1)China IPTV中国IPTV
1.This paper takes Shanghai, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Henan and Zhejiang, and other places as examples to comprehensively analyse the background, the development state, and the operating model of China IPTV industry.本文以上海、黑龙江、江苏、河南和浙江等地为代表,全景分析研究了中国IPTV产业的发生背景、发展状况以及产业运营模式情况;并进一步从运营现状和发展前景出发,探讨论述了中国IPTV产业所面临的问题与挑战。

1.The Study on Market and Development Strategy for IPTV in China;中国IPTV业务市场分析及发展策略研究
2.An Analysis on IPTV Operation Model of China Based on Value Chain;基于价值链理论的中国IPTV运营模式分析
3.Application and Validation of the Long Tail Theory in Chinese IPTV Field;长尾理论在中国IPTV领域的验证及应用研究
4.Marketing Tactics Research of IPTV Development of China Telecom Corporation;中国电信发展IPTV营销策略研究
5.Research on IPTV Development Strategy of Chinese Telecommunication Operator;中国电信运营商发展IPTV的策略研究
6.Supporting IPTV Application in IPDSLAM;IPDSLAM中对IPTV业务的支持
7.Study of Feasibility of Building IPTV System in Inner Mongolia CNC;中国网通内蒙古分公司IPTV系统工程建设可行性研究分析
8.The IPTV Technical System and Its Deployment and Application in China;IPTV技术系统及其在国内的部署与应用
9.Research over IPTV Development and Regulating Revolution in China;国内IPTV业务的发展与政策改革建议
10.A Study on the Current Situation and Future Trend of Domestic IPTV Industry国内IPTV产业现状及发展趋势研究
11.IPTV Service Development and Standardization in China我国IPTV标准化进展与近期热点探讨
12.Middleware Based on Message Queue Applied in IPTV;基于消息队列的中间件在IPTV中的应用
13.Application of Media Convergence Theory in Chinese TV:A Case of studying IPTV媒介融合理论在中国电视界的实践——作为研究个案的IPTV(交互式网络电视)
14.The Study of Media Content Storage and Distribution Technolgy in IPTV;IPTV中媒体内容存储与分发技术研究
15.QoS Performance Design and Optimization in the IPTV System;IPTV系统中QoS的性能优化与实现
16.QoS Performance Design and Realization in the IPTV System;IPTV系统中QoS的性能设计与实现
17.Design and Implement of the Digital Rights Manager System in IPTV;IPTV中数字版权管理系统的设计与实现
18.Application Design for ChangChun Broadband IP Network with IPTV Technology;IPTV在长春宽带IP网中的应用设计

IPTV interactionIPTV交互
3)IPTV patternIPTV模式
4)IPTV securityIPTV安全
1.Forensic watermarking based IPTV security scheme is complementary to common digital rights man- agement schemes.IPTV业务的迅速发展,对于以防止盗版为目的IPTV安全方案提出了更高的要求。
5)IPTV multicastIPTV组播
1.It puts forward an IPTV multicast implementation scheme based on FPGA,and designs the FPGA program of 10Gb card about IPTV multicast.依据国家“863”计划中ACR的规范,提出了基于FPGA的IPTV组播实现方案,完成了10Gb接口板IPTV组播的FPGA程序设计。
6)IPTV technologyIPTV技术
1.IPTV technology includes systems of managing,carrying and transmitting network,and the system of the user s terminal receiving.IPTV技术含IPTV管理系统、承载与传输网络和用户终端接收系统;IPTV涉及的关键技术有数字视频编解码技术、数字版权管理技术、IPQOS技术、流媒体技术和组播技术;IPTV技术标准有MPEC-1标准、MPEC-2标准、MPEC-4标准和H。

IPTV业务  IPTV即交互式网络电视,是一种利用宽带IP网络,集互联网、多媒体、通讯等多种技术于一体,以电视机或PC机作为接收终端,向用户提供包括数字电视在内的多种交互式服务的崭新技术。IPTV利用ADSL或以太网或者有线电视网络等接入宽带网,通过互联网协议(IP协议)来传送电视信号,是互联网和传统电视相融合的结果。IPTV的主要特点在于它的交互性和实时性,目前能够提供的业务不仅有传统的电视业务即BTV业务,还有时移电视业务(Time-shiftTV)、VOD视频点播业务、传统互联网业务及互联网的增值业务。