内外控人格特质,locus of control
1)locus of control内外控人格特质
1.Empirical study of the relationship between the locus of control and organizational commitment;内外控人格特质与组织承诺关系的实证研究
2.This study focuses on the relationships between locus of control,job satisfaction,and demographic variables.以中国联通安徽分公司156名雇员为调查对象,分析、探讨了个人统计变量、内外控人格特质、工作满意度三者间的关系。

1.Empirical study of the relationship between the locus of control and organizational commitment;内外控人格特质与组织承诺关系的实证研究
2.An Empirical Study of the Relationship between the Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction内外控人格特质与工作满意度关系的实证研究
3.A Study of the Association of Warm/Cool Color and Introversion/Extroversion Personality by Implicit Method冷暖色调与内外向人格特质的内隐研究
5.Correlation between suicidal ideation and personality, internal-external locus of control,self-esteem in medical college students;医学生自杀意念与人格特征、内外控和自尊水平的关系研究
6.The Contingent Negative Variation Potentials Study on Introversive and Extroversive Personality Trait of Different Gender;不同性别内外向人格特质的关联性负变电位研究
7.Relationships between Explicit Self-Esteem,Implicit Self-Esteem,Personality Traits and Positive Affect,Negative Affect in Undergraduates大学生外显自尊、内隐自尊、人格特质与积极情感、消极情感的关系
8.Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being.人格是生物内在特质的最高实现。
9.Hardiness is an aspect of personality that buffers the effects of stres s on health. Hardiness comprises three related sub-concepts,namely,commitment, control, and challenge.坚韧性是一丛能够保护个体免于应激伤害的人格特质 ,包括承诺、控制和挑战三部分内容。
10.Hardiness is an aspect of personality that buffers the effects of stress on health. Hardiness comprises three related sub concepts commitment, control, and challenge.坚韧性是一丛能够保护个体免于应激伤害的人格特质,包括承诺、控制和挑战三部分内容。
11.Drug release characteristics in vitro and in vitro-in vivo correlations study of glipizide controlled-release tablets格列吡嗪控释片体外药物释放特征和体内外相关性研究
12.optimal personality traits最佳人格特质 最佳人格特质
13.personality trait theory人格特质理论 人格特质论
14.Exteroceptive Suppression of Temporalis Muscle Activity in Subjects with High and Low Aggression Traits;攻击人格特质与颞肌外感受抑制相关性的研究
15.Relationships of Cognitive Performances and Cognitive Styles with Extraversion;认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系
16.A Study of the Relationship Between the Preference of Internet Contents and Personality Characteristics of College Students;互联网内容偏好与大学生人格特质关系的研究
17.personality trait disorder人格特质障碍 性格特质违常
18.Ideal Personality of the Confucian School "Internal Saint & External King" Brings about Revelation of Quality Education of Contemporary University Students儒家“内圣外王”理想人格对当代大学生素质教育的启示

introversion/extroversion personality内外向人格特质
3)personality trait人格特质
1.A survey of personality trait of college nursing students in different grades;不同年级护理本科生人格特质调查
2.The influence of personality traits on immediate retrieval and delay retrieval;人格特质对立即提取和延缓提取的影响
3.A new view on the relationship between personality traits and cognitive performance;人格特质与认知操作关系的新视野
4)Personality traits人格特质
1.Gender Differences in Personality Traits of Middle School Students;中学生人格特质的性别差异研究
2.Adolescences Personality Traits and Personality Cultivating;现代青少年的人格特质及青少年人格的培养
3.The Study on Relationship of Occupational Interests and the Personality Traits, Social Support of Medical Students;医科大学生职业兴趣与人格特质、社会支持的关系研究
1.Relationship between Personality and Academic Achievement of High School Students;高中生人格特质与学业成绩的关系研究
2.Correlation Study of the Personality Trait of Ocean Seamen;远洋船员人格特质的相关研究
3.Study on the Personality and Coping Styte of head Nurse;护士长人格特质及应付方式的调查研究
6)personality characteristic人格特质
1.Correlation between personality characteristics and academic achievement of college nursing students in military medical universities;军校护理本科生人格特质与学习成绩的关系
2.The research studied the junior students personality characteristics difference in the Internet environment.为了探讨网络环境下初中生人格心理特点的差异,对某中学初中三个年级的学生进行上网情况调查和艾森克人格问卷(少年版)测查,结果表明:(1)高频上网初中生与低频上网初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上存在显著性的差异;(2)不同年龄的初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上也存在着显著性的差异;(3)年龄对测谎(L)的影响最大,上网频度对神经质(N)的影响最大,而年龄、性别和上网频度对精神质(P)都有较大影响。
3.29 teenager shoot ethletes as objects, the investigator measures their personality characteristic according to Eysenck personality questionnaire and observes the change of immune function between pretest and posttest on psychological stress , so as to discover the influence of psychological stress on immune function of differe.本文以我省29名青少年射击运动员为研究对象,通过艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)测定,了解其人格特质,并以心算为心理应激,观察心理应激前后免疫功能的变化,以揭示心理应激对不同人格特质青少年射击运动员免疫功能的影响。
