家乡话,regional dialect
1)regional dialect家乡话
1.in order to improve their own image and merge into the cities, the language phenomenon of the pursuit of Putonghua and the abandonment of regional dialect has appeared in the migrant workers group.受经济利益、社会动机和地位意识等的驱动,为了改善自身形象、融入城市,农民工群体中出现了推崇普通话而扬弃家乡话的语言现象。

1.She was expressing in her own native phrase.她是用自己家乡话里的字眼。
2.One day, strolling with Hsin-mei, he heard a peanut vendor speaking in his native dialect.When he questioned the vendor, he found that the vendor was in fact a fellow villager who had ended up there as a refugee.一天他辛楣散步,听见一个卖花生的小贩讲家乡话,问起来果然是同乡,逃难流落在此的。
3.While talking to his families he fell into their dialect.与家人谈话时他很自然地说起了家乡方言。
4.On Tone of Hakka Dialect Spoken in Shangsixiang,Wuping试论武平东留乡所属上四乡(六个自然村)客家话声调
5.Survey of the Hakka Dialects Spoken in Shang Si-xiang(Six Villages), Dong-liu Township, Wu-ping Country, Fu-jian Province;福建省武平县东留乡所属上四乡(六个自然村)客家话调查研究
6.When I was back home, we didn't talk as much with our neighbors.在我家乡,我们跟邻居没有讲那么多的话。
7.Though having left his hometown for many years, Xiao Wang still likes to speak his local dialect.虽然离家多年, 可小王依然喜欢用乡谈讲话。
8."I think you're right, Hsiao-sheng: I ought to do my duty by the old town.“晓生,你的话也还不错; 我总得对家乡尽点义务。
9.For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.14说这样话的人,是表明自己要找一个家乡。
10.Phonological Contact Influence of Dongfeng Hakka and Elihua in Yizhang, Hunan Province湖南宜章东风乡客家话与俄俚话的语音接触影响
11.with the doors of the association barred to them, they are like tramps without a home or, in rural parlance, "mere trash".摈在农会的门外,好像无家可归的样子,乡里话叫做“打零”。
12.I'd hate like hell to go back and show my face to the neighbors if I wasn't proud of myself.我要是弄得脸上无光的话,将来回到家乡可怎么好意思去见乡亲邻里?
13.I'd hate like hell to go back and show my face to the neighbours if I wasn't proud of myself.我要是弄得脸上无光的话,将来回到家乡可怎么好意思去见乡亲邻里。
14.A Comparison Study of the Lexicon between the Upper Ningxiang Dialect and the Lower Ningxiang Dialect in Ningxiang County of Hunan Province;湖南宁乡上宁乡话与下宁乡话的词汇对比研究
15.He spoke like rural people.他说起话来像乡下人。
16.he went on, rousing by the words in Carrie's mind a picture of the dull world she had left."他继续说道。 他的话使嘉莉脑海里浮现出家乡那小地方枯燥单调的生活场景。
17."We've got no land there. It was because we couldn't make a living that we left. Otherwise we'd have gone back long ago.石青嫂子不禁黯然地说:“家乡没田没地,早就养活不起我们了,不然的话,哪个还想赖在这个地方
18.A Comparison between the Phonology of Pingxiang Urban Dialect and Putonghua;萍乡城关话音系与普通话音系的比较

Dongfeng Hakka东风乡客家话
1.Based on a great deal of first-hand language materials, and with a comprehensive field investigation, this essay lists two syllaberies of Dongfeng Hakka and Elihua, and makes a detailed comparison on the phonetic characteristics of them.本文通过广泛的田野调查,在掌握大量第一手语言材料的基础上,列出了东风乡客家话和俄俚话的同音字表,并对两者的语音特点进行了详细的比较分析。
1.In the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage,the intangible cultural heritage at the hometown is the impor- tant point for the integration of intangible cultural heritage and school education.在非物质文化遗产教育传承过程中,家乡非物质文化遗产是非物质文化遗产保护与学校教育相结合的重要途径,也是学生知识习得与素质培养的重要手段,为非物质文化遗产保护和学生素质培养提供了实现的可能,是教育传承发展的重要支点和发展方向。
2.Firstly,he is sentimentally attached to Yunnan and his hometown;additionally,his homesickness comes from the urban modernization,and it makes him love and miss the past very much;finally,he makes it be an unique symbol of his poems.乡愁是雷平阳诗歌的一个重要主张,诗人的乡愁既饱含着对云南、对家乡的热爱和眷恋,又有着城市化进程带给诗人的乡愁。
3.This book displays the deepest emotion of Jiang s love for his motherland, for his people, for his hometown, for the truth and for the Party and her leader, and equally reflects the course of change in his heart from an old -type intellectual to a Marxist scholar.书中表现了姜先生热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱家乡、热爱真理、热爱党和党的领袖的浓烈的情感,反映了一个旧式知识分子转变为马克思主义学问家的心灵历程。
5)North Town dialect北乡话
6)myth of original land原乡神话
1.Along with the change of their national identity,the new generation of Malaysian Chinese writers shifts their imaginations about China from the complex of their homeland to myth of original land.马来西亚华裔新生代出于强调其独特性的需要,则将故乡情结虚化为原乡神话。
