价值细分,value class
1)value class价值细分
1.The model and application on value class of operators' VIP costumer运营商大客户价值细分模型及营销应用

1.Value Segment--Market Segment Based on Customer Life-time Value;价值细分——基于客户终身价值的市场细分
2.Customer value segmentation based on cost-sensitive learning基于代价敏感性学习的客户价值细分
3.Cost-sensitive method for customer segmentation客户价值细分的代价敏感支持向量机方法
4.AHP-based Air Cargo Customer Value Segmentation Method;基于AHP的航空货运客户价值细分方法研究
5.Research on Multi-Criteria Objective Cluster in Value-Driven Customer Segmentation多准则客观聚类在客户价值细分中的研究
6.The model and application on value class of operators' VIP costumer运营商大客户价值细分模型及营销应用
7.Research of marketing resource allocation based on customer value segmentation基于客户价值细分的营销资源配置研究
8.Study on Distributor's Customer Segmentation Based on Synthetic Value基于综合价值的中间商客户细分研究
9.Clinical value of hematology analyzer in hydrothorax white cell examination血细胞分析仪在胸水白细胞测定中的临床价值
10.Value of Magnetic Resonance DTI and rADC Values for Preoperative Evaluation of Tumor Grade of Gliomas;磁共振DTI及rADC值评价脑胶质细胞瘤术前分级的应用价值
11.Analysing method of customer segmentation and customer value of air cargo;航空货运客户细分与客户价值分析方法
12.Dual-modality ~(18) F-FDG PET/CT in the Preoperative Staging of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer;~(18)F-FDG PET/CT 在非小细胞肺癌术前分期中的价值
13.Quantitative Analysis on Marketing Segmentation based on Customer Value;基于消费者价值观的市场细分实证研究
14.Customer clustering segmentation method for futures industry based on customer value;基于客户价值的期货业客户聚类细分方法
15.Customer Segmentation and Retention Strategy Based on Customer Value;基于客户价值的客户细分及保持策略研究
16.Clients Segmentation and Relationship Strategy Based on Lifetime Value;基于终身价值的客户细分与关系战略选择
17.The Application of the Ideal Point Way in the Evaluation of Value of Subdivision Market;理想点法在细分市场价值评估中的应用
18.Research on Customer Segmentation of Telecommunications Enterprise Based on Customer Value and Customer Behavior基于客户价值和客户行为的电信客户细分研究

customer value segmentation客户价值细分
1.Research of customer value segmentation based on AHP methods;一种基于AHP方法的客户价值细分研究
3)customer value subdividing保户价值细分
4)value analysis价值分析
1.The application of value analysis method in rear axle tube design;价值分析方法在后桥半轴套管设计中的应用
2.Optimization and selection of heat/cold source scheme for air conditioning-comments on value analysis of heat/cold source selection for air conditioning;空调冷热源方案优化及抉择——评《空调冷热源方案价值分析》
3.Hydraulic engineering plan decision on value analysis;价值分析决策水利工程方案
5)value grading价值分级
1.In accordance with Marx's cost-price theory,established is an exploration cost model in value assessment of oil reserves,which describes the differential profit of an oil reserve unit by way of value grading.依据马克思成本价格理论,利用价值分级技术描述石油储量单元的级差收益,建立了石油储量价值评估的勘探成本模型。
2.The achievements include the development and application of the value grading technology of oil resources, and the research on the exploration cost model and the profits' present value model in value assessment of oil resources.对我国石油资源的实物管理体制进行评价,进而阐述了20世纪90年代以来我国石油资源向价值型核算和资产化管理过渡的背景及主要成果,这些成果包括石油资源价值分级技术的发展和应用状况、石油资源价值评估的勘探成本模型和收益现值模型研究等,并对石油储量价值评估的收益现值模型及应用作了介绍和分析。
6)Value in the classification分型价值

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分