频谱经济性,spectrum economic
1)spectrum economic频谱经济性
1.Therefore, the mobile communications business model should have good spectrum economic character.因此,移动通信商业模式应具备良好的频谱经济性,即实现对频谱资源的合理有效利用,从每Hz频率资源中获取尽可能多的经济收益。
2)broad-spectrum economy广谱经济
1.The broad-spectrum economy, in which human food basically consisted of various aquatic animals and granular fruits, was widely considered as one of the most important traits during the transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age.以食用各种水生动物和小粒型植物果实为主的广谱经济,以往学界都认为它是旧石器向新石器时代过渡阶段的重要特点。
3)economies of frequency频率经济
1.The analysis showed three results: when the index of economies of frequency was big,the incumbent airline and new entrant could be existing in three markets;however,when the index of economies of frequency was general,the new entrant would be compelled to quit out of one of them;what s mo.在位航空公司利用航空频率经济性构建轮辐型网络结构和歧视定价,导致经典的可竞争市场理论在放松管制后的航空市场中失灵。
4)economic channel经济频道

1.This program is broadcast by BTV Economics Channel every week for 20 minutes.《京港同行》栏目在北京电视台经济频道播出。
2.Program Production System of CCTV Economic Channel中央电视台经济频道节目制作业务系统
3.An Exploratory Research on China s Television Promotion--A Case Study of CCTV-2;中国电视包装研究——以中央电视台经济频道为个案
4.Seeing the Professionalization of China's TV channels from the Perspective of "Attention Economy"从“注意力经济”看我国电视频道专业化
5.Channel 5 is off the air now.五频道已经停止播放。
6.Study in Ethics of Market Economy--Ethics of economy and economy of ethics;市场经济的道德拷问——经济道德与道德经济
7.Development Experiences of Some Foreign Weather Channels and Development Path of China Weather TV国外气象频道发展经验与中国气象频道发展道路
8.A Research on the Economist s China Economic Report;《经济学人》中国经济问题报道研究
9.The Economic-moral Interpretation on the 1844 Economic and Philosophy Manuscript;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的经济道德解读
10.SERF (Studies of the Economics of Route Facilities)道路设施经济性研究
11.Channel sth into the orbit of the development of market economy纳入市场经济发展轨道
12.The same is true of economic cooperation.经济协作也是这个道理。
13.LATELY, pleasant surprises about European economies have been popping up with happy regularity.近来,关于欧洲经济的捷报频传。
14.Negative Effect of Recurrent Robbing and Grabbing Cases on Economic life;“双抢”案件的频发对经济生活的负效应
15.Ethics of Economic Action:An lnner Agreement between Economic Action and Ethics;经济运行道德:经济运行与道德的内在契合
16.trans-urethral radio-frequency prostatic thermal treatment经尿道射频前列腺治疗仪
17.The Mode of Operation and Concept of Management on the TV Channel Package;电视频道包装的运作模式和经营理念
18."There are no Switched channels configured on any line. Please configure a Switched channel range in the Channels page."所有线路上都没有经过配置的交换频道。请在“频道”页中配置一个交换频道范围。

broad-spectrum economy广谱经济
1.The broad-spectrum economy, in which human food basically consisted of various aquatic animals and granular fruits, was widely considered as one of the most important traits during the transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age.以食用各种水生动物和小粒型植物果实为主的广谱经济,以往学界都认为它是旧石器向新石器时代过渡阶段的重要特点。
3)economies of frequency频率经济
1.The analysis showed three results: when the index of economies of frequency was big,the incumbent airline and new entrant could be existing in three markets;however,when the index of economies of frequency was general,the new entrant would be compelled to quit out of one of them;what s mo.在位航空公司利用航空频率经济性构建轮辐型网络结构和歧视定价,导致经典的可竞争市场理论在放松管制后的航空市场中失灵。
4)economic channel经济频道
5)cycle economy循济经济性
6)frequency spectrum频谱特性
1.A new method, based on the analysis of frequency spectrum of instantaneous power, for the discrimination between internal fault currents and inrush currents in transformer is proposed.在分析瞬时功率频谱特性的基础上,提出了一种基于瞬时功率的变压器励磁涌流和内部故障电流识别新方法。
2.The frequency spectrum measurement of noise of image intensifiers is achieved by integrating Fast Fouier Transform (FFT) with hardware filter and digital filter.对一台进口的像增强器信噪比 (SNR)测试仪进行改造 ,重新研制和设计了测试仪的信号处理模块、计算机系统和测试软件 ,采用硬件滤波、软件数字滤波和快速傅里叶变换 (FFT)相结合的方法实现了像增强器噪声的频谱特性测试。
3.The generalized Pochhammerfrequency equation was presented, and the corresponding frequency spectrum curves in somerange of frequency were-given.导出了广义Pochhammer频率方程,研究了不同材料组合及尺度对其频谱特性的影响,并给出了相应的频谱曲线。

《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》 《佩文斋广群芳谱·药谱》   药学著作。又名《广群芳谱·药谱》。八卷。清·刘灏著。刊于1708年。本书为《佩文斋广群芳谱》卷九十三-一百,共收药物720余种,系在《二如亭群芳谱·药谱》的基础上增补而成。每种药物标记的“原”字下,均为《群芳谱》原文,“增”字下,为新增加的内容,特别是新增的“汇考”及“集藻”二项,补充各种文史资料尤为丰富。此外还新增补了一些新药。但却删去了原书中种植、修治、服食、疗治等内容。现存三种清刻本,及商务印局馆铅印本。