下限价格,lower limit price
1)lower limit price下限价格
2)price floor价格下限
1.Suggestions on implementing price floor regulation in mobile services in China;对移动业务实施价格下限管制的几点建议

1.Lower Limit of Audit Price:Explanation of Economics,Effcetions and Suggestions;审计价格下限:经济学的解释、后果及对策
2.Suggestions on implementing price floor regulation in mobile services in China;对移动业务实施价格下限管制的几点建议
3.This study,with price floor model as an example,indicates that it is feasible to limit the operators by controlling the number of tourists.本文以一个价格下限模型为例 ,说明通过控制旅游者数量的方式限制经营者的可能实现途径。
4.To be effective,price ceiling must be set below the equilibrium price(Pe).有效的价格上限必须定于均衡价格之下。
5.As stated before, the $15 figure represents a lower limit for a transfer price.因此,15美元代表着转移价格的下限,
6.Research on the "Limited Price" in Chinese Telecommunication Industry我国电信业价格上下限管制中“限值”的研究
7.The Analysis and Impact about Product Prices on Limited under Macro-Economics Control;宏观调控下产品价格受限分析及其影响探讨
8.The Research of Order on Price Correlated with Requirement in the Infinite Horizon;无限时域下价格与需求相关时的订货问题研究
9.Hybrid Algorithm for Capacitated Lot Sizing Problems in Price-Sensitive Demand价格敏感需求下能力受限批量问题的混合算法
10.A limit order is placed to ensure a position is established once a price level in the market has been reached.限价单是指为当汇价达到某一价格而建立仓位而下的单。
11.price guideline物价管制期的价格限度
12.Studies on Price-Control Housing Based on Government's Price Controls Mode基于政府价格管制的限价房价格研究
13.variable daily limit可调整的每日价格限幅
14.speed, price, import, etc restrictions速度、 价格、 进口等限制
15.Optimal Order Policy under Price Increase and Finite Horizon;有限时域与采购价格上升情形下的最优订货策略
16.Our quotation is strictly net, and the price have is reduce to the limit.我方报价纯系净价,价格已降至极限。
17.For grain prices to fall, Mr Currie argues, either governments must pull the plug on biofuels programmes, or the oil price must fall.库里认为,要想谷物价格下降,前提条件要么是政府限制生物燃料生产,要么是油价下跌。
18.Under the circumstances of oversupply and the impact of growing imports, little room has been left for price rises.在农产品供大于求的格局下,以及受国外农产品进口增加的影响,农产品价格上升的空间有限。

price floor价格下限
1.Suggestions on implementing price floor regulation in mobile services in China;对移动业务实施价格下限管制的几点建议
3)lower limit价格下限;下限
4)pricing biases"低于价格下限"之谜
5)lower specification limit规格下限
6)price upper limit价格上限
1.The paper introduces the developing history of telecom charge controlling system in America and Britain;it explains their current charge controlling systems---price upper limit,and finds out the disadvantages in our current charge controlling system in order to have improvements.文章介绍了美、英两国在电信资费管制制度的发展历程,阐述了美、英两国在现行的资费管制制度-价格上限制度并从美、英两国的资费管制经验中发现我国现行资费管制制度存在的不足之处,加以改进。

下限下限lower limit  下限(lower limit)在测定差别闽限时,刚刚感觉到小于标准刺激的刺激强度,其操作定义为5()%次感觉小于标准刺激和50%次感觉等于标准刺激的刺激强度。例如用最小变化法的递增法测定差别闽限时,最后一次感觉小于标准刺激和最初一次感觉等于标准刺激的刺激强度的平均数,就是这次测量的下限。 (金志成撰林仲肾审)