
1.A/DA:A Cognitive Study of Zeugma in English;自主/依存联结:英语轭式搭配的认知研究
2.The Analysis of the Generation of Chinese Brain-twister by Autonomy-Dependency Framework汉语脑筋急转弯的自主依存框架分析
3.The Mechanism of the Generation of Network Language under the Theoretical Framework of Autonomy-Dependence自主—依存框架下网络语言的生成机制
4.Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to Oxymoron within Autonomy-Dependency Framework自主—依存框架下矛盾修饰法的认知语用解析
5.The Study on Productive Mechanism of Chinese Character Riddles from the Perspective of Autonomy-dependency Framework自主—依存框架下汉字字谜生成机制探究
6.Mutual dependence, common destiny, homogeneity, self-restraint is four major variables of European identity.相互依存、共同命运、同质性、自我约束是建构欧洲认同的四个主变量。
7.Autonomy-Dependecy:An Analytical Framework for Utterance Producing;自主和依存——语言表达形式生成机理的一种分析框架
8.China External Dependency on Technology under the Strategy of Independent Innovation: Status Quo, Explanation and Countermeasures自主创新战略下我国技术对外依存度的现状、成因及对策
9.Interdependence restricts autonoy, but it is impossible to spectify a priori whether the benefits of a relationship will exceed the costs.相互依存限制了自主权,但是人们事先无法确定是否一种关系带来的利益一定大于成本.
10.On the Coexistence and Conflict of Rule by Virture of Confucian School and Imperial Examination System;儒家德治主义与科举制的依存和冲突
11.the theoretical structure of this study is that independence consists of three dimensions: self-reliance, self-control and self-assertion.独立性包括自我依靠、自我控制和自我主张。
12.We must not rely on foreign assistance. We stand for self-reliance.我们不能依赖外援,我们主张自力更生。
13.We should rely mainly on our own strength to defeat the Japanese aggressors;战胜日寇主要依靠自己的力量;
14.China has to rely mainly on her own efforts in the War of Resistance.中国抗战主要地依靠自力更生。
15.On Theoretical Base,Connotation and Feature of Self-regulated Learning;试论自主学习的理论依据、内涵与特征
16.The main operations on a dictionary are storing a value with some keyand extracting the value given the key.字典的主要操作是依据关键字来存储和析取值。
17.Is Marxism valuable today? Explain.马克思主义今天依然有存在价值吗?请解释。
18.Evolutionary coexistence of two strains with density-dependent host mortality;具密度依赖寄主死亡率的两种病毒的进化共存

autonomy-dependency alignment自主-依存
1.This paper attempts to make a brief analysis of poem generation based on the cognitive theory“autonomy-dependency alignment”, which was first raised by Langacker (1987) in his book Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoretical Presuppositions.此研究主要采用了定性分析和整体论的方法,以汉语英语的诗词生成为例来说明自主-依存框架的运作过程。
3)autonomy and dependence自主和依存
4)Autonomous/Dependent Alignment自主/依存分布式
1.Conceptual Autonomous/Dependent Alignment proposed by Langacker accounts for the cognitive foundations of inchoative/causative alternation experienced by English ergative verbs.Langacker的概念自主/依存分布式解释了英语中作格动词起动/使动交替现象产生的认知基础,其中自主结构能够很好地说明作格起动结构的合理性。
5)Autonomy-Dependency framework自主-依存框架
1.Theoretically, with Professor Xu Shenghuan\'s Autonomy-Dependency Framework as the general guiding framework, we concentrate on a dynamic study of the generation process of Chines从研究方法上看,本文主要以徐盛桓教授的自主-依存框架分析理论作为基础对脑筋急转弯语料进行定性分析,进而分析其独特的生成过程。
6)autonomy-dependency relation自主-依存关系

出口依存度对 对外贸易依存度而言,由于进口值不是该国在一定时期内新创造商品和劳务值,使外贸依存度数值表现较高,因此,用出口依存度代替外贸依存度。出口依存度反映一国一定时期内国内新创商品和劳务总值中有多少比重输出到国外,也反映一国国民经济活动与世界经济活动的联系程度,其越高,说明该国国民经济对世界经济的依赖程度越高。