2)inverse problem反问题
1.Model for inner proffie control of furnace wall lined with copper cooling stave based on the inverse problems in heat transmission;铜冷却壁炉墙内型管理传热学反问题模型
2.Review of inverse problem on fluid flow in oil reservoirs;油藏渗流反问题研究与进展
3.An iterature method of the inverse problem for the dispersion coefficient in water quality model;河流水质纵向弥散系数反问题的迭代算法

1.Inverse Eigenvalue Problems for Jacobi Matrices and Other Inverse Problems;Jacobi矩阵特征值反问题及其它反问题
2.inverse problem in mathematical physics数学物理中的反问题
3.The inverse acoustic scattering problem is a typical Math-matical Physics inverse problem.声波反散射问题是一个典型的数学物理反问题
4.A Study as to the Issue of the Movement for Suppressing Counter-revolutionaries during the Period of the Rectification and the Anti-rightist Movement in HeBei Province河北整风反右运动中的肃反问题考察
5.Least-Squares Solutions of Inverse Problems for W-Para-Anti-Symmetric MatricesW准反对称矩阵反问题的最小二乘解
6.Two Kinds of Inverse Problems for Hermitian Anti-reflexive MatricesHermitian非自反矩阵的两类反问题
7.Integral Equation Methods for Inverse Problems and Boundary Value Problems in Mathematical Physics;数学物理中反问题与边值问题的积分方程方法
8.Study on Numerical Methods of Discrete Ill-Posed Problem in Inverse Problem;反问题中离散不适定问题的数值求解方法
9.A question asked during cross-examination.反诘问题在反诘中提出的问题
10.Study on Anti-circumvention under Anti-dumping Law and Anti-subsidy Law反倾销与反补贴中的反规避问题研究
11.a recurrent problem [difficulty]反复地发生的问题[困难]
12.reiterating a question;反复重申一个问题;
13.Social novel反映社会问题的小说
14.gender-sensitive response对性别问题敏感的反应
15.He ruminated over the problem.他反复思考这个问题。
16.I revolved the problem in my mind.我反复考虑了那个问题。
17.The problem of starting a counter-offensive is the problem of the "initial battle" or "prelude".反攻开始问题,即所谓“初战”或“序战”问题。
18.Reconsideration on the Applicable Scope of the Anti-unfair Competition Law;《反不正当竞争法》适用范围问题的反思

inverse problem反问题
1.Model for inner proffie control of furnace wall lined with copper cooling stave based on the inverse problems in heat transmission;铜冷却壁炉墙内型管理传热学反问题模型
2.Review of inverse problem on fluid flow in oil reservoirs;油藏渗流反问题研究与进展
3.An iterature method of the inverse problem for the dispersion coefficient in water quality model;河流水质纵向弥散系数反问题的迭代算法
3)inverse problems反问题
1.Remotely almost periodic solutions of parabolic inverse problems;抛物型反问题中的遥远概周期解
2.The parameter differential regularization method for solving nonlinear inverse problems;非线性反问题求解的参数微分正则化方法(英文)
3.The inverse problems for positive definite and semipositive definite matrices of equation AX=B on manifold;流形上矩阵方程AX=B的正定及半正定阵的反问题
4)inverse problem反演问题
1.The inverse problem in geophysical logging ha s broadly attracted our attention in recent years.地球物理测井的反演问题受到人们的广泛重视,然而大多数反演问题具有不适定性,需要高效的不适定问题解法和相应的数值算法。
2.An iteration scheme for a nonlinear inverse problem of the remote sensing in the marine meteorology is presented in this paper, which is a approximate solution to this problem.对于海洋遥感反演中常见的一类非线性反演问题,构造迭代格式进行近似求解。
5)Inversion problem反演问题
6)reverse problem反问题
1.On reverse problem of determinating system of hyperbolic equation on right-hand member;关于确定双曲方程组右端部分的反问题
2.According to geometrical theory and practice, eleven kinds of reverse problems of engineering geometry in solving tools modality are given out.根据几何理论和工作实践,给出求解工程几何求工具形态类反问题的11 种求解方
3.The reverse problem is how to improve the network within a given budget so that the improved network is as efficient as possible,in which the facilities have already been located on the network.其反问题可描述为:若设施在网络中的位置已经确定,如何在给定的费用约束下改进网络中的参数,使得在改进后的网络中,距设施最远的节点到设施的距离最小。

Galois理论的反问题Galois理论的反问题Galois theory, inverse problem of  Ga如翻理论的反问题!G创h)坛仇印叮,111,en犯脚曲妇nof;ra二ya Teop“兄,o6paT”a二3a八a,al 构造已知域k上具有给定的G创沁的群(G司。isgro叩)(见G汕血理论(Galois thoory))的有限正规扩张,并找出保证天工这释的犷张存在i或不荐在i石石一条件的问题. 若k为有理数域,这问题就是构造一个具有给定Galois群的正规代数数域,它可化为寻找k上具有给定Ga】015群的代数方程.对于对称群和交错群,这样的方程是存在的.I.Schur构造了交错群的方程;特别地,证明了当n二0(加ed4)时方程 x”.x”一1 .x ~十一‘二—一十二十立十1=O n!沪一1)!1(指数函数展开式的部分和)以交错群为Galois群,在其他情况下以对称群为Ga』015群. H.P.m呻apeBH叹【21)利用代数数域的算术性质,证明了一个代数数域以任意可解群G为C司。姑群的扩张的存在性.并可以选择一个解K,使K在k上的判别式与任一给定整数互素,所以这个问题的解的个数是无限的 利用域的无限扩张的C目。is群(见C汕血拓扑群(Galois toPo】ogical group”,有可能解决下列一类特殊域的Galois理论的反问题:有限域、局部域和单变量代数函数域.【补注】近年来基域K“Q上的G司。七理论反问题得到很大进展,见阵l]一【A3」·该方法首先是以复数域上的单变量有理函数域C团作为基域实现这个群,域C帕易于操作.在群的一定条件下利用“下降”方法以Q(X)代替C伏),最后利用Hnbed不可约性定理(见Hil姆rt定理(Hilb即t th仪〕m))用Q代替Q(X).用这个方法,很多有限单群作为Q以及Q的分圆扩张的Galo污群而实现了.