1.The Semantic Analysis and Choice of Contextual Interpretation of Rule-following;规则遵循问题的语义分析及语境选择
2.The problem of meaning ascriptions is an important aspect of probing into rule-following.意义归因是探讨规则遵循问题的一个重要方面,其中涉及怀疑论悖论的内涵、语义实在论、反实在论和非实在论等内容。

1.The Semantic Analysis and Choice of Contextual Interpretation of Rule-following;规则遵循问题的语义分析及语境选择
2.the act of public worship following prescribed rules.遵循规定的规则的公共拜神的行为。
3.a body of rules followed by an assembly.立法机构遵循的一套规则。
4.What are some of the rules you had to follow at your high school?在学校你得遵循什么规则?
5.To follow the EHS regulation and policy.遵循环境健康及安全规则和政策。
6.Both teams played a clean game.参赛双方均能遵循比赛规则。
7.On Regulating the Ratio Decidendi That the Market Supervisor Shall Follow;论规制市场监管者应遵循的法律原则
8.Principles for University Campus Layout;高校校园规划设计应遵循的几个原则
9.To find out what rules to follow, look at: The Code of Civil Procedure, state Rules of Court and Local Rules.具体应该遵循何种规则,参照:《民事诉讼法》“庭审规则和当地规则”部分。
10.Values Conundrum: Will the U. S. and China Play by the Same Rules?价值观难题:美国和中国会遵循同样的规则吗?
11.Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in reported speech.在转述对话时必须遵循一定的语法规则。
12.Talk about the Law and Principle of Social Reform of Universi ty Logistics;论高校后勤社会化改革应遵循的规律和原则
13.Concept Of Tour Area Of Outskirts Of A City And Plan Principle浅谈城郊型旅游区概念和规划遵循的原则
14.Treating Laws ought to Follow General Laws:to discuss how laws convert into rules according to developing rules of oral clinical medicine;治疗规则应遵循一般规律——从口腔临床医学规则的制定谈规律怎样变成规则
15.conforming with accepted standards.遵循被认可的准则的。
16.an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism.遵循立体派原则的画家。
17.hold, respect, adopt, etc a set of values遵循、 尊重、 奉行...一套准则.
18.The user models the business process and defines the rules that the applications should follow to make it work.用户为业务流程建立模型,定义应用程序如能工作应该遵循的规则。

Following Rules遵循规则
4)abide by law遵循规律
1.Through the inquiry of these revisions the paper provides a theory of reference-fixing based on rule-following.在此基础之上,本文基于名称的使用实践给出了确定名称指称的基础语义学论题,认为遵守规则是该论题中的核心要素。
6)law of compliance遵从规则
1.The law of compliance paradox in language games reflects contradictions innate in the process of following law of rules.语言游戏中遵从规则悖论折射出事物辩证结构体中存在的内在矛盾性。
2.Wittgenstein put forward the law of compliance paradox in the later stage of his philosophical study,for which Kripke and others gave different understandings from the perspective of skepticism.维特根斯坦在其后期的哲学研究中提出了遵从规则悖论。
