2)lexical metaphor词汇隐喻
1.Lexical Metaphor, Grammatical Metaphor and their Complementarity in Technical Discourses;科技语篇中的词汇隐喻、语法隐喻及其互补性
2.The paper studies the special performance of metaphor-- lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor in English for Science and Technology, applying certain knowledge about cognitive linguistics and modern metaphor theory, so as to reveal the close relationship between metaphor and cognition.运用认知语言学和现代隐喻学的有关知识,研究了隐喻在科技英语中的特殊表现,即词汇隐喻和语法隐喻,旨在深入发掘隐喻和认知的密切关系。
3.In scientific studies,lexical metaphors not only have significant cognitive function,but also they are means of conveying interpersonal meanings,having important interpersonal function.在科学研究中,词汇隐喻不但具有重要的认知功能,而且是传达人际意义的手段,具有不可忽视的人际功能。

1.Lexical Metaphor, Grammatical Metaphor and their Complementarity in Technical Discourses;科技语篇中的词汇隐喻、语法隐喻及其互补性
2.Brief Analysis of the Effect of National Cultural Characteristics on Lexical Metaphors;浅析民族文化特征对词汇隐喻的影响
3.A Study on Metaphor of Money Vocabulary from Embodied Philosophy体验哲学视角下的英汉金钱词汇隐喻
4.A Review of Lakoff s Metaphor Theory--An Examination from Modern English Metaphorical Corpus;莱可夫隐喻理论探析——来自当代英语词汇隐喻语料库的检验
5.Metaphor in Business Discourse and Business-specific Lexis Memorization--From the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor;商务语篇中的隐喻与词汇记忆——概念隐喻角度
6.The Conversational Implicature of Metapthor and Its Functions in the Development of Vocabulary隐喻的会话含义及隐喻对词汇发展的作用
7.Learning English words and phrases via metaphor--On vocabulary meaningful learning;通过隐喻学习英语词汇——关于词汇的意义化学习
8.A Study on the Cognitive Feature of the English and Chinese Word of Heart;浅析英汉“心”词汇的隐喻认知特点
9.Metaphor and Vocabulary Teaching-Illustrated by "over";隐喻与词汇教学——以“over”为例
10.A Study on the Cognitive Features of the Metaphoric Expressions Involving the English and Chinese FACE;英汉“脸、面”词汇的隐喻认知特点
11.Metaphor Cognition--A Strategy and Tool to English Lexical Learning.;隐喻认知——英语词汇学习的策略和工具
12.Integrating Metaphoric Mechanism with Vocabulary Teaching;隐喻机制与词汇教学的结合(英文)
13.Inspirations about the Application of Cognitive Metaphor Theory for English Vocabulary Teaching;隐喻认知理论对英语词汇教学的启示
14.Metaphor Mechanism--The Theoretical Foundation of Vocabulary Teaching with Association;隐喻机制——词汇联想教学的理论基础
15.Inspirations of the application of Metaphor Theory in Business English vocabulary teaching隐喻理论对商务英语词汇教学的启示
16.Metaphor:Mechanism of Formation and Development of Chinese Vocabulary隐喻:汉语词汇形成发展的一种机制
17.The Characteristics of Computer English Words;从计算机英语词汇中的隐喻现象谈构词特点
18.Retention Technique;隐喻应用意识与词汇记忆技巧——关于英语词汇学习方法的创新研究

lexical metaphor词汇隐喻
1.Lexical Metaphor, Grammatical Metaphor and their Complementarity in Technical Discourses;科技语篇中的词汇隐喻、语法隐喻及其互补性
2.The paper studies the special performance of metaphor-- lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor in English for Science and Technology, applying certain knowledge about cognitive linguistics and modern metaphor theory, so as to reveal the close relationship between metaphor and cognition.运用认知语言学和现代隐喻学的有关知识,研究了隐喻在科技英语中的特殊表现,即词汇隐喻和语法隐喻,旨在深入发掘隐喻和认知的密切关系。
3.In scientific studies,lexical metaphors not only have significant cognitive function,but also they are means of conveying interpersonal meanings,having important interpersonal function.在科学研究中,词汇隐喻不但具有重要的认知功能,而且是传达人际意义的手段,具有不可忽视的人际功能。
3)word formation metaphor构词隐喻
1.It can be called word formation metaphor to project on morphemes,and it will produce metaphorical morphemes.投射到语素层面,产生喻体语素,喻体语素以其隐喻意义参与构词,可称为构词隐喻。
4)metaphorical word隐喻词
1.Based on the comparison of vehicle choice and internal structure of metaphorical words between Chinese and English,this paper aims at explaining general and specific features of culture between two nations.从英汉隐喻词中对喻体的选择与词的内部结构两方面探究英、汉文化在隐喻词上所体现出来的共性与个性特征。
5)metaphorical word-formation隐喻构词
1.Deriving and compounding are the two main metaphorical word-formation of English and Chinese network language.词义派生和复合构词是英汉网络语言中主要的两种隐喻构词手段。
6)verbal metaphor动词隐喻

电影中的隐喻  通过蒙太奇,将镜头之间或镜头内部各个表现元素(包括造型、音响等方面)加以强化、浓缩、类比,由此在观众的感觉和心理上产生效应的手法。如苏联影片《母亲》中河流解冻、冰块流动和工人举行示威游行、冲击沙皇专制制度的镜头并列出现,不仅冰块本身构成了背景的有机部分,在情节发展中起了现实作用,而且突出了春天的主题,生动地体现了工人群众的情绪和力量。这一组镜头是运用隐喻的出色范例。