客户品牌,Customer Brand
1)Customer Brand客户品牌
1.A Research on the Communication of Customer Brand of China Mobile Communication Cooperation;中国移动客户品牌传播研究
2.Telecom customer brands are established for different market segments、specific customer base, which reflects the difference between consumer behavior and telecommunications psychological needs of its population covered by a strong appeal and cohesion.电信客户品牌是电信运营商针对不同的细分市场、特定的客户群建立的品牌,它体现差异化的电信消费行为和需求心理,对其所覆盖的人群具有强大的号召力和凝聚力。

1.The Effect of Retail Reward Programs on Customer Brand Choice Behavior关系营销中客户回报计划对客户品牌选择行为的影响研究
2.A Study on Customer Brand Relationship s Continuance of Telecom Operators;电信运营商客户品牌关系的持续性研究
3.Thinking of China Mobile Setting up Rural Marketing;中国移动建立农村市场客户品牌的思考
4.Current Situation and Develop Strategy of "U-Power" Brand Marketing in Jilin Unicom吉林联通新势力客户品牌营销现状及发展策略
5.Research of China Telecom Operator Mobile Business Customer Brand Image中国电信运营企业移动客户品牌形象研究
6.Brand, customer experience, and the user interface品牌、客户体验和用户界面
7.Client- Based Image Design--bout the Establishme of "IT GOODS";以客户为主体的品牌设计——谈“宜特购”品牌的创建
8.The Research about JieFang Customer Relationship Management System;解放品牌客户关系管理系统建设研究
9.Study on the Zepro Brand Management Based on the Customer Satisfaction基于客户满意度的ZEPRO品牌管理研究
10.Create brand style guides that meet clients business objectives as well as incorporate into FSGs brand management strategy.开发品牌设计概要,以符合客户需求,并且配合公司内部的品牌策略。
11.Method for Building Customer-based Brand Equity;论构建以客户为本的品牌资产的方法——以“动感地带”品牌为例
12.Chinese famous-Brand commodities enjoy Chinese and foreign customers' confidence and praise.我国的名牌商品,深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉。
13.Research on Customer-Based Brand Equity of Software Company;基于客户感知的软件企业品牌资产结构研究
14.Study on Brand Management of Medical Equipment Enterprises Based on Client Loyalty;医疗器械企业基于客户忠诚的品牌管理研究
15.Research on the Brand-rization Customer Relationship Management of Entire Proceeding for Real Estate Enterprises;房地产企业品牌化全过程客户关系管理研究
16.Analysis on FAW-VW Audi Service Customer Satisfaction;一汽—大众奥迪品牌售后服务客户满意度分析
17.The Application of CRM in AUDI Marketing;客户关系管理在奥迪品牌营销上的应用
18.An Exploration of the Structural Model of Customers’ Degree of Satisfaction for the Sports Brands in China;对我国体育品牌客户满意度结构模型的探索

Customer service brand客户服务品牌
3)mobile business customer brand移动客户品牌
1.In this background, and to Fan Xiu Cheng Brand Image Measurement Model for the foundation, this paper identify the internal factors of mobile business customer brand image through market research and communication with experts and scholars.本研究以范秀成品牌形象测量模型为基础,通过市场调研以及与专家学者的沟通,确定了电信运营企业移动客户品牌形象内部因素,并通过层次分析法确定了各维度以及各因素的优先级权重,从而构建出电信运营企业移动客户品牌形象的测量模型。
4)customized products客户化产品
1.Current market demands of customized products is analyzed in this paper.在分析市场需求和中小制造企业现状的基础上,以客户化产品制造的敏捷性为目标,依据制造技术和制造模式的适用性原则,提出基于延迟生产理论的中小企业客户化敏捷制造实施模式;以虚拟企业思想和技术适用性原则为指导,提出基于企业合作的客户化产品敏捷制造策略;依据中小企业现有的信息技术环境及其在制造系统中的作用,提出了基于信息敏捷性的敏捷制造模式。
6)client collateral客户抵押品

CPU品牌 笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料