1.In order to give a more refined notion of information that is conveyed by ambiguous expressions, this paper analyzes how ambiguity affects the knowledge of the dialog participants and, especially, what they know about each other after an ambiguous sentence has been uttered.为了能够正确理解含糊语句所传达的信息概念 ,分析了含糊性如何影响对话双方的知识 ,尤其是含糊语句产生后 ,谈话双方彼此了解的情况。
2.And there is still something about the difference between vagueness and ambiguity.从语言运用角度和实例出发,探讨英语中模糊语言的运用,简述模糊语言的几个重要分支,分析数字模糊及几种相关用法,可对模糊和含糊的区别进行比较。

1.an indeterminate vowel【语音】含糊母音((#【#))
2.He gave me a very indefinite answer.他给我十分含糊的回答。
3.His answer was ambiguous.他的答复是含糊的。
4.She made some evasive reply.她作了一个含糊的回答。
5.Made a great deal of Delphic pronouncements.作出大量含糊的声明
6."Why, yes, George," he said, noncommittally.“啊,有的,乔治,”他含糊地说。
7.Her answer was above all ambiguity.她的回答毫不含糊
8.intentionally vague or ambiguous.故意的含糊暧昧不明确。
9.They replied in vague terms.他们的答复含糊其词。
10.He double-talked to me.他对我说话含糊其词
11.vague about sb's past对过去的情况含糊其词
12.Mr. Pan muttered a vague answer as he rushed in and looked around.潘先生含糊回答了她;
13.Of a mysterious or obscure nature"不可思议的,含糊难解的"
14.in a direct and unequivocal manner.以直接的、不含糊的方式。
15.The drunk man slurred his words.那醉汉说话含糊不清。
16.She speaks ambiguously because of drinks alcoholic liguor.她因喝酒,说话含糊不清。
17.One must not be vague on matters of principle.在原则问题上不能含糊
18.He is a very good table-tennis player.他那手乒乓球可不含糊

1.Xie Zhen studied poems with the criterion of connotation,this article makes"obscurity is wonderful" as the basic point,and surrounding this point,analyses how he talked it in appreciating poems,and how to reach this criterion in composing poems.谢榛论诗,以含糊为美。
4)pragmatic vagueness语用含糊
1.The trigger of pragmatic vagueness is the factual assumption,stored in the heater s cognitive context and contradictory to the ostensive assumption.语用含糊是受说话人、听话人和社会心理规约共同作用产生的交际策略,其触发机制是听话人认知语境中与明示假设相抵触的直接假设,具有推测性;其交际意图的获得离不开听话人认知语境中的扩展假设,它是由假设图式与现时语境中的信息组合而成的。
2.This paper aims at confirming the positive signifi- cance of pragmatic vagueness in verbal communication and revealing some specific advantages of this phenome.语用含糊是日常言语交际中的普遍现象,对这种现象进行研究是有必要的。
3.This article deals with the definition,the formation of the vagueness,the pragmatic function of pragmatic vagueness to illustrate the pragmatic fun.本文从分析语用含义、语用含糊的形成方式、语用含糊的语用功能着手,通过实例阐明含糊语在言语交际中的语用功能。
5)semantic ambiguity语义含糊
1.On semantic ambiguity caused by polysemy and homonymy;探讨英语多义词和同形异义词引起的语义含糊现象
6)not distinct含糊不清
1.Fistly,the main idea is not distinct.主题思想含糊不清,观众不知道"无极"到底指什么;表现手法故弄玄虚,得不偿失;特技太假;美术给人刻意而为的感觉,整体美术风格和场景设计过于绚烂;过多地使用港台和外籍演员,弄巧成拙;急于夺国际大奖,但不仅外国人不理会,还招来中国人的众多指责和埋怨。

不含糊1.谓不含混其事。 2.好,不错。