转换意愿,Customer Switch
1)Customer Switch转换意愿

1.The Empirical Research of Service Encounter's Effect on Customer Switch Intention in Communication Industry通信业中服务接触对顾客转换意愿的影响研究
2.Research on Factors that Influence on Switching Intention of Mobile Communication Consumers and Additional Behavior;影响移动通信消费者转换服务商意愿的因素及转换附加行为研究
3.Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming: From the Principle of Rational Self-consciousness to the Principle of Vollition Free-will;从朱熹到王阳明:理性自觉原则向意志自愿原则的转换
4.Do you want to have a refund or exchange it for a satisfactory one?你愿意退款还是换一只满意的?
5.Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate.我最不愿意干换保险丝这类活儿了.
6.We can exchange it for you if you like.如果你愿意, 我们可以给你调换。
7.He turned aside their intended praises by changing the topic.他换了个话题,不愿听他们曲意奉承。
8.Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)?你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意(和我)交换吗?
9.If they would put their together, I am sure they could reach an agreement.假使他们愿意在一起交换意见,肯定会达成协议。
10.'Yes, I could. I will, if you ask it.'“可以。 如果你提出要求,我愿意转达。”
11.Then there is no death, save the transition, when desired.那么就没有死亡,如果愿意,平安地转型。
12.A Study on Chinese Consumers Willingness to Accept to Consume Genetically Modified Rice;消费者对转基因稻米的支付意愿研究
13.The Desire and Behavior of Peasant Land Circulation;农村居民土地流转的意愿与行为选择
14.Research on influencing factors of farm households willingness of agricultural land transfer-A case study of Bishan County in Chongqing;重庆市璧山县农户农地流转意愿研究
15.A Research about Farmers' Willings and Actions during Farmlang Conversion农地流转过程中农户意愿与行为研究
16.As if in answer to his prayer, Wu Chih-sheng immediately changed the subject.而居然“天从人愿”,吴芝生转换方向,叹一口气问道:
17.The Flowing and Changing Image:Image Perusal of the Poem Duan Zhang;意象的流动与转换——《断章》意象细读
18.The shopkeeper said he would replace the radio set if we were not satisfied.店主说如果我们不满意他愿调换收音机。

3)Transfer Inclination转移意愿
4)transference will流转意愿
1.The empirical test results showed that the main industry of the household\'s head, the quantity of agricultural labor, the proportion of non-farm income and some other factors played a significant impact on the transference will.文章以湖北省410户农户的问卷调查为基础,采用Logit模型对影响农户流转意愿的影响因素进行定量分析,实证检验结果表明,户主的主业、家庭的农业劳动力数量、非农收入比重等因素对流转的行为选择有着显著的影响,家庭的劳动力数量与流转意愿正相关,有村干部的家庭也更容易发生农地流转;而户主的主业和农产品价格等因素则与流转意愿负相关。
5)We prefer to have a replacement.我们愿意换货。
6)Would you like to swap beds?您愿意换铺吗?
