1.Chinese iconicity embodies time-order rule and whole-part rule in syntax, semantic and pragmatics.人类语言都具有临摹性,但临摹的程度因文化的差异而有所不同。
2.We think that each of adverbials inside multi-adverbial is following a relatively fixed word order because of a few principles influence such as Iconicity.我们认为:多项状语内部的各个状语项受到临摹性等规则的制约,遵循着比较固定的语序。
1.Approach to Masters——a week s apparent copy classes;走近大师——一周似是而非的临摹课
2.This article explains the methods of number teaching: such as the medel of written characters,Portray,copy etc.主要从规范字样、描摹、临摹方面科学引导学生练习,使学生在不长的时间练就一手规范的数码字。

1.imitating southern Sung landscape临摹南宋院体之山水
2.a perfect copy of the painting.这幅画的逼真的临摹
3.The Key Points in Copy Dunhuang Murals;敦煌壁画临摹法要述——兼谈日本壁画临摹
4.On the Three Stages of Copying in Painting: Focused on Great Painter Qi Baishi;绘画临摹三部曲——白石老人艺术求索对素描临摹的启示
5.He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.他练书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。
6.They are the difficulty and subtlety of landscape's copy.此山水画临摹的难处所在 ,妙处所在。
7.He had been copy the drawing of an antique coin.他正在临摹一枚古币的图样。
8.Was this picture painted direct from nature or from a copy?这幅画是直接写生的呢, 还是临摹的?
9.We made copies of them and put them on exhibition in Beijing.我们进行临摹,在北京举办了展览。
10.Approach to Masters--a week s apparent copy classes;走近大师——一周似是而非的临摹
11.All this is strictly part of the labour of production;设计和临摹严格说来都是生产劳动的一部分。
12.The Four Wangs paid little attention to the content of their paintings, but attached great importance to learning from and imitating traditional Chinese painting skills.不重视所表现的内容,只重视承传临摹的功夫。
13.sketched directly from nature instead of from books直接从大自然写生而不是从画上临摹
14.these are her idols.这些作家既是她临摹的脚本,又是她的偶像。
15.Copy of Buddhist Murals and Rejuvenation of Rock-Color paintings;佛教壁画的科学临摹与岩彩画的复兴价值
16.Painting Skill Training - Copying Masters Works;临摹大师作品在绘画技能训练中的作用
17.On the relation among enjoying, copying and sketching in art teaching;论美术教学中的欣赏、临摹、写生三者之关系
18.Simple Discussion about the Use of Imitation and Painting from Nature in Teaching Mountains-and-water Painting;浅谈临摹和写生在山水画教学中的运用

1.Approach to Masters——a week s apparent copy classes;走近大师——一周似是而非的临摹课
2.This article explains the methods of number teaching: such as the medel of written characters,Portray,copy etc.主要从规范字样、描摹、临摹方面科学引导学生练习,使学生在不长的时间练就一手规范的数码字。
1.The Experimental Investigation of the Interactive Teaching about Copying and Sketch in the Basic Course of Art;美术基础课教学中临摹与写生互动教学的实验研究
2.On the relation among enjoying, copying and sketching in art teaching;论美术教学中的欣赏、临摹、写生三者之关系
3.The article discusses how to copy ancient frescoes, points out that you should analyse, study and master thequalities of them before copying ancient frescoes, and briefly introduces the ways and steps of copying.本文提出临摹古代壁画,在临摹之前先要读画,分析、研究和把握临摹对象的特点,并对临摹的方法和步骤作了简述。
4)direct copying摹临
1.Among them,copying also experienced three stages:direct copying;imagery copying and creative copying.即三部曲 :一摹临、二意临、三叛临。
1.In the teaching of moutains and water painting,how one can have a good grasp of the theories and methods of the ancients lies in imitation,while a good grasp of the theories and methods of nature is by wag of painting from nature.在山水画教学中 ,掌握古人之理法要经由临摹的途径 ,而掌握自然之理法要通过写生的途径。
2.Zhuang Kongshao s approach to revealing anthropological connotations in his poetry: the dual emic and etic emotions provide by the participant observation of anthropology, especially the emic emotions and the imitation of its manifestation and cultural contrast.文章分析了庄孔韶先生怎样使人类学入诗,即通过人类学参与观察提供的主位与客位的双重情感交替,主位情感及其表达方式的临摹和文化对比来实现人类学入诗。
6)Recalling incidents of copying临摹往事

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-