台站,seismic station
1)seismic station台站
1.Earthquake quick report and monitoring system software for seismic station;台站地震速报监测系统软件

1.management of radio station installation无线电台站设置管理
2.weighing station过秤台,秤站,磅站
3.the station platform, staff站台、 火车站员工.
4.He stood on the platform.他站在讲台(或站台)上。
5.The next train to arrive at platform 8,将要在第八站台进站的,
6.George : Which platform ?乔治:在几号站台?
7.It's on Platform 3, but this is Platform 1.是在三站台,而这里是一站台。
8.web site development"网站建构设计, 网站发展, [台]网站建置 "
9.platform train indicator站台列车到发表示器
10.platform spotting在站台规定地点停车
11.The diver poised himself on the edge of the high board.跳水者在高台边上站稳。
12.rail station platform火车/地铁/轻铁车站月台
13.We formed lines to march in procession onto the platform.我们列队来到了站台。
14.She looked after the train as it left the station.她目送着火车离开站台。
15.due to depart form platform 1从第一站台发车的,
16.Which platform is for the train 76?76次列车是在哪个站台?
17.Which platform is the train on?列车停靠哪个站台?
18.The next train to arrive at platform 5下一列进入第五站台,

1.The JCZ-1 ultra broadband seismometer and CTS-1 very broadband seismometer are key equipment employed in National Digital Seismograph Network, the in-situ calibration of seismometer at seismostation is a very important operation for correct seismological observation.JCZ-1超宽频带地震计与CTS-1甚宽频带地震计是国家数字地震台网使用的关键设备,而地震计的台站现场标定是实现准确地震观测的重要环节。
1.Station routine data treat software in data and curve synchronously existence;数据和曲线并存的台站日常数据处理软件
1.Analysis of Noise Endangers Level in Three Types Platforms of Urban Rail Transit城市轨道交通3类站台的噪声暴露水平分析
2.This paper analyzes the influence of anti-rolling torsion bar to the vehicle dynamic envelope in metro gauges and the gap between vehicle and platform.分析地铁限界中抗侧滚扭杆对车辆动态包络线的影响及车辆与站台间隙问题,并提出在标准中增加相关内容的建议。
3.Passenger injuries caused by fault stepping during entering and leaving the carriages cast doubts on the justification ofthe traditional platform construction clearance obtained by increasing a 100 mm gap to the vehicle gauge.地铁运营中所发生的乘客上下车时踩空受伤的事故,使人怀疑传统站台建筑限界采用车辆宽度加100mm间隙的合理性。
5)Station platform车站站台
