1.In the framework of cognitive science,pragma-cognition is a sub-module of mind-reading modules.在认知科学理论框架下,语用认知是心智阅读模块下的子模块。
2)Reading mental skill阅读心智技能
3)Intelligence in reading阅读智能
4)Reading mental skill training mode阅读心智技能训练模式
5)Reading psychology阅读心理
1.On students bad reading psychology and its correction;试论中学生不良的阅读心理及其矫正
2.This paper expounds the concept of the reading psychology and the contents of the research on the reading psychology, probes into reader’s psychological characteristic of personality and the methods for researching reader’s reading psychology, and discusses the development trends of the research on reader’s reading psychology.阐述了阅读心理的概念以及阅读心理研究的内容,探讨了读者个性心理特征以及读者阅读心理的研究方法,讨论了读者阅读心理研究的发展趋势。
3.Based on university students reading feature,this paper analyzes their incorrect reading psychology and bad reading manners,and suggestes several practicable educational countermeasures in order to guid students to set up proper reading psychology and reading manners.根据大学生阅读的特点,对他们的不良阅读心理和不良借阅行为进行了心理分析。

1.Optimize Senior Chinese Reaching Teaching on the Basis of Reading Psychology;根据阅读心理优化高中语文阅读教学
2.The Mentality of Readers and the Construction of Literature Resource of University Libraries;从读者阅读心理谈高校文献资源建设
3.The Types,Reading Characteristics and Reading Psychology of Readers of Practical Writing;应用文本读者主体的类型、阅读特点及阅读心理分析
4.The Study of Chinese Reading Psychology and Teaching Strategy for Junior Middle School Students;初中生语文阅读心理及教学策略研究
5.Current Teenager s Reading Psychology Out of 《Da Hua Xi You》;从《大话西游》看当下青少年的阅读心理
6.An Overview of the Contemporary Research of Eye Movement On Psychology of Reading;当代眼动研究对阅读心理学介入综述
7.The Reading Psychoanalysis on the Modern College Students and its Service Methods;当代大学生阅读心理分析及服务方法
8.On students bad reading psychology and its correction;试论中学生不良的阅读心理及其矫正
9.Analysis and countermeasures of readers psychology when reading in libraries of sports colleges;体育院校图书馆读者阅读心理分析与对策
10.Psychological models in reading and foreign language reading teaching;阅读的心理过程模式与外语阅读教学
11.Psychological Characteristics of English Readers at Elementary Level and the Teaching of Reading;初级英语阅读者心理特点与阅读教学
12.Relevance:the Core of Reading Comprehension;关联性:阅读理解的核心——论关联与阅读理解和阅读教学
13.The Mental Process of Reading for the Influence of Reading Comprehension in English;论阅读的心理过程模式对英语阅读理解的作用
14.The Psychological Analysis of Reading Comprehension Process and the Improvement of Reading Ability;阅读理解的心理过程分析与阅读能力的提高
15.On the Psychological Analysis of Reading Process and its Pedagogical Implication;阅读过程心理分析及对英语阅读教学的启示
16.Trace on Hobbledehoy Reading Hotspot and Reading Psychology青少年阅读热点追踪及读者心理浅析
17.Reads' Incorrect Reading Psychology in University Library and Its Countermeasures大学馆读者阅读不良心理探析及对策
18.Psycholinguistic Theory and College English Reading Teaching;心理语言学理论与大学英语阅读教学

Reading mental skill阅读心智技能
3)Intelligence in reading阅读智能
4)Reading mental skill training mode阅读心智技能训练模式
5)Reading psychology阅读心理
1.On students bad reading psychology and its correction;试论中学生不良的阅读心理及其矫正
2.This paper expounds the concept of the reading psychology and the contents of the research on the reading psychology, probes into reader’s psychological characteristic of personality and the methods for researching reader’s reading psychology, and discusses the development trends of the research on reader’s reading psychology.阐述了阅读心理的概念以及阅读心理研究的内容,探讨了读者个性心理特征以及读者阅读心理的研究方法,讨论了读者阅读心理研究的发展趋势。
3.Based on university students reading feature,this paper analyzes their incorrect reading psychology and bad reading manners,and suggestes several practicable educational countermeasures in order to guid students to set up proper reading psychology and reading manners.根据大学生阅读的特点,对他们的不良阅读心理和不良借阅行为进行了心理分析。
6)Reading psychology treatment阅读心疗

普坏染着心智明【普坏染着心智明】  谓菩萨以善巧智明,普能灭坏一切众生爱欲染着之心,是名普坏染着心智明。