英汉语对比研究,contrastive studies
1)contrastive studies英汉语对比研究

1.A Cultural Approach to the Languages of Ru Lin Wai Shi and Its English Translation;《儒林外史》英汉语对比研究:语言与文化
2.Comparative Study of Chinese and English Comparative Study of Chinese and English Verbs;英汉语言对比研究——英、汉动词对比分析
3.A Comparative Study of Chinese "Bi" and English "Than" Constructions;汉语“比”字句与英语“than”结构对比研究
4.A Contrastive Study of Semantic Asymmetry between English and Chinese Equivalents;英汉对应语的语义不对称性对比研究
5.Contrastive Study on Gammaticalization of Chinese "Gei" (给) and English "Give";汉语“给”与英语“give”语法化的对比研究
6.The Contrastive Study between Jianyu Pattern in Chinese and SVOC in English;汉语兼语句与英语SVOC句式对比研究
7.A Contrastive Study of Address Forms in Chinese,English and Japanese汉语、英语、日语亲属称谓对比研究
8.A Contrastive Study of Pragmatic Functions of Different Intonations in English-Chinese Communication英汉交际中语调的语用功能对比研究
9.A Contrastive Study of Grammatical Metaphor in English and Chinese News Discourse;英汉新闻语篇中的语法隐喻对比研究
10.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Hedges in Verbal Communication;言语交际中模糊限制语英汉对比研究
11.A Contrastive Study of Chinese Preposition "cong" and English Preposition "from";汉语介词“从”与英语介词“from”的对比研究
12.A Contrastive Study on the Syntactic Features of English Not and Chinese Bu;英语“not”和汉语“不”的句法特征对比研究
13.Grammatical Metaphor in English and Chinese News Discourse: A Contrastive Approach;英汉新闻语篇中的语法隐喻:对比研究
14.A Comparative Study of Chinese "Ziji" and English Reflexives;汉语“自己”与英语反身代词的对比研究
15.Contrast Cognitive Research on Locality Words "Shang" and "ON";汉语词“上”和英语词“ON”认知对比研究
16.A Comparative Study Between Chinese and English Body Language in Non-verbal Communication;非语言交际中英汉体态语的对比研究
17.A Contrastive Study between Chinese Equivogues and English Puns;汉语言双关与英语中pun的对比研究
18.Cross-cultural Comparative Study on Addressing in Chinese and English Criticism Language Behavior;英汉批评言语行为修饰语之对比研究

A Comparative Study of Traces between English and Chinese英汉语迹对比研究
3)Study on Chinese and English Slogans汉英标语对比研究
4)A comparative study on Chinese and English idioms英汉习语对比研究
5)comparative study betwee English and Chinese英汉语比较研究
6)contrastive studies of English and Chinese英汉对比研究
1.In accordance with different communicative functions,the text can be divided into different text typologies during the contrastive studies of English and Chinese translation.在英汉对比研究翻译中,根据不同的交际功能可以将文本归纳为不同的文本类型,而不同的文本相应地反映出不同的语言文化差异。

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