新闻业务的变革和新闻理论的创新。
2.With the development of golbaling and associate-practice and the emeraing of theory innovation in endlessly,we must re-orientate the value subject in order to push the course of global.在全球化和交往实践活动日益发展的情况下,在理论创新层出不穷的今天,我们必须对价值主体重新定位,以推动全球化进程和历史步伐的前进。
6)Subject of value价值主体
1.The subject of value in social development, first of all, is species, but it does not mean to cancel the status of groups or individuals.社会发展的价值主体,首先是类体,但并不取消群体和个体作为价值主体的地位。
2.The main contents are:people- oriented subject of value,common wealth aimed choice of value,practice-emphasized principle of value,three fa- vorables judged measure of value,and collectivism-focused value of life.邓小平理论包含着丰富的价值哲学思想,其主要理论内容有:以民为本的价值主体论,以共同富裕为目标的价值选择论,注重务实、讲求效益的价值原则论,以三个"是否有利于"为尺度的价值标准论,以集体主义为核心的人生价值论。
3.The subject of value is man.价值主体是人 ,价值存在于价值主体与价值客体的关系之中。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分