装修风格,furnishing style
1)furnishing style装修风格
1.The history of the formation of China Mobile Hall is reviewed; current interior function layout and furnishing style of the hall is presented; and the importance of the VI Operative Norm of China Mobile Hall to the design of the hall is stressed.文章回顾了移动营业厅形成的历史,对现阶段营业厅内部功能布置和装修风格进行了简述。

1.The decoration style is also succinct.其装修风格也是秉承标志的理念,简洁。
2.In addition, the hotel boasts28 VIP compartments decorated in distinctive styles.并有28间装修风格迥异的VIP包房。
3.You can see her stamp in the way the house is decorated.从房子的装修风格就可以看出她的性格特点。
4.A Compararive Study of Decorative Style and standard for Star Hotels星级饭店装修风格及标准比较研究——前厅部分
5.Unique store inner fitting up style,the terminal being that height savours a man.店内独特的装修风格,是高品味男人的终点站。
6.A Comparative Syudy on the Decoration Style and Standard for Star Hotels?Middle Hall星级饭店装修风格及标准比较研究 中庭部分
7.As the home costume market matures with each passing day, decorate a style to abound diversity, people also begins to take toilet adornment seriously rise.随着家装市场日渐成熟,装修风格丰富多样,人们也开始对卫生间装饰重视起来。
8.Exquisite dishes, harmonious decoration and the sound produced from piano add color to Huaihai Road.精致的菜肴、和谐的装修风格辅以悠扬的钢琴伴奏,实在是淮海路上的一道风景线。
9.The Research of Modernization on Chinese-style Residence Style and Factory Equipment on Decoration Mode;中式家居风格现代化及装修模式工厂化的研究
10.It's style matches perfectly with the overwhelming decoration of the hotel while still has a distinctiveness of its own.其中式风格与宾馆的整体装修设计像匹配,独显风姿。
11.In the latest makeover, the White House renovated the room in bolder colors and patterns in the Victorian style.在最近一次装修中,白宫将林肯卧室装修成维多利亚时代的风格,卧室的颜色变得更加开放。
12.Successive occupations had made considerable additions and improvements, each in the taste of his own age, and without much regard to symmetry.继任的一代接一代都作了可观的添建和装修,一时是一时的风尚,风格别具一格。
13.The trimmings and fabric may be different and the workmanship may not be equal in quality, but the dress style is basically the same.尽管对服装的修饰不同,使用的布料会有区别,做工也有差别,但服装的风格基本上是相同的。
14.a stylish, modern decor有风格的、 现代的装饰
15.The baroque style is rich in ornament.巴罗克风格极具装饰性.
16.Rectify the gap at final connections between air duct and grille / louvre.修补通风喉管与通风格栅/百?风口接驳处的空隙。
17.About the Non-decorated Packaging Design Style in Japan关于日本无装饰包装设计风格的思考
18.Chinese Year·Chinese Wind--Discuss on New Chinese Style Decorative Design Style;中国年·中国风——论新中式装饰设计风格

rhetorical style修辞风格
1.This paper makes a study of the differences between English and Chinese motion event-frames, including expressions of MANNER, MOTION and PATH, and the consequences on the level of the rhetorical style of narratives with a view to applying the notion of event-frames in cognitive linguistics to the contrastive study of English and Chinese and their narrative styles.本文对比研究英汉运动事件框架表达,包括方式和运动的表达和途径的表达,及其对英汉叙述文体修辞风格的影响,旨在将认知语言学事件框架概念运用于英汉语言对比和英汉叙述文体修辞风格对比。
3)Style restoration风格修复
4)dress style服装风格
1.The paper inquires into the relationship between dress and dress materials, points out the development of dress ideas which helps to bring about the dress materials reform, the new dress materials lead to the change of dress styles.讨论服装与纺织面料在历史发展中的联系,指出服装理念的变革促成面料革新和新兴面料带动服装风格转变的关联性,阐述了服装面料促成服装风格的形成和服装设计使面料特征得以表现的两者之间的互动性,从而强调在服装设计中,要充分考虑面料的流行、肌理、搭配以及加工和裁剪方法。
5)decoration style装饰风格
6)decorative style装饰风格
1.With the development of times, decorative style presents a tendency of diversity.随着时代发展,国内装饰风格呈现多元化趋势。

《修辞格》  中国第一部系统研究汉语修辞格的著作。1923年商务印书馆出版。唐钺著。唐钺(1891~ ),字擘黄,福建人。早年参加孙中山领导的同盟会,1914年入美国康奈尔大学和哈佛大学研究心理学,1920年获博士学位。1921年回国,曾任上海商务印书馆编辑所教育组组长,中央研究院心理研究所研究员及所长,北京大学、清华大学心理学教授,现为北京大学心理系教授。    《修辞格》参考英国学者J.C.讷斯菲尔德的《高中英语作文》(1910),对汉语修辞格共分5大类27格。第1 类:产生于比较的修辞格,包括显比、隐比、寓言、相形、反言、阶升、趋下6格。第2类:产生于联想的修辞格,包括伴名、类名、迁德3格。第3类:产生于想象的修辞格,包括拟人、呼告、想见、扬厉4格。第4类:产生于婉曲的修辞格,包括微辞、舛辞、冷语、负辞、诘问、感叹、同辞、婉辞、纡辞9格。第5类:产生于有意重复的修辞格,包括反复、俪辞、排句、复字 4格。《修辞格》的用例,均取自古代诗词文赋,是一部文言修辞格。    《修辞格》所列诸格的名称继承了汉代董仲舒《春秋繁露》、宋代陈骙《文则》、元代陈绎曾《文说》等的传统。如婉辞、微辞见《春秋繁露》,显比、隐比即《文则》的直喻、隐喻,婉辞、隐比即《文说》的婉语、隐语。《修辞格》至今仍为研究汉语修辞学的重要参考读物,影响深远。(见彩图)