文化落地,culture-rooted construction
1)culture-rooted construction文化落地
1.One of the key aims of corporate culture building is culture-rooted construction, during which the enterprise strategy can be executed successfully.企业文化落地是个系统的工程,是一个长期动态演变的过程,在这个过程中企业从生存到成熟,从优秀到卓越,从企业原始经营到理性与人文结合的企业管理意境。

1.Culture Landing On Habit Strength behind the Culture文化落地:关注文化背后的习惯力量
2.An area that is far from population centers or that is held to be culturally backward.偏远落后地区远离居民中心的或被认为文化落后的地区
3.A research on tourism environmental carrying capacity of ancient villages: a case study of world cultural heritage-Xidi Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量初探——以世界文化遗产西递古村落为例
4.Living in a remote area, its economic and cultural development is comparatively backward.地理环境比较封闭,经济文化发展相对落后。
5.This place is a cultural back water that continues to resist progress.这个地方文化十分落后,仍然抗拒前进的步伐。
6.Yunnan Local Culture and the Modern Management of the Minority Village Industry in West Yunnan;云南地域文化与滇西民族村落产业的现代经营
7.A talk about resource sharing of information and culture in developing areas;试论落后地区的文化信息资源共享工程建设
8.Geographical and Cultural Characteristics and Village Studying of the Castle in Shanxi Biancheng山西边城古堡的地域文化特质与聚落研究
9.Using"Three Grasps,Four Combinations,Five Implementations"to Create Corporate Culture for Geologic Survey Enterprises创建地勘企业文化要做到“三抓四结合五落实”
10.An Archaeological Study of Settlements of the Early Nomadic Culture in the Eastern Tianshan Mountain Region东天山地区早期游牧文化聚落考古研究
11.Language Features and Culture Connotations of Former Yue Opera--Chinese Folk Rap试论越剧前身“落地唱书”的语言特色和文化内涵
12.Ancient village of hilly area, since a result that accumulates with the time , is also the essence of the region culture.山地古村落,既是时间积淀的成果,也是地域文化的精髓。
13.On Prehistoric Intertribal Conflicts in Multi-culture Areas in Light of the Excavation of the Gujiapo Cemetery;从顾家坡墓地的发掘看史前时代文化交叉地带的部落冲突
14.The Status of ChiDi’s Gaoluo in Spring and Autumn and Explanation of Gaoluo Spear Inscription;春秋赤狄皋落地望与皋落戈铭文释读
15.primitive culture, customs, tribes原始文化、 习俗、 部落
16.The old civilization may fall into decay.古代的文化可能衰落。
17.The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.部落主义部落的组织、文化或信仰
18.Cultural Community and Diversification of Contemporary Aesthetic Culture;文化群落与当代中国审美文化多元化

Business culture coming-up企业文化落地
3)village culture村落文化
1.Female Role in Transforming Village Culture;变迁村落文化中的女性角色
2.Relationship between village sports and village culture and mechanism村落农民体育与村落文化的关系及其作用机制
3.It reminds people of paying due attention to village culture so as to build the new type of villages with mnore distinguishing features.指出"文化丧失"的缘由和现实思考,提醒人们重视村落文化,从而创建更加富有特色的新型村落。
1.The Exploitation Strategy of Kanas Tuvin Tribalism in Xinjiang;新疆喀纳斯图瓦部落文化的开发策略
5)carrying out culture落实文化
1.On the carrying out culture in enterprise management;浅谈企业管理中的落实文化
6)cultural community文化群落
