语言存在论,language existentialism
1)language existentialism语言存在论

1.Linguistic Ontology and Dialectic of Language --A Study of Gadamer s Linguistic Philosophy;语言存在论与语言辩证法——伽达默尔语言哲学研究
2.Original Language Is Poetic--ON Heidegger s Ontology Language Thought of Literature Theory;原初的语言是诗——海德格尔的语言存在论诗学思想研究
3.Analyses of Rudolf Carnap s "Linguistic Framework" theory;卡尔纳普的“语言构架”存在论分析
4.The First Thing to Erect People Is Erecting Language--A Discussing about the Thought of Lingual Existing of the Movement of Baihua Wen in Wusi“立人”首在“立言”——论“五四”白话文运动的语言生存观
5.Problems and Strategies of Speech Act Theory Studies in China;言语行为理论在中国研究存在的问题及对策
6.A Contrastive Study of Existential Sentences in English and Chinese-A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective;认知语言学理论框架下的英汉存在句对比研究
7.On the Language of Can Xue s Fictions;一个怪诞世界的存在方式——论残雪小说的语言
8.“Mentalese”Really Exist --Several Difficult Problems in the Theory of Fodor s Mentalese;“Mentalese”是否存在?——福多“心理语言”理论的几个难题
9.Perspectives into Robert Creeley's Concept of Language试论罗伯特·克里利“自足的存在”之语言观
10.Understanding and Language:the Meaning and Difficulty of Existential Analysis;理解与语言:存在论生存论分析的意义与困难——哲学解释学语言观反思
11.Language is the Homeland of Being--Heidegger s "Experience" of Language;语言是存在的家——海德格尔语言之“经验”
12.Linguistics have been arguing about some ideas in English existential sentence.关于英语存在句的某些观点,语言学家们一直争论不休。
13.The Survival Significance of Language--On Heidegger s Language Philosophy;语言的生存论意义——谈海德格尔的语言哲学
14.Say God Exist and God Really Exists--View Arguments Concerning God's Existence Between Anselm and Kant from Perspective of Philosophy of language说上帝存在和上帝实际存在——从语言哲学角度看安瑟伦与康德关于上帝存在的争论
15.On the Metalinguistic Position of Natural Languages in Language Philosophy;论自然语言在语言哲学中的元语言地位
16.knowledge as social beings in the media of code of language--semiotic sociology or form sociology's ideology theory;作为语言符号而社会性地存在的知识:语言社会学或形式社会学式的意识形态理论;
17.Problems from C-E Translation in College Journal Titles主方语言与客方语言的转换过程——兼谈高校学报论文标题英译中存在的问题
18.He argued that ideas do not exist independently of the language that expresses them.他论证说,思想不会独立存在于用以表达的语言之外。

realism of language语言实在论
1.The philosophical foundation of the research of linguistics has gone through the arduous process from objectivism of languages to realism of languages.20世纪语言研究的哲学基础经历了从语言客观性到语言实在论的艰苦过程。
3)hypothesis of internalistic language语言内在论
1.The article is an attempt to explore Chomsky s theoretic grounds and the relation between the language faculty and the universal grammar by challenging the hypothesis of internalistic language.乔姆斯基的语言内在论认为 :人类语言的规则由两部分构成 ,一类是与生俱来的、全人类共享的初始状态———普遍语法 (UG) ;一类是各民族语言所特有的获得状态———个别语法 (PG)。
4)language and human existence语言与人的存在
5)the existence of language network语言网络存在
6)existential state of language语言存在状态

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸