逻辑图像论,logical graphic theory
1)logical graphic theory逻辑图像论
1.In Wittgenstein s early magnum opus,Tractatus Logiico-Philosophicus,he established the logical graphic theory based on the assumption of absolute simple objects.在维特根斯坦前期代表作《逻辑哲学论》中,维氏把绝对简单对象作为先天预设来建构其逻辑图像论;在后期代表作《哲学研究》中,维氏则以分析简单物与复合物的相对关系为基础提出了语言游戏说。

1.From the Theory of Logical Image to the Theory of Language Game--A discussion on Wittgenstein s philosophy;从逻辑图像论到语言游戏说——维特根斯坦语言哲学思想探讨
2.On the Logical Idea of Wittgenstein s Theory of Picture;试论维特根斯坦“图像论”中的逻辑观
3.cellular logic image processor细胞逻辑图像处理器
4.Image Enhacement Arithmetic Research Based on Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Theory;基于模糊逻辑和小波理论的图像增强算法研究
5.An Analysis Plato s the Logical Provableness of the Legitimacy of Knowledge;试析柏拉图对“知识合法性”的逻辑论证
6.Enhancement Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic for Infrared Images;基于模糊逻辑的红外图像增强算法研究
7.An Enhancement Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic and Texture Analysis;模糊逻辑在图像增强算法中的研究及应用
8.Research on an Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Compression Based on Fuzzy Logic基于模糊逻辑的高光谱图像压缩算法的研究
9.Development of Image Testing System and Study on Image Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic;图像检测系统开发及基于漠糊逻辑的图像算法研究
10.incomprehensible proposition of argument论题不明(逻辑学)
11.confounding proposition of argument论题不清(逻辑学)
12.dubious purpose of argument论旨不明(逻辑学)
13.Multi-possibility Logic and Aesthetic Logic: --On the Logical Base of Aesthetic Cognition;多值逻辑与审美逻辑——论审美认知的逻辑基础
14.Logical principles of Disproved Method and Use of Disproved Method in the Theory of Diagrams;反证法的逻辑原理及其在图论中的应用
15.Notes on Logic and Self-reference Paradoxes--Paradox of Belief,Ancient Chinese Logic;逻辑与自涉悖论——兼论中国古代逻辑学
16.The Logic of the Legal Argument--on the orientation of the law logic;法律论证的逻辑——试论法律逻辑的定位
17.Lawyer,Argument and Logic--Four key Elements in the lawyer’s Logical Argument;律师 论辩 逻辑——律师逻辑论辩的四要素
18.Legal logic uses not only the knowledge of formal logic, but the knowledge of dialectical logic, language logic an debate logic, etc.法律逻辑不仅运用形式逻辑的知识,还运用辩证逻辑的知识,以及语言逻辑,论辩逻辑等逻辑知识。

image logic图像逻辑
3)image relation operation图像逻辑运算
1.A novel image relation operation is also proposed to eliminate confusing background.同时提出了一种图像逻辑运算,可以最大限度地去除混淆背景。
4)image logical content图像的逻辑内容
1.The study about the image physical content and the image logical content, spacial the latter has been the key in the field of image research.关于图像物理内容和逻辑内容尤其是逻辑内容的研究已成为图像研究领域中的热点和难点;在把图像内容分为物理内容和逻辑内容的基础上,给出了它们的定义,讨论了表示它们的方法和提取它们的方法,研究了它们之间的关系;得出图像逻辑内容的提取是建立在图像物理内容基础上的,取得图像的物理内容后,通过相应的推理规则、运用已知的知识、经过相关模型的处理,可得到图像的逻辑内容。
5)cellular logic image processor细胞逻辑图像处理器
6)logic of images影像逻辑

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