大客户市场,Big customer market
1)Big customer market大客户市场

1.Key Client Marketing Strategy Research Based on One Procince Telecommunication Company;XX通信公司大客户市场营销策略研究
2.Research on New Product Development of Chongqing Mobile Company's Big Customer Market重庆移动公司大客户市场新产品开发研究
3.The Strategy Research on Relationship Marketing to Develop the Vip Account in the Commercial Bank关系营销在商业银行开发大客户市场中的策略研究
4.The Mode Research of Key Account Management of Hangzhou Power Bureau s Marketing;杭州市电力局市场营销大客户管理模式研究
5.To maximize of our market acceptance and customer satisfactions.使我们的市场接受度和客户满意度最大化。
6.A Study on Key Account Management in the Market of Hi-value Medical Consumptive Stuff;高值医疗耗材市场中的大客户管理研究
7.How to Deal with the Management of the Big Clients;谈在市场营销中如何做好对大客户的管理
8.Strategy Research on Heilan Work Clothes at Shandon Market海澜职业服山东市场大客户营销策略改进研究
9.From Client s Satisfaction to Client s Sincerity;从客户满意到客户忠诚——浅谈政府人才市场客户服务方略
10.Our enterprise wins the confidence of the market with the sincerity and quality. Welcome to Yuyao Xingsheng Wool Textile Co., Ltd.公司以诚信和质量取信于市场,希望广大新老客户惠顾、临。
11.New KA and channel openning;Regional Business Team Management.开拓市场新的大客户和销售渠道。区域团队的管理。
12.We sell our products all over China and even export to Southeast Asia, Occident and other countries and areas.公司在国内外市场享有较高的信誉,得到广大新老客户的青睐。
13.The products are sold to occident market and received the admiration from consumers.产品远销欧美市场,深受客户青眯。
14.An order that removes a customer' s previous order from the market.从交易市场清除客户近期的订单。
15.Take responsibility for the development of Chinese market for our client.负责为我公司客户开发中国市场。
16.Management of relationship with clients and competitive capacity of basic hospitals in the market客户关系管理与基层医院市场竞争力
17.Evaluating CHN product offerings and customer experience.评估中文市场产品及分析客户行为。
18.Market research, customer insight and competitor analysis.市场调研,客户洞察,竞争对手分析。

the customer market of hospital医院客户市场
1.The customer market of hospital is a special kind of market form,which with rich and thick culture atmosphere,is formed through the interaction between doctors and patients during the long term medical treatment service activities,The special characteristic of the customer market of hospital determines its stronger situation which is close to the development of local talents.医院客户市场是医生在长期的医疗服务活动中,医患双方相互影响后所形成的带有浓厚文化气息的一种特殊形式。
3)customer market segmentation客户市场细分
4)6 major tourismsourcemarkets6大客源市场
5)Undergraduate tourism market大学生客源市场
6)large-sized and medium-sized buses market大中型客车市场

大客1.周代指大诸侯国派出的卿一级的使者﹐常对"小客"而言。《周礼.秋官.大行人》:"掌大宾之礼,及大客之仪。"郑玄注:"大客,谓其孤卿。"《仪礼.聘礼》:"有大客后至,则先客不飨食,致之。"亦以尊称贵宾。 2.象的别名。