综合营帐,integrated customer care&billing system
1)integrated customer care&billing system综合营帐

1.Research on Construction and Maintenance of Integrated Business & Billing Management System in Guangxi Telecom;广西电信综合营帐系统建设与运营分析
2.The Design of Bill-processing System for Chongqing Unicom;中国联通重庆分公司综合营帐系统设计与实现
3.Study on the Comprehensive System of Operation and Accounting of Shaanxi Branch of China Unicom Corporation;中国联通陕西分公司综合营帐系统研究
4.Research on the Application of CTG-MBOSS Code in Guangxi Telecom s Integrated Customer Care&Billing System;CTG-MBOSS规范在广西电信公司综合营帐系统中的应用研究
5.public sector expenditure on consolidated account综合帐目内的公营部门开支
6.Strengthening of taxation administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of taxation on audit of accounts involve many sides and have an integral nature, it is therefore a difficult job.加强个体、营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作涉及面广,综合性强,难度较大。
7.Design and Implementation of Background Processing of Integrated Billing and Account System;综合计费帐务系统后台的设计与实现
8.The accounting of the joint venture company shall adopt the internationally used accrual Basis and debit and credit accounting system in their work.合营公司采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记帐法记帐。
9.FOCUS [Financial and Operations Combined Uniform Single Report]财务经营综合报告[
10.Article34 Parties of the joint venture company have the right to invite an auditor to undertake annual financial check and examination at his own expense.第三十四条合营各方有权自费聘请审计师查阅合营公司帐簿。
11.The company's area of specialization is account package for small businesses.该公司的专营产品是小企业用的记帐组合程序。
12."All vouches, account Book, statistic statements and reports of the joint venture company shall be written in Chinese. "合营公司的一切凭证、帐簿、报表,用中文书写。
13.Following items shall be covered in the financial accounts books:合营公司财务会计帐册上应记载如下
14."After winding up of the joint venture company, its account Books shall be left in the care of the Chinese participant. "合营公司结业后,其各种帐册,由甲方保存。
15.The Analysis of the Cost-Effect of Separation and Universal Banking;分业经营与综合经营的成本效应分析
16.Article 49 Parties to the joint venture have the right to invite an auditor to undertake annual financial check and examination at his own expense. The joint venture company shall provide convenience for the checking and examination.合营各方有权自费聘请审计师查阅合营公司帐簿。查阅时,合营公司应提供方便。
17.Integrated Project on Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control计划生育、营养和寄生虫防治综合项目(综合项目)
18.The Evaluation of Operation Conditions of Farm Machinery Sale Based on the Fuzzy Evaluation Method;基于模糊综合评价法的农机经营条件综合评价

Comprehensive System of Operation and Accounting综合营帐系统
1.Study on the Comprehensive System of Operation and Accounting of Shaanxi Branch of China Unicom Corporation;中国联通陕西分公司综合营帐系统研究
3)consolidated account综合帐目
4)public sector expenditure on consolidated account综合帐目内的公营部门开支
5)joint venture account短期合营帐
6)consolidated revenue account综合收入帐

营帐1.行军宿营所用之帐篷。借指营房。 2.野外工作时住宿用的帐篷。