电信服务礼仪,telecommunication service etiquette
1)telecommunication service etiquette电信服务礼仪
2)service etiquette服务礼仪
1.This paper expounds the connotations and features of service etiquette and the important significance of librarians’ learning and mastering the service etiquette, and points out some details that librarians should pay attentions to in the service for readers.阐述了服务礼仪的含义、特征及图书馆员学习和掌握服务礼仪的重要意义,指出图书馆员在读者服务工作中应注意的礼仪细节。
2.This paper expounds the reasons, expressions and results of the absence of service etiquette in the library, and probes into the construction of service etiquette in the library.论述了图书馆服务礼仪缺失的原因、表现、后果,探讨了图书馆服务礼仪的建设。
3.From the angle of university public relation,this paper has revealed the metaphor value of service etiquette the image outside announcing,expounded the basic requirement of "standard service etiquette",and explored the melting pattern in enlightening education and training of serving the etiquette with inside way with outside way.从学校公共关系角度,揭示了高校图书馆服务礼仪对图书馆形象和高校形象所具有的形象外显和形象隐喻价值,论述了“规范的服务礼仪”的基本要求,探讨了在服务礼仪的教化和培训中内化和外化相结合的方式。

1.An Analysis of Teaching Method of the Traveling Service Etiquette Class in Vocational Colleges;高职旅游服务礼仪课程教学方法探析
2.Nurturance Education of Service Etiquette for Tourism Major;浅谈旅游专业学生服务礼仪的养成教育
3.Intensifying Instructing of Service Convenances to Students;应当强化对学生践行酒店服务礼仪的指导
4.Courtesies and Decencies Needed in Library Services;礼貌礼仪与高校图书馆读者服务工作
5.Research into the training of etiquette and standard of service;税务公务员礼仪培训及服务规范探讨
6.Putting both loving care and etiquette service into holistic nursing care寓关爱护理和礼仪服务于整体护理中
7.a youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings.在官方的典礼或仪式上的(像法律上的典礼和结婚仪式)服务员。
8.Provide the best amenity services in local market of Zhengzhou.提供郑州本地市场最优的各项礼仪服务,如礼仪、队、炮等。
9.Adhering to Etiquette Norms and Advocating Civilized Service--A Discussion about Librarians' Etiquette Qualities把握礼仪规范 倡导文明服务——从图书馆馆员礼仪素养谈起
10.Research on Improve Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of A Etiquette CompanyA礼仪公司服务质量管理与顾客满意度研究
11.Community members participate actively in the liturgy as music ministers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, sacristans, and altar servers.礼仪中各服务如读经、圣体、祭、翻译、音乐礼仪等都是由团体中的教友轮流负责。
12.Corporate Culture and Business Protocol企业文化与商务礼仪
13.Manners in different countries不同国家的商务礼仪
14.The Relation Between "The Earlier Commentaries" on "Mourning Apparel"in Ceremonial Etiquette and The Book of Rites;试论《仪礼·丧服》“旧传”与《礼记》的关系
15.Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service: From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette论公务员的礼仪修养——从中国传统礼仪的视角
16.She also does regular training in Corporate Image and Social Etiquette, Communication Skills, Customer Service, Leadership and High Level Talent Selection.她也经常担任公司形象和商务礼仪、通技巧、户服务、导力和高级人才甄选的培训师。
17.The post office grandly introduces the latest service: If you Buy a Bundle of greeting flowers, the post本邮局隆重推出最新服务项目:凡购买礼仪鲜花一束,邮局为您免费邮递贺卡壹张。
18.It is pointed out that the emotional factor, the etiquette and the social ability of librarian play important roles to improve the reader service quality.指出情感因素、礼仪、交往能力对提高读者服务质量有着重要现实意义。

service etiquette服务礼仪
1.This paper expounds the connotations and features of service etiquette and the important significance of librarians’ learning and mastering the service etiquette, and points out some details that librarians should pay attentions to in the service for readers.阐述了服务礼仪的含义、特征及图书馆员学习和掌握服务礼仪的重要意义,指出图书馆员在读者服务工作中应注意的礼仪细节。
2.This paper expounds the reasons, expressions and results of the absence of service etiquette in the library, and probes into the construction of service etiquette in the library.论述了图书馆服务礼仪缺失的原因、表现、后果,探讨了图书馆服务礼仪的建设。
3.From the angle of university public relation,this paper has revealed the metaphor value of service etiquette the image outside announcing,expounded the basic requirement of "standard service etiquette",and explored the melting pattern in enlightening education and training of serving the etiquette with inside way with outside way.从学校公共关系角度,揭示了高校图书馆服务礼仪对图书馆形象和高校形象所具有的形象外显和形象隐喻价值,论述了“规范的服务礼仪”的基本要求,探讨了在服务礼仪的教化和培训中内化和外化相结合的方式。
3)present express services礼仪服务
1.This paper analyzes the situation of market competition and market demands of logistics enterprise operating present express services, pointing out that the market of present express services may be the new profiting area to logistics enterprise.本文分析了物流企业经营礼仪服务的市场竞争以及市场需求状况,指出礼仪服务市场能够给物流企业带来新的利润源泉。
4)Traveling service etiquette旅游服务礼仪
5)practicing service convenances践行服务礼仪
1.While practicing service convenances is an important part for good quality service, and an essential code of conduct and quality for hotel employees.而践行服务礼仪,则是酒店优质服务的重要组成部分,是称职员工必备的行为规范和素质条件。
6)telecommunication service电信服务
1.The Inspiration of WTO Telecommunication Service Trade Rules on the Legislation and Practice of China s Telecommunication Service Trade——The Thought from the Case of Telecommunication Service Trade Measures between USA and Mexico;WTO电信服务贸易规则对我国电信服务贸易立法与实践的启示——由“美墨电信服务贸易争端案”引发的思考
2.The customer relation in telecommunication service is analyzed from viewpoint of complex network.从复杂网络的视角分析电信服务的顾客之间的联系,运用试验分析的方法验证了电信服务产品的顾客之间联系的无标度复杂网络的特征结构。
3.The content of the telecommunication service evolves continuously changing from network service,sales service,and information service to the interactive and comprehensive service,and to convergence service at last.电信服务的内容在不断地演进,从网络服务到销售服务、信息服务,再到互动综合服务,最后到融合服务。

服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义  服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义国际服务贸易的政策和措施。在国际贸易中,服务贸易占1/3,西方发达国家服务出口占世界服务出口的80%。20世纪80年代以来,贸易保护主义盛行和债务危机加深,发展中国家工业制成品也越来越具有竞争力,发达国家就越来越重视服务贸易出口,并积极倡导服务贸易自由化。1986年9月关贸总协定乌拉圭回合《部长宣言》提出建立服务贸易原则和条例的多边框架,在提高透明度和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,促进所有贸易伙伴的经济发展及国家的进步。服务贸易保护主义是在世界性经济萧条、服务市场竞争激烈的情况下,各国为了自己的利益,对服务贸易采取逐步实行的政策。尤其是服务业不甚发达的发展中国家更是如此,如阿拉伯国家为了保护阿拉伯国家利益,多次召开区域性国际会议,制定保护阿拉伯国家利益,限制外国承包商的法令和措施。西方发达国家一面倡导服务贸易自由化,同时对发展中国家劳动密集型服务贸易实行严格限制,如美国限制外籍普通服务人员入境,西欧各国近几年辞退发展中国家服务人员多达几万人。