平邮,surface mail
1)surface mail平邮

1.air mail or ordinary mail?航空邮寄还是平邮?
2.Surface mail takes much longer than airmail.平邮比空邮慢得多。
3.B: Do you want to send it by airmail or by ordinary mail?乙:您要寄航空还是寄平邮?
4.A: What's the rate for sending a package of books surface mail to Japan?甲:平邮寄一包书去日本,怎样收费?
5.It wants to storm the last bastion of post-office monopolies (carrying ordinary letters).它还想攻克邮政垄断这最后一个“碉堡”(从事普通平邮业务的公司)。
6.Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚洲-太平洋邮政联盟
7.surface mail(非航空的)平寄邮件
8.Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail?你想平寄,还是挂号邮寄?
9.2. Introduction of the e-mail and the designing of mail filtering platform.2、电子邮件的技术原理和邮件过滤平台的设计。
10.Design of integrated platform for collaborative production of telecommunication industry based on e-stamps;电子邮票与邮政协同式生产集成平台设计
11.Do you want to send it by air mail or by ordinary mail?你想寄平信还是寄航空邮件?
12.Ordinary mail sent by conscripts from their units shall be free of charge.义务兵从部队发出的平信,免费邮递。
13.Final Protocol of the Asian-Pacific Postal Convention亚洲太平洋邮政公约最后议定书
14.General Regulations of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚洲太平洋邮政联盟总规则
15.Detailed Regulations of the Asian-Pacific Postal Convention亚洲太平洋邮政公约实施细则
16.The Design and Realization of General Office Platform for Dongying Postal Service;东营邮政综合办公平台的设计与实现
17.Web Mail System Based on J2EE Platform;基于J2EE平台的Web邮件系统
18.The Reserarch about the Postal-Agent-Platform Design黑龙江省邮政综合服务平台技术研究

Return by Surface平邮退回
3)Deliver / Redirect by Surface平邮改寄
4)By airmail or surface mail?空邮还是平邮?
5)Pacific liner太平洋航线邮船
6)Pacific Mail太平洋邮船公司

《兰德每日邮报》  南非发行量最大的英文日报。1902年在约翰内斯堡创刊。为南非报业联合公司成员。该报编排质量较高,重视国际新闻,反对种族隔离制度。常刊载调查性报道,揭露监狱、交通等社会问题,在非白人中有不少读者。采用大型报版式,为南非刊登彩色照片和彩色广告的第1家报纸。日发行量11.9万份(1986)。1906年起出版《星期日时报》,发行量47万份(1986)。