1.Austin\'s significant essay of \'a plea for excuse\', his some main points on \'linguistic phenomenology\' were introduced, Then, in \'Sense and Sensibilia\', by means of \'linguistic phenomenology\', Austin analyzed Ayer\'s sense-data theory and his principles of Empirical Foundationalism deeply.本文首先以《为辩解辩》为例,介绍奥斯汀运用语言现象学方法对“辩解”的研究;其次以《感觉和可感物》为例,具体考察了奥斯汀如何运用语言现象学方法,对建基在所谓“错觉论证”之上的感觉与料理论一步步展开批驳,指出传统哲学由于大量误用日常语词,而对知觉问题造成误解。

1.explain away: make less severe or do away with (a meaning etc) by explaining辩解,辩明,解释…以除去
2.A formal defense or justification.正式辩护,正式辩解
3.A formal defense or apology.正式辩解,正式辩护
4.statement or allegation make in pleading答辩状中的说明或辩解
5.Justifying or defending in speech or writing.书面辩解,口头辩护书面或口头辩解或辩护的
6.a contorted explanation, excuse, etc拐弯抹角的解释、 辩解等.
7.To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing.辩解,辩护以口头或书面形式作的正式辩解或辩护
8.A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, a policy, or an institution.辩解者,辩护士为某事物,如教义、政策或制度而辩解或辩护的人
9.A plaintiff's reply to a defendant's plea or counterclaim;an answering plea.答辩告对于被告的辩解或反控诉的回答;答辩
10.To make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding.抗辩,答辩在法律程序中作出或进行辩解
11.To make a statement or an allegation in pleading在答辩状中的说明或辩解
12.An allegation offered in pleading a case.请愿为案件辩护时提出的辩解
13.He exculpated himself from stealing the money.他为自己辩解没有偷钱。
14.And what could he say for himself?他还有什么可辩解的?
15.The crime admits of no excuse.犯罪是没有辩解的余地。
16.an admissible excuse可以接受的辩解理由
17.He argues convincingly.他的辩解很有说服力.
18.He's on the defensive about his mistakes.他为自己的错误辩解

1.Austin\'s significant essay of \'a plea for excuse\', his some main points on \'linguistic phenomenology\' were introduced, Then, in \'Sense and Sensibilia\', by means of \'linguistic phenomenology\', Austin analyzed Ayer\'s sense-data theory and his principles of Empirical Foundationalism deeply.本文首先以《为辩解辩》为例,介绍奥斯汀运用语言现象学方法对“辩解”的研究;其次以《感觉和可感物》为例,具体考察了奥斯汀如何运用语言现象学方法,对建基在所谓“错觉论证”之上的感觉与料理论一步步展开批驳,指出传统哲学由于大量误用日常语词,而对知觉问题造成误解。
3)statement of defense辩护词
4)types of Literature of Ci-poetry词体之辩
5)Confrontation of litigants at a court言词辩论
6)Explication of Legal Documents and Explanation of Disputed Cases《律解辩疑》
1.It is almost unanimously agreed among the law historians in China that Explication of Legal Documents and Explanation of Disputed Cases (《律解辩疑》)was written in 1386 and that the writer was He Guang, who lived in early Ming Dynasty.法史学界较为一致地认为《律解辩疑》作于洪武十九年(1386年),作者是明初的何广。
